contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

I'll just be drying and grinding mine. 
I gave the green peppers to my neighbors
who do a lot of cooking.
My SLR finally caught on and joined his friends in their end-of-the-season push. Just a few pods right now, but a ton of flowers, and setting at a very good rate.

My isolation efforts haven't worked out all that well with this plant, but I've still got a little time, and it's likely the seeds from the pods in the corner will grow true anyway. So I might have to wing it with this one next time, but it's been fun.
Will definitely weigh in again, but I doubt I'll hit 200g. 
stettoman said:
Mmmm, Aji Limo! Powerhouse producer, super versatile flavor profile, fun to watch ripen, actually matures fast enough that even us Norske's can play...
lespaulde said:
I'd be down for some Nagas, perhaps even the Yellow Dorset Naga? That one sounds pretty awesome!

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dragonsfire said:
yup my Fav too, Habs are awesome and versatile taste LOL
Will try and get some Nagas going.
Walchit said:
What are we gonna grow next year? I vote chinense
If you guys did end up going with something like the Aji Limo, I could sort of kind of provide the seed. 
Got the yellow in Lima in back in 2015. 

And this was one of the best phenos, grew it again this year:


Mr.joe said:
Whatever it is I think isolated seeds should be a requirement. That would help to level the playing field. Just my .02
lespaulde said:
Agree with that, different phenos is not quite optimal

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I think I might be able to find a few isolated pods around here somewhere....



Also, let us not forget everyone was warned and advised to germ more than was needed and to make their selections based off of the correct phenotype only....
That didn't seem to register with everyone and many only grew a few...
Next year we should do better at documenting and uploading photos of our germination and seedlings...seems each year many many more are interested in getting the seeds but then never post or participate for one reason or another...
Just my .02 cents...
PaulG said:
Agreed. Aji Limo pods in guru's pic look like a winner.
But, I am down for whatever folk decide.
Me too....I'm actually down for something I've never grown for a change. Would be new and exciting! 
saiias said:
I would love some seeds of that red off pheno type (looking at you cold smoke) and the orange Srilanka chilli

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I can hook you up with both. PM me.
I did choose the the "true" looking pheno for the contest, and still have both of the others going. They're just now setting again after the hot summer. But, I did save seeds from the early pods..hopefully the cold will stay away..LOL