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Growing Bhut Jolokia... HELP

Also, just buy the perlite at your local hardware store, no sense in ordering that online. I'd say maybe 80/20 coco/perlite. All perlite is for is extra drainage. You can also get away with smaller pots for larger plants with coco, but it will increase the frequency of watering.
wordwiz said:
I wish I could tell you but I haven't tried it. You'll be going from what - 80,000-90,000 lux to whatever the power your lights provide. No doubt, any pods that have started to form will grow and ripen but I would think any blooms would fall. But if you have enough light other blooms should form.

That makes sense to me...This is all a massive learning curve for me as I am and have always been a outdoors garden grower..With the Aussie summer temps, you would be mad not to be....I have this season (due to renting) put all my plants in pots and have found that I need to give them a lot more attention...And now I am taking a leap into the next unknown........Hydro...:lol:

wordwiz said:
One other concern, and I would list it as a major one, is being prepared for infestations, especially aphids. Once you bring them inside, no natural predators. A single lurking aphid can multiply to hundreds in a very short period.


That is a great point and I will make sure I keep on top of that...

Thanks Mike..
moyboy said:
That is a great point and I will make sure I keep on top of that...

Thanks Mike..

No problem. About 345 days ago I had never really heard of an aphid. Oh, we had them on tobacco plants but when you have thousands of them in a field and each plant has 30 huge leaves, we didn't pay any attention to a few leaves. But wow- can these creatures wreak havoc on a few plants.

I'm like you - always was a dirt farmer. Sowed seeds in beds, hundreds or thousands at a time. Last year was the first time I ever - in 50+ years, grew something in a container. A really, really new experience. Saying they did ok is overstating my success. This year, the pots will be set in dirt almost to their tops. Dig a trench that is one foot deep by one foot wide, stick the pots in it and line it with mulch.

Thanks texas, disregard my PM earlier.

also, Dose texas sell coco coir? and do I need that ph up and ph down test kit? And thats for correcting the PH in my tap water right?
You can get your coco coir at your local Petsmart or PetCo or just about any pet store. Just ask the staff for it. It has many names such as Bed-a-Beast or Eco Earth.
MrOneEyedBoh said:
Thanks texas, disregard my PM earlier.

also, Dose texas sell coco coir? and do I need that ph up and ph down test kit? And thats for correcting the PH in my tap water right?
Yeah, texas hydroponics sells the coco coir too, i picked up a loose bag today. And yeah you need the pH up & down starter kit, you should pH the nutrient mixture to about 5.8-6.0. Too high or too low and the plants wont be able to absorb certain nutrients. It's really simple, once you do it once or twice you will figure out how much pH adjusting solution to use so it goes quickly. You should adjust pH in all media though, not just coco, for best results.

They have the 2lb & 10 lb bales here
But the guy at the store said those were on back order.

I bought this today: 72L loose bag

patrick said:
You can get your coco coir at your local Petsmart or PetCo or just about any pet store. Just ask the staff for it. It has many names such as Bed-a-Beast or Eco Earth.

I wouldn't risk buying it from a pet store, it may be treated differently and it probably doesn't have all the natural salts removed to make it a neutral growing media. Plus it's cheap enough at the hydro shop.
Not trying to take over your thread MrOneEyedBoh but i'm going to ask another question....

I am planning on building my own grow box to fit 1, maybe 2 plants (and thats a big maybe), and I will be using 25mm craft wood....

I am going to line the inside with polystyrene (spelling?) to retain the heat in winter, and the question is: Should I line the walls with Aluminium foil or something of that nature to help with the lux?
The white color of the Polystyrene will do. if you do choose to use some sort of reflecting surface, don't use aluminum foil. use Mylar. :)
AND with the right light, you won't have any flowers falling, as the light needed for that is not significant. HIDs will be more than enough and even some types of florescence lighting will be enough.
moyboy...WARNING...you can overwater your container plants easily...the bottoms of the container can be nearly mud and the top of the soil bone dry...how do I know this?...I got root rot from overwatering last year and lost 50-60 plants....I highly recommend getting a moisture meter and measure the moisture about 4" down...if it is dry, water them, if it is moist, let them be...most of the chinense I grew this past season wilted very badly every day before dark in the heat of summer but recovered overnight...I was watering sometimes twice a day which turned out to be way too much...once I got the moisture meter, I dropped back to every other day...

every chinense needs a little stress in its life...

25mm...that is about an inch...why are you using such thick wood for the grow box?...I don't think my grow box would have been big enough for more than one of my big chinense this past season...
patrick said:
You can get your coco coir at your local Petsmart or PetCo or just about any pet store. Just ask the staff for it. It has many names such as Bed-a-Beast or Eco Earth.

I agree with TX, buy the coir made for growing and the proper additives. There are many types/grades of coir, and the age of it can greatly affect decomposition, stability and ph
MrOneEyedBoh said:
Its cool, ask more. aha.

anyway you can get mylar from those emergency blankets or goto a hydro store and get a roll.

Don't waste your money on those emergency blankets, even though they are cheap. They come folded - many times and are very, very thin. They help a bit but I suspect no more than white paint.

MrOneEyedBoh said:
How tall of a grow box will I need for 2 habs, 2 jalapenos, and 5 hopefully or more Bhut Jolokias?

Depending on how you hang your lights, whether you plan on pruning/training & how tall your pots are, 5-7 ft ought to be plenty of vertical space. With that many plants you will need to seriously consider how many square feet you have to work with since you'll most likely run out of area before you run out of height.
ok, how big do this things get?

and Do i need a covered box? or can the front be open?

I might just do bhut jolokias this time around for my sole indoor grow.
Peppers get quite large, some varieties more so than others. You can expect a good 2-3'+ diameter for a mature plant. Some others on here who have grown plants to maturity indoors may be more qualified to answer this, but I wouldn't grow more than 4 in a 4x4 space. It depends on if you're planning on growing them to maturity indoors or if you're planning on setting them outside in the spring.

As far as open or closed box, that is a personal preference and also depends on what you're planning on doing and what your grow space is.
Dammit haha.. maybe i bit off more than I can chew here on this..

How come people can grow marijuana in a small ass space and I cant even grow peppers to eat in a bigger space... I think I may have to ditch this whole idea..
MrOneEyedBoh said:
Dammit haha.. maybe i bit off more than I can chew here on this..

How come people can grow marijuana in a small ass space and I cant even grow peppers to eat in a bigger space... I think I may have to ditch this whole idea..

Lol, marijuana is just as much of a pain in the ass to grow indoors, but the end result is worth a hell of a lot more than peppers which is why people are more willing to invest the money.

Don't give up man! Just maybe scale back a bit. I'm planning on starting lots of plants indoors, but only actually growing a few to maturity inside, the rest are destined for the balcony.

Check out lee's thread, he's managed to grow 2 amazing plants in a relatively small space using only CFLs: