• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Growing in the Pacific NorthWest Community GrowLog

There have been several yearly PNW grow logs, the last in 2017,
so @FGpepperguy and I thought it might be a good idea to start
an on-going glog for the PNW. This is a community glog, so anyone
is free to post here, whether in the PNW or not. Hopefully, this forum
thread will provide for some information sharing particular to growing
in our crazy, unpredictable weather.

So, that being said, welcome all. Don't be strangers!

"Yes, we can grow chili peppers in the
Pacific NorthWest! Usually."
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The outside plants seem to do okay in the less
than great weather as long as they are under
some kind of cover protected from the rain. These
are on the covered fence shelf facing South.

These under the deck canopy. The OW purple flower
c. chacoense and the 4th year Chiltepin Rojo are looking
kind of sad due to the cool damp weather.

And these under the eaves on the east side of the house.

Happy pepper growing to all the PNW chiliheads!
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The outside plants seem to do okay in the less than great weather as long as they are under some kind of cover protected from the rain.
That's been my experience. Lots of peppers on my deck right now lined up under the eaves of the house and despite the sucky weather most seem quite happy.
@PaulG thank yo for holding down the fort. The garden is planted and most of my peppers are over wintered. I lost about 5 in the cheap amazon plastic greenhouse because I didn't pay attention to them very much. That and the wind blew it over back in April. So along with a $10k deck board replacement (Timber Tech), I'm going to build a 6x8 foot lean-to style greenhouse between the mini retaining wall and deck this summer.
Looks awesome, friend! What direction
does the wall face? That will be a cool-
looking grow space when you get it all
done! :clap:

I have a Timber Tech composite deck.
PM if you want to know the unvarnish-
ed truth about my PNW experience with
it. :censored:
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@PaulG thank yo for holding down the fort. The garden is planted and most of my peppers are over wintered. I lost about 5 in the cheap amazon plastic greenhouse because I didn't pay attention to them very much. That and the wind blew it over back in April. So along with a $10k deck board replacement (Timber Tech), I'm going to build a 6x8 foot lean-to style greenhouse between the mini retaining wall and deck this summer.
Looks awesome, friend! What direction
does the wall face? That will be a cool-
looking grow space when you get it all

I have a Timber Tech composite deck.
PM if you want to know the unvarnish-
ed truth about my PNW experience with
Wilds in 3-gal. and smaller pots. Early morning and
afternoon sun. Mid-day, varying degrees shade of
the Sangu Kaku Japanese maple. Late afternoon hot
sun sweeps across the deck, then plants in the shade
of the house. Looking Southeast.

Will take a few more pics tomorrow when it isn't 96˚F outside!
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I don't even have a ripe pepper yet. Not even any good sized plants or pods. Not sure what is going on. What about you all in the PNW?
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I feel your pain, @FGpepperguy - My wild plants
set literally dozens if not hundreds of little berries
early in the Spring. Then the Suck hit and the cold
damp weather halted the little berries' development
altogether. The hot weather muted the flowering, and
now I have berries tinier than a BB starting to ripen.
Most flowers and setting berries falling off. Yuk.

The chinenses aren't faring any better, dozens of runts
that I just pulled off after a few ripened to check the
color, but hardly any pod-setting since then. Lots of
dropped flowers.

Some of the chinense plants are small as well. A few
hitting their stride like the Purple Thunder and Trippaul
Threat. The best performers so far are the peruvian Aji
Amarillos. Some decent pods forming on both plants.

Will try for some pics today or tomorrow. Been busy
keeping everything alive!
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A lot of the plants have picked up the
flowering, but not the pod-setting. The
upcoming hot weather will pretty much
cause heavy flower drop.

Average temperature forecast for the next
week according to accuweather is 95+, with
several days in the 98-99 range. The following
week the average drops to 85+, with a couple of
88's. Very discouraging following such rainy, cool
Spring. No temps below 80 until second week of

Not many bright spots in the grow right now. The
plants all look really good and are growing well
in the Summer warmth, at least.

Tomatoes sprouted from seed on 5/11 are really
putting on the growth. 18-gallon containers.

Tasti-Lee (#1, #3) have begun setting some fruit.
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The Old German (#2, #4) have the typical, bushy heirloom

One of he only peppers to really be setting pods is the Inca
Red, c. baccatum v Bacc. from Pepper Merchant. 20-gallon

The Aji Amarillos are also setting pods, pics
to follow in the next day or two.
The Tiger Jalapeño set a few pods awhile back,
but no new pods so far. The pods are a different
shape for Jalapeños, as well as being erect. This
pic from last week. The pod has already started
drying on the plant, but I don't think it is ripe.
Seed also from @Pepper Merchant.

You can see the erect pods in this pic. Hoping
this specimen picks up the pace of pod-setting.
The pod in the above pic is in the lower right corner.

This is the CGN 20497 c. carcenasii from @Mr.joe.
Not a real fan of the growth habit; this plant trimm-
ed more than once :D Will try to get some flower
pics, etc soon for the Wilds thread. If this is typical
c. cardenasii growth habit, the last card I grew was
most certainly mis-labeled or a cross. It looked like
a normal pepper plant. Hoping for at least a few
berries from this one.

The volunteer 'Yellow Pequin' has exploded upwards
in the past several weeks. So far, runty berries, but I
see a few more normal ones here and there. Probably
a little crossing here, as the pods have a slightly different
shape than the supposed parent plant.

Hope the rest of the PNW growers, well, all the growers,
are having a good season :cheers:.
I had to google 100F. 38C for 4 more days, good you took precautions. We had 2 days of over 40C, and I was glad I was at home so I could move them around to keep them in the shade. I wish you good luck.
Good luck with the heat. If we could just even it out a bit instead of the peaks and valleys that would sure be nice. We're supposed to peak around 95F up here, so not so bad.
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