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Growing Jolokias and Habaneros in the Philippines

fenced up the rest of the raised beds. no more dog problem.


here's a bhut jolokia seedling that i got from a former member here in the town of gwahati, india. odd growth pattern.


my dog's new puppies! =D

Nice puppies and great looking bed. That Bhut Jolokia looks mutated though. Good things are happening in your garden. Most everything looks nice and healthy.
i just hope they survive this darn typhoon. rain's been going down to a drizzle so that's good news. =D

thanks zander. no luck still with the package you sent. =(
the aftermath of the typhoon




been trying to prop them up with stakes and stuff. i hope they survive this beating.

i hope the weaker ones survive. i hate restarting varieties that have died.
Peppers are pretty tough, they'll make it. That standing water doesn't look good though.

Glad you weren't flooded or washed away. :)

the standing water's drained out after a few hours. the grass and trees will suck it all up.

we live in a pretty decent place in the metro. not gonna get washed away unless the winds are around 300 miles an hour. =D

houses here are built with cement. i don't think i'll get washed away. maybe my roof will get lifted off but nothing super major like houses underwater or anything. god help me, none of that should happen. =D

When I saw that typhoon headed for the PI I thought about you, hope everything is OK :)

thanks LC! no worries, nothing major happened aside from the hassle of that rain washing stuff away.

we're good. =D
just finished making another raised bed. added compost, organic burnt matter....and garden soil, mixed them together



planted a few before the rains kicked in. raining here again. as usual. crap. Another typhoon on the way. Why won't the weather just agree with me for once?!?! =(
my first hot pepper pod, still growing, waiting for it to ripen.


it's starting to look a lot like a long red cayenne. which is another of my annuum varieties that i'm growing. probably is, and not a jalapeno m as i thought.
finally done planting the rest of these plants into the new bed. gonna look for another spot for another bed. i'm running out of space! lol.


also gave away a pepper plant and a tomato plant, and then planted it for my new neighbor (known her for a long time, but just moved near my place, a sweet old lady).
a yellow scorp. =D

notice the ginormous leaves. about as large as my hand.


spicy mexican bell, seeds from baker creek seeds. sent by a friend.

Your plants look like they are doing well despite all the rain, the raised beds must really help with drainage. You must be happy but your avatar looks like you are always upset :rofl:
i'm always upset, but for different reasons. i don't wanna get into details. lol.

Your plants look like they are doing well despite all the rain, the raised beds must really help with drainage.

yes, helps heaps. best thing i've ever done. thank God I have room.