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Growing Jolokias and Habaneros in the Philippines

thanks alpha! hope it sure is. coz i've been spending every spare time i got on these guys and a lot of money (being broke and a student again doesn't leave me for much)......specially on a 3rd world country like mine....
ok.... so we've got a few possible candidates for true siling labuyo seed.... discovered by none other by my other filipino THP members siling_labuyo and captain bhutter.

captain bhutter has just given me a dried pod with seeds in it. it measure half an inch, and an eighth of an inch thick. it contained four seeds. currently sowed one for germination test and possible growing. wanted to taste the dried pod but it was moldy inside so i decided not to. as i am allergic to certain antibiotics, this might end up giving me a bad reaction.

siling_labuyo has also given me a pod, a fresh one from a plant that he says looked like a chinense variant of the labuyo pepper. (note that labuyo means wild, so any pepper growing out of nowhere may be called as such)... according to siling_labuyo the plant had chinense characteristics... round leaves and multiple pods and flowers per node. he showed me a picture close up of a node of the plant that 2 green pods growing together. perhaps he'll post the picture he had taken so we can make sure of it's heredity? he managed to swipe a few ripe pods from the plant for us to try and grow. it had a similar size and shape to what captain bhutter had given me. it was fresh and still quite wet inside. I cut it open and found five seeds. sowed one seed from the pod for germination testing and possible growing. tasted the skin and liquid that came from the pod and dried the rest of the seed on a paper towel.

review of the pod siling_labuyo had given me:

i have eaten many a labuyo in my day. and most especially these past recent months as we have been searching for a true seed source of the almost non-existent siling labuyo of our country. i have been trying out pods from the grocery, from my classmates and from many other sources to find the true taste and heat of the true labuyo. and by God maybe we have found it!

this labuyo that i have tasted coming from siling had the EXACT flavor of the true labuyo. it had a punch in the face heat, not as hot as i thought. lasting only for a few minutes (around 4 or 5 minutes) in the beginning. the flavor at the middle turned from hot to hotter and then had a mild sweet and fruity undertone....and then at the end a very small hint of bitterness and "pepper flavor". this may turn out to be a hybrid of some sort. which is i and my fellow filipino members here are going to grow what we've got out and then see if the seeds come out true.

and when we have found said the true variety we shall share it to whoever wants it and more.

thank you very much.
here is a picture of the suspected true variety of siling labuyo from fellow member siling_labuyo


can anyone tell what it is? looks like a frutescens?
hey SS. siling_labuyo says that he never got to take a picture of the flowers since these pods were just swiped from a display plant somewhere, where him and captain bhutter buy their gardening stuff.

i guess i'll just gonna have to grow the seeds out.
a peculiar bunch of labuyo peppers that has a cream colored unripe pod, some orange ones and a red one, given to me by siling_labuyo. tabasco pepper maybe?


CalPhos and BioNim bought from Gil Carandang of Herbana Farms (Calcum Phosphate? and Neem pesticide/repellent)


Finally got my hands on some worm castings, bat guano and mychorrizae soil conditioners.


don't panic, it's organic!

siling labuyo plant from siling_labuyo (thp member here, in case you get confused)



siling sigang from siling_labuyo

sorry for the bad camera skills.
here's my repotted nightshades:

roma vf tomato, uknown pepper, green zebra tomato, morouga yellow pepper, serrano pepper , trinidad scorp (asiasgarden), serrano pepper , brain strain 7pot pepper , savannah red habanero, chou naga eggplant, and another unknown pepper


continued here:

other side side:

hungarian hot wax pepper , savannah red habanero, amish mini bell pepper, uknown pepper, egg tomato and another unkown.

finally got some time to do some gardening.

some new additions:

poblano seedlings and tomatoes. =D


my window of peppers, eggplants and tomatoes


my goatsweed pepper in the ground


my annuums and frutescens peppers in the ground

a small update on my maters, eggplant and peppers:


as you can see i have a couple tomatoes falling over. i'll be untieing the two that's falling over and i'll let them root on the ground as an experiment.

i'm gonna dig up this part of the garden a little to loosen up the soil and then add more soil, compost, guano and whatever to improve the soil quality. this will be a raised bed as i am running out of space to plant.
