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Growing Jolokias and Habaneros in the Philippines

Not too bad a place to work with man! Good luck!!

thanks sean!

still don't have that many chinenses in the ground at the moment. will be sticking them in soon as soon as i get the raised bed project done.
It looks like you have some nice soil to work with; lookin' forward to seeing your harvests.

what's odd is, the plants that used to be there always died. but these guys are somehow thriving. lots of termites there too. found probably 13 queens since i've been planting there. hope i killed all the queens.
dug it up, put in more soil and planted my tomatoes, peppers and eggplants.

Not trying to be critical, but I would have spaced the
plants out more. Your tomatoes are going to outgrow
and completely cover your peppers.
Not trying to be critical, but I would have spaced the
plants out more. Your tomatoes are going to outgrow
and completely cover your peppers.

yes, i am aware of that. i'll end up cutting off some branches and cloning them if that happens then dig up the original plant and probably move it somewhere else.

thank you for the tip.
this is what i've been doing for the past 2 days....

raised garden bed no. 2 with eggplants, variegated calamansi, chinense peppers, some annuums

finally finished planting on my raised bed.

in this bed i got got morouga yellow, aji limon, cappy's brain strain, morouga red, naga morich, mild jalapeno, serrano, amish mini bell... and a bunch of other stuff. lol.


gonna make another raised bed in the next month or so to accomodate the rest of my plants that are still in cups.

took me 2 weeks but it's done.
what looks to be my first hot pepper, if that plant doesn't abandon it. lol. Jalapeno M


newly germinated 7 pot primo after 3 weeks. thanks chris (cmpman1974 and primo!)


a fish pepper seedling from siling_labuyo. thanks erwin!

my compost pile


burned up leaves and whatever, also turning into compost...my driver's been making this stuff for a few months now. the inner parts of it is already most likely useable already.

Good looking soil and very nice eggplant.

thanks zander, i've put up a fence around those beds this week since my labrador's been munchin on the leaves of my plants. she stepped on a few while she was running around chasing the family of cats that's started living in the other garage. =(

that soil, i bought for a P1.20 a 50 kilo sack (110 pounds). living in a third world country sure helps with expenses. lol.

i'll post pix of the fencing today.
pictures of the fencing:



only managed half, ran out of the stuff. still got bamboo left over from a previous taking down of a fence somewhere else in the house. i'll use that.

been moving around that container of basil to help improve my nightshade's growth. seems to help.

ultra pube from JR

chinense power!!!


left to right...trinidad scorpion sunrise, uknown chinense (unlabelled, lol), devil's tongue, bhut jolokia assam, bhut jolokia jorhat, 7 pod long

pictures before repotting to slightly larger plastic cups
my first jalapeno m pod. hopefully it keeps staying on the plant.


my tallest goatsweed pepper plant. one of three. another of my furries.

my jalapeno? getting larger. starting to doubt what this is. lol.


yellow 7 pot


red habanero


my other aji limon
