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Growing Jolokias and Habaneros in the Philippines

yellow bhut finally ripening, have to take it off the plant before the maggots get to it. i'll let it ripen inside. then take seeds from it. wonder what F2 yellow bhuts look like. the seeds are from asia's garden (ebay).

that mystery bhut looking pod ripening:


could be an infinity too. since someone was nice enough here to share me some seeds of those.

it looks like a bhut with a scorpion's tail!! :) scary cross... :) i also notice there is a smal hole mark on the pepper that fell off. might have maggots in them later..

BTW. cool look pods you have :)
yellow bhut finally ripening, have to take it off the plant before the maggots get to it. i'll let it ripen inside. then take seeds from it. wonder what F2 yellow bhuts look like. the seeds are from asia's garden (ebay).


sorry to say Franz.. but your pepper already got marks of fruit flys. might have eggs in them already.. :(( ( can see 3 very distinctive marks and 3 more not so clear.)
sorry to say Franz.. but your pepper already got marks of fruit flys. might have eggs in them already.. :(( ( can see 3 very distinctive marks and 3 more not so clear.)

that's fine, i only plan on taking seeds off of it and germinate them. there'll be more pods for me in the coming weeks ahead.
So I got bored while waiting around for stuff to pop out. Since class isn't starting for another two weeks for me (culinary school). I went out to the mall and bought three kinds of seed starting mediums. (local brands and pretty cheap)

Since the recommended Pro-mix and Miracle Gro Orchid Mix weren’t exactly available here locally, and I am not that crazy to go on ebay and buy that stuff online. So I went out and looked around for alternatives.

Two of the brands were soil-less mediums and organic. These were:




Both Enrico brand and Ready Mix Soil had vermiculite, perlite, coconut husks, and compost. But Enrico brand was a soil-less medium and had no soil in it.

The one that had fertilizer in it was this one:


Plantastic was mostly composed of compost and pelletized fertilizer or slow release fertilizer.

I went ahead and planted three seeds of my Thailand sourced Jolokia seeds.


Since I live in a tropical climate and it's warm out right now (32C). I'm leaving the seeds alone on top of one of the desks watered down. I'm also leaving a lamp on with a 40 watt bulb on it 24/7 till something sprouts. Since it's starting to get cooler during the night I'll need something to warm it up a bit.

I'll only water it again when the medium feels dry. At least according to everyone.

A few observations on the mediums, the Plantastic brand which was mostly compost and pelletized ferts when watered took the water real well, didn't float up to the level where to water was and absored the water really well. It didn't have vermiculte or perlite but was very fluffy and light to the touch. Both organic mediums floated to the top when watered. The Enrico brand had the worst kind of floating. Most of the medium when dry and then watered had all but floated on top of the level of the water. A lot like sand. Took a few about a minute before the water got completely absorbed and levelled out. The ready mix soil that had some soil in it also floated up but wasn't as bad.

I've used the ready mix soil once before and didn't alright with my bell pepper starts so I'm giving it another chance with my jolokia seeds.

Anyway, I'm gonna see if any of the seeds will start better with these three mediums and then I'll go use that whenever I wanna sprout something up. Then hopefully I won't have germination problems anymore.

can seeds sprout if they are not under soil like that?
So I got bored while waiting around for stuff to pop out. Since class isn't starting for another two weeks for me (culinary school). I went out to the mall and bought three kinds of seed starting mediums. (local brands and pretty cheap)

Since the recommended Pro-mix and Miracle Gro Orchid Mix weren’t exactly available here locally, and I am not that crazy to go on ebay and buy that stuff online. So I went out and looked around for alternatives.

Two of the brands were soil-less mediums and organic. These were:




Both Enrico brand and Ready Mix Soil had vermiculite, perlite, coconut husks, and compost. But Enrico brand was a soil-less medium and had no soil in it.

The one that had fertilizer in it was this one:


Plantastic was mostly composed of compost and pelletized fertilizer or slow release fertilizer.

I went ahead and planted three seeds of my Thailand sourced Jolokia seeds.


Since I live in a tropical climate and it's warm out right now (32C). I'm leaving the seeds alone on top of one of the desks watered down. I'm also leaving a lamp on with a 40 watt bulb on it 24/7 till something sprouts. Since it's starting to get cooler during the night I'll need something to warm it up a bit.

I'll only water it again when the medium feels dry. At least according to everyone.

A few observations on the mediums, the Plantastic brand which was mostly compost and pelletized ferts when watered took the water real well, didn't float up to the level where to water was and absored the water really well. It didn't have vermiculte or perlite but was very fluffy and light to the touch. Both organic mediums floated to the top when watered. The Enrico brand had the worst kind of floating. Most of the medium when dry and then watered had all but floated on top of the level of the water. A lot like sand. Took a few about a minute before the water got completely absorbed and levelled out. The ready mix soil that had some soil in it also floated up but wasn't as bad.

I've used the ready mix soil once before and didn't alright with my bell pepper starts so I'm giving it another chance with my jolokia seeds.

Anyway, I'm gonna see if any of the seeds will start better with these three mediums and then I'll go use that whenever I wanna sprout something up. Then hopefully I won't have germination problems anymore.

can seeds sprout if they are not under soil like that?
can seeds sprout if they are not under soil like that?

that was just to show how i planted them, i stuck them under the soil after.

is it possible to use seeds from an unripe pod?

the seeds will mature further as the pod ripens. by how much and how viable the seeds will be something we will find out. =D
can seeds sprout if they are not under soil like that?

another thing about seeds that just germinate on top of soil, yes they can, provided they get certain needs met, like the right temperature and moisture so that they germinate. but the seed caps will not come off easily or if at all. it's a bitch and a half to take them off, might kill the seedling too. but it's possible.
Darn it Franz I don't know how I missed this thread! You're a hell of a gardener bro!

I didn't see any remarks about how good any of the peppers tasted dude. ;) Thanks for sharing dude!
Darn it Franz I don't know how I missed this thread! You're a hell of a gardener bro!

I didn't see any remarks about how good any of the peppers tasted dude. ;) Thanks for sharing dude!

thanks patrick. trying to start all the seeds you sent me, but i've been having trouble germinating them. my fault mostly. i have 7 pot domestic and 7pot yellow started now. trying to get them all to germinate. hopefully i'll get them all to germinate.

yellow 7 pot from patrick


pix taken from my brand spanking new lumix lx3, now if only i could get the hang of using this new fangled digital camera. lol. last time i had a camera, everything was still analog, and i wasn't even a teenager back then.
Franz, I know what you mean, I bought myself a Nikon D90 back in January, I have rarely ventured away from the Auto setting. I have noticed, even on the smallest and worst pic quality settings, they are far better pictures than my old Canon SD1000 compact.