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Growing Jolokias and Habaneros in the Philippines

Regular distilled water sure. But when you distill water enough it becomes battery acid right?

Sorry for all the stupid questions. Just wanna make sure i get things right.

We have two sources of water here. They get mixed in our water tanks when we get rations. (i know, so third world)

one source is from the city water supply which is chlorinated and from the underground water table we pump up via electric pump, 100 meters beneath our property.

Problem with city water is the chlorine. And problem with the underground water is that it's got a loy of sediments. Pretty high in calcium judging by the sedimentation left in my shower head over the years.

Should i go for distilled water or keep doing the tub method?

I'm worried if my water is too high ph i might kill the developing seeds and not sprout anything or kill it because of the chlorine even if i use water from the tub.

Sorry for being anal about the details. I worry too much.

Thanks everyone.
franzb69 said:
Regular distilled water sure. But when you distill water enough it becomes battery acid right?


Keep the tub method. If it's OK for you to drink it's OK for the plants to drink.
We dont drink tap water here. Water's dirty. Low tech filtration used by city water supply. And at home we drink alkaline water. Keeps my acidic stomach in control.

The labuyo peppers (local variety of bird's eye peppers) that's growing outside is fine with living off of the water from the tap. I'll just keep using the tub method, i guess.
Wow, 100 meters is a deep well. My well is only 67 feet deep with the water level at around 35 feet. Have you done a PH test on your well water?

Distilled water is still distilled water no matter how many times you distill it. :)

If the PH of your well water is OK that would be my choice (PH is easily adjusted if needed) since it has minerals your plants can use and distilled water adds nothing in the way of nutrients.
Darned expensive having that well dug up for sure!

Those were the days when everyone had to buy water from pivate providers and have it delivered daily at a high price.

I have to find a ph test kit first. It's pretty unlikely i will find one. Hope i do and get one cheap.

I had thought of that too. Lots of good minerals coming from underground water. If the water level is pretty low the water that comes out is the color of mud or milk chocolate sometimes.
There is no such thing as Long Red Savina and the pic on the other label is Bhut , Naga Morich, or Bih Jolokia. Naga Jolokia is a long thin C. Frutescens. How much were the seeds? I can't wait to see the final product.
Rooting solution is for trying to get cuttings to root. I think it says on the package to keep away from seeds.
Welcome to the forum and I wish you the best.
ABurningMouth said:
There is no such thing as Long Red Savina and the pic on the other label is Bhut , Naga Morich, or Bih Jolokia. Naga Jolokia is a long thin C. Frutescens. How much were the seeds? I can't wait to see the final product.
Rooting solution is for trying to get cuttings to root. I think it says on the package to keep away from seeds.
Welcome to the forum and I wish you the best.

Does it say that? I didnt know. I'll just redo my seeds then. Got enough seeds anyway.

I'm well aware of what they should look like. Since these seeds came from thailand, they don't exactly have the same grasp of the english language as most of us here. So maybe they just labelled it wrong. The pictures look right. So hopefully it should be some iteration of the jolokias that we all are waiting to grow.
Naga jolokia these days usually means the disapointing pc-1 but the name also includes all the chinense "naga"varieties, and by the pic on the seed pack you have a chinense version(naga morich/bhut/bih). Jolokia really just means pepper/chile.
Long red savina was likely just a red savina selectively bred for larger pods, or just done accidently;) Let us know how they grow
Thanks for the info Potawie.
And I'm not 100% sure about the rooting hormone idea I told you, so just give the seeds you've already soaked a try.
As i've read that re savinas are f1 hybrids. I guess i'm not getting what i was supposed to. But they were cheap so i'll give him that.

I dont mind getting any kind of habanero so long as they are habs.

Don't have enough hab seeds anyway.

As for the jolokia seeds, hope they come out as what i want them to be. The seller actyally labelled his posted item on ebay as bhut/naga jolokia. So i hope hope they're the real thing.
ABurningMouth said:
Almost forgot... How much is your distilled water costing?

The medical grade triple distilled water costs just over a us dollar per liter.

Close to the store bought regular drinking water prices. Probably even cheaper than other brands too.
My wife's aunty used to live in Paranaque. I think she moved back to Pasay City. My wife is from Laoag City, and we live in Hawaii. We have the Hawaiian Chili that is like the siling labuyo. I was curious to see how growing Bhuts and Habaneros in climate similar to mine. Of course we don't get as hot here in Hawaii, esp where I live.
Salamat sa inyo for the link, Yeah I should contact him, coz he grows bhuts in Hawaii, and he is the wet side of Island, just like me.
So I got bored while waiting around for stuff to pop out. Since class isn't starting for another two weeks for me (culinary school). I went out to the mall and bought three kinds of seed starting mediums. (local brands and pretty cheap)

Since the recommended Pro-mix and Miracle Gro Orchid Mix weren’t exactly available here locally, and I am not that crazy to go on ebay and buy that stuff online. So I went out and looked around for alternatives.

Two of the brands were soil-less mediums and organic. These were:




Both Enrico brand and Ready Mix Soil had vermiculite, perlite, coconut husks, and compost. But Enrico brand was a soil-less medium and had no soil in it.

The one that had fertilizer in it was this one:


Plantastic was mostly composed of compost and pelletized fertilizer or slow release fertilizer.

I went ahead and planted three seeds of my Thailand sourced Jolokia seeds.


Since I live in a tropical climate and it's warm out right now (32C). I'm leaving the seeds alone on top of one of the desks watered down. I'm also leaving a lamp on with a 40 watt bulb on it 24/7 till something sprouts. Since it's starting to get cooler during the night I'll need something to warm it up a bit.

I'll only water it again when the medium feels dry. At least according to everyone.

A few observations on the mediums, the Plantastic brand which was mostly compost and pelletized ferts when watered took the water real well, didn't float up to the level where to water was and absored the water really well. It didn't have vermiculte or perlite but was very fluffy and light to the touch. Both organic mediums floated to the top when watered. The Enrico brand had the worst kind of floating. Most of the medium when dry and then watered had all but floated on top of the level of the water. A lot like sand. Took a few about a minute before the water got completely absorbed and levelled out. The ready mix soil that had some soil in it also floated up but wasn't as bad.

I've used the ready mix soil once before and didn't alright with my bell pepper starts so I'm giving it another chance with my jolokia seeds.

Anyway, I'm gonna see if any of the seeds will start better with these three mediums and then I'll go use that whenever I wanna sprout something up. Then hopefully I won't have germination problems anymore.