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Growing Jolokias and Habaneros in the Philippines

here's some flower porn on an ornamental pepper plant i bought from the grocery:



here's a close up pic of an unripe pod from the plant:


the plant itself:


notice the tray behind it.

Coz I just got JungleRain's package and I immediately set to work on my sowing.


here's what I got in each cell:

Trinidad Scorpion Sunrise
Morouga Red
Trinidad Scorpion Mourga Blend
Ultra Pube PI 585266
7pod Douglah
7pod Long
Yellow 7pod
morouga yellow
7pod brain strain
Rocoto de Seda
7pod Jonah
Bhut Jolokia from Assam

sowed one seed each, as I only have very few seeds.

these are all from the very charitable and very nice JungleRain.

hope the rest of the stuff I got in the mail come in soon. lol.
Hopefully i get 100% germination. Haha. One seed per cell. I think i got the germination thing down right. So here's dreaming on getting seedlings out of one of each kind!

Another reason i am only doing one seed per cell is that i am starting to lose real estate on my germination/seedling station. I dont have the proper lighting yet for more seedlings so i'll just have to make do with it for the meantime. If the dont come up then i'll just have to sow some more. Here's hoping i dont have to!
None. It sucks coZ it sure is a pretty looking plant. Purple buds, purple flowers and purple peppers when unripe.

Just an ornamental. Opened up a couple pods and there wasnt any heat on my fingers. And as clumsy as i am i pretty much went to the loo and didnt feel any burn after. Lol.

it's all All thanks to junglerain.

I'll write down another list of peppers on the ones i already sprouted tomorrow. Although i got the seeds off ebay for those so i'll just hope they'll grow true.

Thanks SS
Here's the ones that have already sprouted:


What I have that's sprouted in the first seed tray:

Chocolate Habanero
White Habanero
Marconi Sweet Pepper
Long Thin Cayenne
Red Habanero
Bhut Jolokia from Thailand not ~ sure of authenticity
Red Savina Habanero ~ sure of authenticity
Serrano Pepper

Sorry resolution sucks on my iphone.

The rest of the seedlings are just a bunch of varieties of basil, some oregano, thyme, marigolds, etc.
Just wanted to post this coz this is the first pepper I've had do it. So I had to post this.


This by the way is a chocolate habanero variety. Here's another angle of the same plant:


edited my seedlist and my wanted seeds list. just letting you guys know. thanks.
Guess what just arrived?



Thanks to Novacastrian for sending me so much and never asking anything in return.



Nova mentioned that he was gonna send me tomato seeds, chili pepper seeds and pods. but he never mentioned that he was gonna send me powders too! that was so awesome of him!

Thanks Asiasgarden for sending a second package when the first one never arrived and a bunch load of free seeds!



Took forever for the package from dave to come in but it did, that's what's important.

I have sown them as soon as I could. Harvested the seeds from the pods that Nova gave me and hope that they'll be viable.
A bit of an update on the seeds that junglerain has sent me.

Two have already come up!

I have sown them June 11. So that makes 7 days. That's pretty fast! Sure hope the rest of them come up soon too. Only a few days to go for the rest of them. Hopefully I get one hundred percent germination.


On a side note I got some seeds from school during a lesson on herbs and spices. LOL. I brought them home and sowed them up. But those were mostly herbs and spices. No chili seeds. A few have already come up. But I'm not so sure of which ones were the ones that did as I didn't label them or figure out which seed was what. We'll see when they grow. Pretty lucky to get any kind of germination from those things. A nice experiment I'd say.
The stuff I got from Nova are:

Aji Lemon
Barrackpore 7Pod
Yellow 7Pod
Meltdown Habanero
7pod Jonah Strain

Tomato Seeds:
Roma VF
Green Zebra

The Powders:
Naga Jolokia
Bonda Ma Jacques/Fatalii/Yellow 7Pod/Yellow Congo Mix
Douglah 7 Pod
Barrackpore 7 Pod
Trinidad Scorpion



To be honest, you can already smell the peppers 2 feet away from the envelope that Nova sent me. And the pepper stuff were inside little ziplock bags so, you can only imagine how hot these things really are.

I've yet to try it. I'm gonna gather a few friends and have a bit of fun with the powder and pods.

This is what I got from Dave of AsiasGarden:

His standard dragon dust

Trinidad 7Pot
Caribbean Red Hab
Bhut Jolokia
Congo Black Hab
Purple Jalapeno
Naga Morich
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Yellow Bhut Jolokia
Trinidad Scorpion
Jamaican Gold

the items underlined are the stuff I paid for. The rest are what Dave gave me for free. Since I had trouble getting the first package, he sent me a second one with free seeds in it. Dave also told me if ever the first package arrives I can have that too.

His customer service is quite good. He replies promptly. I just hope these things are true seeds. If not, then we got another case of hybrids here. lol. Which is fine.

Seems to me a lot buys from him anyway. Especially for his yellow bhut. I didn't even buy it and I got it for free. I just mentioned that I was gonna buy those from him after I got the stuff he sent me. Now I don't have to. Which was a pretty darn good deal to me.
thanks kiddc!

i'm in too deep in this stuff right now! i'm gonna end up really overwhelmed for sure!

i hope i get to have enough time to manage this with school and all.

thanks for viewing people! :dance:
I just hope these things are true seeds. If not, then we got another case of hybrids here. lol. Which is fine.

Good luck
We already know that the yellow bhut(formerly known as lemon bhut) is B.S. and is a cross and not a mutant. If you have time/space to grow out tonnes of these crosses for 8-12 years, you can stabilize them but its really a lot of work. If you're just growing a few of these crossed plants, you won't likely be able to improve or stabilize the variety properly, its more likely to lead to inbreeding depression which is probably the reason why there are so many bad versions of great varieties going around :(
Uhm, since i'm in a tropical country i'll have the advantage of growing year round.

So i might end up keeping one plant per variety for years and years til it eventually dies and gets regrown from seed or cutting.

Unless i really decide on stabilizing a certain variety. 8-12 years is an awfully long time. I know that one can only stabilize a cultivar by that process.

As a soon to be chef. I'm more focused on what i can harvest rather than what i can grow. I dunno yet what my plans for all these plants. As this is my first year, i'll decide that for myself in the years to come.

Yup i know well that the yellow bhut is a hybrid. I am fine with that. Dave was great to deal with, even some of his marketing need a little work. Aftersales was great though.

Thabks for viewing!
im nat a chili expert but based on my experience,instaed of enrico, try using ramgo's seed starting potting soil. i get better germination using that than enrico. plus in our condition here, you don't need grow lights. just place the seedlings on a semi-shaded area. :dance: also, use the 35 holes seedling trays available locally instead of the smaller ones = more space, less cances to dry out and you can keep the seedings there for 10 weeks.

actually we have 3 seasons here. wet(july-nov), dry(march-june) and good(dec-feb).

you should be ready for our regular super typhoons.