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Growing Jolokias and Habaneros in the Philippines

Guys, any suggestions? Comments? Thanks

also contacted this guy i found online that sells worm castings.

Real cheap, local dude. 25cents US a kilo. Gonna get me 50 kilos of that stuff. Lol. Gonna fert the whole yard with it. Fruit trees and all. Pretty big yard.

It'll last me forever. Lol.
I'd cover them ever so slightly with the compost. A couple of milimetres of compost on top should be enough.

Other than that it looks good.
you may also want to losely cover w/saran wrap to keep the moisture and heat in. it works for me. Just uncover every day for a couple of hours to let the air circulate to avoid any fungus from growing.
The Philippines is a tropical and very humid country.

But yeah, pretty hard having to watch the containers not dry up too much.

Heat isn't a problem. It's always at least 32c during the day. 27-29c at night.
Another update.

I know i probably shouldnt have done this but i dug up one of my cups that had bhut seeds sown and i found a seed with a tail! Woohoo! I put it back in and hope i didnt mess with it too much. Wont be long now til i get seedlings!

I've got hooks in two of my plastic cups! Awesome! Anytime now!

Hopefully i'll get a few seedlings upright in a couple days.

I'm so excited! Not that i'm getting peppers yet. Faaaaaaaaaaaaar faaaaaar from it.

Will post pix of seedlings when they're up.

I hope they're the real deal though.
Ack it's raining here! not good. weather getting cool. baaaaaad for peppers. lol.

according to the forecast it's gonna be raining til next week. sure hope my melon plants don't drown (they're in pots but are outside). CRAP. after all that hard work.

one of the bhut seedlings has broken ground and on it's way to stand up! yay! it's under a 40watt desklamp along with the others right now. hope that'll be enough til it gets sunny again. FARK!
Pictures coming up! Rains have stopped for today. Will most likely rain again tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day.....

As previously posted I sowed some seeds into some plastic cups in different mediums.

Here’s what I’ve got so far:


WOOHOO! This one’s already up got it’s leaves out! AWESOME!

Here’s a few more waiting in the wings:



See the little loops? Awesome huh? Now to keep them alive long enough to make peppers! LOL.
Found some seeds being sold at the local grocery, I hope they'll sprout. AGAIN. lol.

Long Red Cayenne
and Marconi Peppers

bought a packet each.

And then I heard from my dad that there was a package for me at the local post office. I thought it was only one, but when I got there it was two of the seed packets I had purchased online from ebay. I know unreputable seeds, but that's what I ended up buying coz I wasn't a member of this forum yet. I've still got a package from our friends here from Australia and one last one that's from the states (ebay).

Oh yeah, xcsports also sent me a package too. Dude I got your seeds, just drying them properly and I'll send 'em over to you pronto.

Here are what came in from the states:

Chocolate Habanero
Hungarian Hot Wax
Savannah Red Habanero (is this a real variety?)
Serrano Peppers
White Habaneros (the smaller bullet type habs)

I went home after coming from the grocery, and picking up my school uniform and attending orientation and planted them all. MWAHAHAHAHHAH.

Planted 2-4 seeds in each cell of my tray and hoped for the best. With the rains lowering the temps out here, I hope getting them to germinate indoors will help. I got them under lights and in a room with closed windows to keep in the heat. (it doesn't get too hot, just warm enough, around 30c-32c)

Rains are gonna last til monday so this is the worst time to start sowing seeds, but I JUST CAN'T WAIT!!!! lol

Apparently soaking the seeds don't really work for me. The ones that I didn't soak just went up fine without being soaked and actually went up before the ones I soaked in water.

They're standing up! =D

I've got one habanero seedling standing up so far and three bhut jolokia seedlings up. but one of the bhut jolokia seedlings still has its seed coat stuck on it.

What I did was to cut part of the coat with tweezers to help it along.

Here's a pic of the one that still has its seed coat stuck:


Here's the hab:


as you can see with the hab seedling while it was trying to push its way out of the soil it lost half of one of its cotyledons. Which is a bummer, but for now that's better than not having any seedlings at all. LOL.

Here's the healthy bhut seedlings that are standing up:


Here's a picture of what I did with the seeds that I sowed last night. Still pretty cloudy and cool today. Hope it gets warmer so I can have more seedlings up. 26c here now.

Yeah, I finally got to labelling them. =p

Sowed peppers and vegetables that came in from the mail.


Sorry that you can't read the labels. My iphone's resolution is crap. ah well. better than nothing. don't got no digicam or dslr. gotta focus my finances on culinary stuff first.
Well I moved a few seedlings out to individual cups so it'll be easier for me to repot. One died out of my clumsy stupidity. Snapped off its stem. I was like FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!!!!

Here's the pix:




I was pleasantly surprised to see two more sprouts coming up in one pot. I then moved them too in their own plastic cup for easier repotting. I got more peppers waiting to stand attention. Yay!

This darn rainy season is messing with my plans. But that's alright, my peppers are too tiny to put outside. By the time the rainy season stops, I'll have these babies big enough to plant outside. And I'll have nothing to worry about.
Anybody know if I can change the title on this thread I started?

To like franzb69's grow log?

I got serrano seedlings sprouting up. YAY! =D
So a few days have passed and I�ve got a ton of new seedlings sprouting up. I�ve potted up a few of the serrano seedlings into their own respective cups to give space to maybe new starts that I might wanna go do.


I�ve had all my basil plants sprout. All four varieties that I decided to grow have gone up. Pretty good germination rate overall. around 50-90% germination from the basil seeds I got. They seem to just love the sun. Tried to take this whole tray and bathe it under the mid morning sun and the basil plants just soaked it all up like it was nothing.


The serrano seedlings were the ones that were most affected when I did this because it actually started to lay on the soil and get limp.

I�ve lost like 3 or 4 TINY TINY seedlings of oregano from this little experiment that I had done. Which was fine. Since I had two cells in the tray that actually had enough seedlings to afford losing three or four. I mean those things are SUPER TINY. It�s so hard watering them because you risk drowning them with the watering can. So it�s best to use just a spray bottle with that and spray �em very gently until they�ve gotten enough, and with those small things, very little is more than enough. No tarragon yet. Damn germination on that thing is next to shit. No chives yet either. My thyme are still popping up from the pot that I dedicated a whole pot for it. So far I only got three kinds of herbs to germinate. Next I�m gonna buy some mint seeds and germinate those. I hear those things are easy peasy.


If you notice the seedling on the lower left is already starting to form true leaves (the second one is covered up by the first true leaf and is SUPER TINY). That�s a Red Savina Habanero Seedling. The rest are either bhut jolokia seedlings or serranos. I got Chocolate Habaneros and White Habaneros starting to pop up from the ground. Also got my first cayenne to break soil, I was starting to get worried I wasn�t gonna get cayennes. And there it was. Also got Red Savannah Habaneros starting to come up.

Still waiting for Rosemary, Spinach, Tarragon, Chives, and Lavender to sprout. This sucks. I want those to come up. Sure hope they do.

Sorry for the damaged seedlings! I know it's a sin to try and pry off the seedcoats when they're stuck on the seedlings but I couldn't help myself! lol. They're alive and well. I know they're gonna take longer to grow since they've lost part of their cotyledons. I suck! =D