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Growing Peppers Upside Down?

It seems like the Topsy Turvy is a big hit in the tomato community and it got me thinking about using something similar for peppers. Plants are plants right?

Instead of purchasing the product, I was thinking about making my own. Check out the second link, it's a 5 gallon bucket and lid. About $3.50 expense at Home Depot.

Topsy Turvy

Homemade Topsy Turvy

You Tube Bucket Grow

Another Interesting Link

Has anyone tried peppers upside down? What do you think?
I've seen those for tomatoes but wondered about fertilizer dripping on the fruit all the time. I know you could wash before you eat , but it seems wrong.

P. Dreadie
I never fertilized my plant beyond what was in my soil. Which would have been Happy Frog or Fox Farm Ocean Forest. Had a Bonda Ma Jacques in a Topsy Turvey last year, these are the only pics I could dig up. It did well (there was period of uncertainty as it grew accustomed to being transplanted) and is still alive in the same spot , although pruned. Needs more ferts now.



They are now marketing a hot pepper specific model. It has like 6 openings on the sides around the unit, yet is only about half the size soil volume wise. Took one out of the box and checked it out at Ace Hardware. Not buyin' it.

Good luck w/ your project. I've seen others work but have no pics.
topsy turvy has a new 1, specifically for peppers...
but 2 of the sample pics are fake, and 1 doesn't look very promising

they reccomend growing 2 plants per hole :rolleyes: (7 holes)



I used 2 Topsy Turvy planters last season. 1 had hot Bananna type,other had sweet bell type, both did well. I'm trying 2 with Jalapeno and hot bananna this year. Sorry no pics.
They had the "Topsy Turvy" knockoff's on sale at a few local stores in the area so I bought 10 to give them a shot.

I put 6 with tomato's and 4 with peppers. Will see how she goes!
Man I remember about 20 years ago when this idea was passed around using 5 gallon buckets and hanging from the clothes line....fell flat on its ass then. Seems the soccer moms caught on to it this time though with a fancier container than a 5 gallon bucket.
Look for the user 14dollarz on youtube. He's successfully grown peppers that way. Sweet ones and hot ones.

He did it last year, now he's doing raised beds.
I bought my wife the strawberry one for Mothers Day and this weekend I put 2 Yellow 7's in the bottom holes for shiggle's
I bought my wife the strawberry one for Mothers Day and this weekend I put 2 Yellow 7's in the bottom holes for shiggle's

LOL, looking for hot strawberries huh? Not married here but I sure wouldn't mess with the wife's plants...she has hers and you have yours. Always good to keep peace with the other half or so I'm told ;)
I have a hard time thinking of the topsy turvy as a serious growing aid. To me, it seems like a gimmick and marketing hype. The only way you can be successful is to make sure you don't let the plant dry out. since the soil is not visible it would seem way too easy to let that happen. But then I look at the "snuggies" as pure marketing genius. Take a bath robe, make it a little longer, and tell people to wear it back-wards to keep warm. They made millions................
My Bonda has overwintered pretty well in my Topsy Turvey. Watered it infrequently, haven't touched it otherwise this winter. It'll be toast after another summer's sun this year.

Have a couple more sittin around, just haven't gotten around to using them yet.
They certainly are gimmicky but you can get good results at least with the original T.T., do a site search . You just need to use smaller plants that won't outgrow the system within a month. I seriously don't see it being big enough or practical for a second year plant but I guess anything is possible
I was running out of pots and promix and there were a few extra holes. They are already curving upward it amuses me. As for the Strawberries I bought a package of them so it looks like a bunch of roots hanging out of the basket hopefully they take ... otherwise it'll look like I planned this all along ;->