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Guerrilla gardening

Well, um not me, but there's alot of aquarium plants choking our waterways... not to mention prickly pear and lantana...

I have heard of some plantings of a certain 'herb' in the roadside garden beds, ie in amongst the tall stuff on the way out to brisbane airport, so that they get watered.
Shoot, I had some petunias grow across the property line when I lived downtown. The property owner mowed them down, because, she said, I was trying to claim part of her property.

Well, no, bitch, actually I just grow very healthy petunias.
Bent you read my mind man. I've been considering this for months now. Problem is poachers and the like for me. Damn hood rats and day laborers take any food plants i suspect.

I might just plant a couple chiles at my place of employment and anywhere i think people might not mess with them too much.

The true spirit is doing it under cover of darkness though. I might try this at my apartment complex i think.
Johnny Pepperseed eh? Sounds like fun. Would you want to do it where they'll get picked? Hate to see a pepper go to waste. Or would you plant them someplace you know they won't get picked and eaten and just let them grow wild and run amuck?
I would hope they get picked & eaten. I know here anything between lawn grass & 20' tree is considered a weed so would need to be out of the way a little.
For me It'd be more about all those seedlings I dont have room to grow at the start of the season or even just sprinkle some seed around if you have plenty.
I have often thought about this idea Bent, we have loads of bush around where we live. I think it would be sweet to plant a variety of bushes and let them go for say a year, then go back and see how they are going.

Think of the quality of the soil after thousands of years of natural fertilization. The only problem i can invisage is birds and their lack of respect for chillis.

Im going to go for a ride in the scrub and just throw some seeds around and see what happens, screw transporting established plants!
Novacastrian said:
Think of the quality of the soil after thousands of years of natural fertilization. The only problem i can invisage is birds and their lack of respect for chillis.

Birds are pretty good chile seed sowers! I used to find bird's eye peppers popping up all over the place when I would plant a few in her bird garden.
Novacastrian said:
Im going to go for a ride in the scrub and just throw some seeds around and see what happens, screw transporting established plants!

Thats a great plan - maybe try to time it for before or just after rain to give them a start.
A line of shrubs right outside our apartment got pulleda few months ago, and no-one rushed to replace it, so I put in some sweetcorn where it will get watered. I put some tomatoes in there as well, but the evil unit overlord wouldnt turn on the water for them. Surprisingly, the corn found the groundwater, and are now about 3ft tall.

I would love to plant chillies there, but I can just imagine everyone complaining about th erisk to children walking past.
How would the odds be for planting "guerilla seeds" in a non-subtropic climate without pregrowing them indoors? I have thousands of seeds of various varieties I don't plant in a controlled setting because they are of undefined origin or I had a lot of them for controlled planting or I messed them up or whatever. Would it be possible to see a few ripe pods on them in late fall (if any of them sprouted at all...)?
McGoo said:
A line of shrubs right outside our apartment got pulleda few months ago, and no-one rushed to replace it, so I put in some sweetcorn where it will get watered. I put some tomatoes in there as well, but the evil unit overlord wouldnt turn on the water for them. Surprisingly, the corn found the groundwater, and are now about 3ft tall.

I would love to plant chillies there, but I can just imagine everyone complaining about th erisk to children walking past.

Good stuff McGoo - isn't it weird how many councils and land owners plant useless flowers everywhere when it could be food.
Armadillo said:
How would the odds be for planting "guerilla seeds" in a non-subtropic climate without pregrowing them indoors? I have thousands of seeds of various varieties I don't plant in a controlled setting because they are of undefined origin or I had a lot of them for controlled planting or I messed them up or whatever. Would it be possible to see a few ripe pods on them in late fall (if any of them sprouted at all...)?

Can imagine if any did get to fruit - the genetics would be excellent for next years seed. Still may be better if you can sprout them first & try to find sheltered positions.
Speaking out of my hat of course, having never encountered a "real" winter
bentalphanerd said:
Can imagine if any did get to fruit - the genetics would be excellent for next years seed. Still may be better if you can sprout them first & try to find sheltered positions.
Speaking out of my hat of course, having never encountered a "real" winter

To sprout them and then plant them out would mean I would have to do it every year. I would like the idea of peppers to feel like home and replicate and recombine themselves year after year.
bentalphanerd said:
There must be peppers in the world that are adapted to dormant wintering - same as ones adapted to drought

AJ's tepins survive from year to year, so did the bird's eye peppers I used to have.

And I've had some peppers die back to the root and sprout the next spring.
The gardeners in our unit block are pretty slack, they wont sweep the leaves out from under bushes (although very obvious), and just do the bare minimum needed. I have been looking for other food crops to plant in the space that I have, its about 1m wide by 20m long. The funny thing is I dont even care if I get any of the sweetcorn or not, its really more about someone enjoying it.
Im thinking of a crop of peas planted in may through to july so far, anyone got any ideas for between now and then? Radish perhaps?
What would be the best time to start? I will try it beginning end of February. Every dog walk will be a chance to bring out some seeds.