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Guru's 1/8 Acre Fabriculture - 5 yr mothers

Hi pepper guru,

i would like to have a bit more info on the @winterising@ part...

at fall once the harvest is done what do you do exactly? you let leave fall down and then you cut it all except a bit of trunk (like a grape vine) or you just trim some branches?

are these plant sleeping alll winter time? and in spring they start again with new leaves and branches?

Do you leave the plant in a basement without sun or you just keep it inside beside a window?

i love the fact that you keep you good stuff and make it live as long as you can.

could you help me (and probably other members) to know what to do to winterise plant.

you have an impressive pepper tree ;)
Hi pepper guru,

i would like to have a bit more info on the @winterising@ part...

at fall once the harvest is done what do you do exactly? you let leave fall down and then you cut it all except a bit of trunk (like a grape vine) or you just trim some branches?

are these plant sleeping alll winter time? and in spring they start again with new leaves and branches?

Do you leave the plant in a basement without sun or you just keep it inside beside a window?

i love the fact that you keep you good stuff and make it live as long as you can.

could you help me (and probably other members) to know what to do to winterise plant.

you have an impressive pepper tree ;)
Sure thing. Its really easy actually. All I do is let them do their thing until I feel they are in danger of that first frost (which will kill them dead) Then once I feel its time to get them all inside for the later part of fall and winter, I simply cut the branches back to about a foot or two (making sure to leave plenty of LEAVES) Then I dig them up and transplant into containers. The Most important part is when you dig them up and cut em back! If you cut back too much root and not enough foliage then you'll experience major leaf drop and possible termination. The sweet spot is right where you have a little more root than foliage. You can have equal too, but NEVER less! I notice that if there are a little more roots than foliage, they seem to stay healthier for the winter and they start new shoots a lot faster. Make sure you have a good, clean, sharp pair of pruning shears. Small glass of alcohol will keep them clean in between cuts. You don't want to spread disease to other cut sites. Its also good to make your final cut backs just above a nice thick node. This way the branch doesn't try dying back when air gets into it. The knuckle of the node is pretty air tight as opposed to cutting the stem in the middle of a branch and having a hollow hole for stuff to get into! :) After the transplanting is done, I just bring em into the basement near a south facing window and wait for spring. I keep them watered but feeding isn't necessary until they start forming new growth. Now if your basement stays warm enough and you supplement your window light with grow lights, things will take off again and you will get another season beginning inside. My peppers produce throughout the winter, so there's nothing like fresh pods at Christmas time! Now, they aren't going to be as potent as they were in summer but that's not so bad. I've always done this method as opposed to having to start new seeds EVERY year, because I just don't see them as "disposable"...this way if I find a pheno that I really enjoy, I keep it forever rather than hope I get it out of seed next season. Hope you all have great success in this, it isn't hard at all so I have no doubts you will succeed! :)

edit: I will make sure to create an Overwintering Tutorial this season. Stay tuned!

Tried to send you a pm but I think your inbox is full.
Full? lol Ok let me go "empty" it...whats the limit like 50?! :lol:
Thanks for the info Pepper guru.

here winter is cold and very white so i will try to save some of my hardware store bought peppers just to test it this year.
next summer i will try to grow some evil very hot pepper from seeds and i will try to save them inside! i love your christams thing :) have you ever tought of making a christmas pepper treee with ligths ;) the colorfull ball would be your peppers!!!

Thanks for this nice post! very instructive.

Hail to all pepper growers!
Ok I could only get to half of you guys yesterday, but packages are on their way! :) Millworkman, Alphaeon, Justaguy, and Cmpman1974 you guys should be expecting something in the next few days or so! The rest of you guys: Pic1, Puma35, Avonbarksdale, Big Cedar, and Buck77 I will get yours out in the next day or so. I gotta get some more postage stamps! Enjoy fellas! :)
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Got them.
Thank you again.
:beer: :beer:
Let me know if I can do anything for you.
Got them as well. Thanks a ton Guru, these things are unreal. You really weren't joking about the heat on these puppies either.
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Got them.
Thank you again.
:beer: :beer:
Let me know if I can do anything for you.

Got them as well. Thanks a ton Guru, these things are unreal. You really weren't joking about the heat on these puppies either.
Great! Glad they made it safe and sound! Just remember where you got them Genetics! Oh, and all you guys asking about sending me something, just send me some of your fav's back to the return address. Im easy :)
Mine spent the weekend in the fridge while I was at camp with the boys having a blast. They were and are fine. A few got mushy but most were fine. These are ok to pull seed from? Odds of purity?

Thanks again.

When I send pods I send them almost fully ripe. They will ripen in transit. Not saying green but ripe with a spot or two of green or whatever comes before ripe for that variety. Or almost full red....you know what I mean.
Mine spent the weekend in the fridge while I was at camp with the boys having a blast. They were and are fine. A few got mushy but most were fine. These are ok to pull seed from? Odds of purity?

Thanks again.

When I send pods I send them almost fully ripe. They will ripen in transit. Not saying green but ripe with a spot or two of green or whatever comes before ripe for that variety. Or almost full red....you know what I mean.
No no, this just won't do. Im re-sending in boxes. And thats a great idea Justaguy! (send them just before ripened) Yes, you can grow these out with little to NO chance of getting anything other than the bomb ass Fatalii you pulled the seeds from! :) Guys, hang in there with me...Im re-sending :)
oh, all the people asking if I have a paypal...I just set one up. While I don't request anything in return for the peppers I give away, if you want to reciprocate, I won't refuse :) email is richblood@gmail.com
That post I had typed and hit send and things bogged down so I copied it to a notepad.....lost a post or 2 while sending and internet connection lost, learned my lesson. You don't have to resend mine, but I am still sending you something. Thanks for these. yummm.
HEY! The hot pepper was down last night, and NOW there are two posts missing from the last part of this thread just before Justaguy posted last...

Ah, that's why I'm missing my post in this topic! My message was something like: glad I found this topic! It was very interesting en helpful. I want to overwinter plants this year too. :dance:
You don't have to resend mine, but I am still sending you something. Thanks for these. yummm.
Glad you liked em! I'd have to say that Fatalii are my all time favorite super hot. Yes I call them super hots ;) What did you think of the heat? I am still sending you more :)

Ah, that's why I'm missing my post in this topic! My message was something like: glad I found this topic! It was very interesting en helpful. I want to overwinter plants this year too. :dance:
Yeah, I replied back too! Glad you like the thread! Hope it has helped a few folks clear their heads of all the misinformation out there. This is all a lot easier than some make it...lol

Great PG.
Thanks! :)
Yes they are a super hot in my book too. I think they just need to call the Scorps and such Ultra Hots. The ones you sent me were HOT. I de-seeded the soft ones and the rest got diced up with a few of my Jimmy Nardellos and all fried with some onion and bacon for a breakfast snack. :dance: