• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Guru's 2013

It begins with a tray...

Pepper-Guru said:
One of the biggest issues that we as humans face I think is controlling things we have created without having them control us.  We have gone way past living with nature into playing with nature ...the fact is the answers to all of our questions and needs are already in nature as it is ... its simply we need to look for them using clues that nature gives us rather then trying to change nature to create new issues.  
Thats it I am going bush back home in one of the more untouched corners of the world New Zealand ...  as long as I can get internet ;) 
Hey PG ... you have any fatalii seeds yould be willing to trade or sell? I just watched your youtube vids and that plants amazing. I gotta get ahold of those gentics. Im planning on growing one year round in the greenhouse and keep it going indefinitely/permenantly and would like to start with the best genes I can get.

She was a freaking beast. I tried to PM ya but your inbox is full I think.
Thanks and let me know ... 402-679-7901
Well...I figured the hydrolysate was about ready, so I decided to get the patio plants all stanky before the storms roll in. I literally dropped a pump down into the reservoir and watered each plant. HOLY SHIT! Seriously, this is quite the aromatic endeavor! I ran the neighbors off, my wife and kids want to leave and never come back, my dog won't even speak to me, and my hands won't let go of the memory of the dank tank odor. I think my hands are permanently going to smell like they died. 
But my plants were haunting me in my sleep. Visions of them dancing around, enticing, hypnotizing me as I enter r.e.m. Whispering "Feed ussssss" "feeeeeed uussssss" And then the laughing! Oh their evil, gluttonous laughter! 

Hope everyone survived the storms down there! Came home and all was good. A few blown over, but nothing broken. That storm blew thru with force!
I spilt some fish juice on my yard shoes stirring a week ago. They haven't been back in the house! Scared! Very Scared!
armac said:
Patio is looking good, how is the garden?
millworkman said:
Shit Rodney, the patio is looking GREAT!  Agreed though, where are the garden shots.
MGOLD86 said:
Looking great man!

Thanks Guys. Garden plot is doing great! I really need to get it mowed and weed wacked, but the plants are doing great. They suffered less from the aphids than the patio did. Good color, nice leaves, and growing at a decent rate. The patio peppers are growing much faster but overall, Im happy with the garden.
GA Growhead said:
Hope everyone survived the storms down there! Came home and all was good. A few blown over, but nothing broken. That storm blew thru with force!I spilt some fish juice on my yard shoes stirring a week ago. They haven't been back in the house! Scared! Very Scared!
Dude, you better wash them hard. The smell penetrated my house so badly, that my family wanted to leave for a few hours to let the odor go away. Came back after dinner and it was still here. This morning however, all offensive aroma seems to have left the building. Its a very odd thing. The fish juice goes through a three stage process. First stage is smelling like rotten fish, second stage is smelling like death all around and the "fish" character is no longer, and the third and final stage is when things start smelling like "shit". Seriously, I've used some bio solids in my garden plots before and this fish hydrolysate smells exactly like that. When it starts smelling like shit is when I use it.
Wow, still haven't read everything but don't have to, to say just amazing.
Last night while reading a saw a pepper tree taller (or close to) than you...now that is way cool!
There is going to be some serious podding going on there Guru. But I would not expect anything less from you and now with that fish hydrolysate things should be cranking along even faster!!