• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Guru's 2013

It begins with a tray...

uh yeah i agree with Denniz, what patio? great looking plants. 
i have got to get back in the woods and do some shroomin. been so depressed after a couple bummer years for morels that i dont even want to fight the skeeters to walk thru my woods.
And the Yellow 7 wins the race!

I really can't wait to try this. I usually don't regard the 7 Pods as he best flavored peppers, but interested in seeing what the yellow did, if anything, to the flavor profile. Anywhere close to the fatalii would be a good direction! mmmmmm
Rooster Spur

Here's the boy next to the birgit.

Here are some pod shots for your viewing pleasure. No creepy stuff...
Yellow 7's

Congo 7 Pod

Giant Chocolate Twist Hab

OH WAIT look what I just found! Its a tie between Yellow 7 Pod and Trinidad Scorpion!

Aji Crystals

Rooster Spur

Now I get to start eating some!
WOW!! Those tree's are huge! Are these planted 4 months ago?
I really need to learn how to do that. I'm happy if my plant get two feet.
It can't just be the temperature. :drooling:
Awesome... I'm green with envy!
Oh...BTW...I planted three seeds of your rooster spurs and all three broke ground the same day... so far a single fatalii broke ground as well and its a three leafer. :)
Awesome stuff as always Rich, those yellow 7s look freaking perfect!!  I may be asking for a few later on in the season in trade for some Reapers ;)
You won't be dissapointed with the flavour of the yellow 7. As good in my opinion as the fatalii if not a little better.
As usual Mr Guru you have outdone yourself. Can I ask the origin of the yellow 7 genetics?? They look like a great pheno (how I think they should look). Everything else is looking great. Is Rooster spur an annuum???
7's ripening already? From seeds started in March??? Your plants trully love you :)
I agree on 7's taste, they come close to Fatali (wich is my favorite pepper), but with more heat.
Awesome as always. Amazed at how big the leaves are on every single plant. Just crazy. 
Also, you'll be happy to know the girls all loved their homemade blue gill flavored drink. Will post a pic next time I see them. Thanks again for the wisdom. 
Brother Guru, those plants are just flat going wild. Nice to see your boy enjoying the shade there under the Pepper tree :)
gotta love that fish!
Awesome pepper, but I have a question for you. Is there a specific reason that it is picked before fully ripe. If so, I would be interested to know.