• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Guru's 2013

It begins with a tray...

GnomeGrown said:
Damn, Guru. :woohoo:
Awesome pods and pics, man. :clap:
wahlee76 said:
WOW!! Those tree's are huge! Are these planted 4 months ago?
I really need to learn how to do that. I'm happy if my plant get two feet.
It can't just be the temperature. :drooling:
Thanks dudes! Wahlee, it isn't just the temps. Its a combo of things, but soil is a major player!
OZZZ said:
Awesome... I'm green with envy!
Oh...BTW...I planted three seeds of your rooster spurs and all three broke ground the same day... so far a single fatalii broke ground as well and its a three leafer. :)
Yeah the rooster spurs are pretty sick with germ rates and speed. I always have them pop same day or next. Pretty insane! Keep the three leafer! That's what the mother was! 
Al-from-Chile said:
I'm shocked,... shocked I say :D

Congrats man!
millworkman said:
Awesome stuff as always Rich, those yellow 7s look freaking perfect!!  I may be asking for a few later on in the season in trade for some Reapers ;)
You got it bro! 
GA Growhead said:
Yellow 7s are totally yummy. Yours look killer. Good pheno.
Congrats on pods a turning!
The rooster spur is insane! Putting that one on the list fo sure.
You should! She's a major performer with major flavor!
Trippa said:
You won't be dissapointed with the flavour of the yellow 7. As good in my opinion as the fatalii if not a little better.
As usual Mr Guru you have outdone yourself. Can I ask the origin of the yellow 7 genetics?? They look like a great pheno (how I think they should look). Everything else is looking great. Is Rooster spur an annuum???
It is extremely good! Just as good as my fatalii genetics and thats saying A LOT! I've been burping up that great flavor all day long JUST like fatalii! Its tripping me out! I tried going back through my pms to see who sent me those and its either spicegeist, chris, or you! Was it you?! Rooster spur is an annum, but the best damn annum i've had thats for sure. beats the hell out of any asian annum or thai i've ever grown.  
ronniedeb said:
Amazing Pepper Guru. Your plants seem to develop so fast. Rooster Spur may be one of the best looking plants I've seen.
She's awesome. 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Awesome looking plants and pods! Digging the Rooster Spur and Yellow 7's
Thanks! Im glad I could share the Rooster Spur with you all. I never see anyone growing them and I grow them EVERY year so maybe I can get them out there to everyone. 

Spicegeist said:
Y7 looks nice.  Almost look Scotch Bonnet-like in that one shot...
Thanks! Did you send them to me!? 

guess i have to wait to get bumped to reply to everyone...this forum's posting rules are wonky sometimes
Pepper-Guru said:
Thanks! Im glad I could share the Rooster Spur with you all. I never see anyone growing them and I grow them EVERY year so maybe I can get them out there to everyone. 

Thanks! Did you send them to me!? 

guess i have to wait to get bumped to reply to everyone...this forum's posting rules are wonky sometimes
Bump, and tell us more about the rooster spur - seems to be one of those small, prolific producers (like many thai peppers)...

Cheers, Al
Rich,your plants are kicking ass! I take things from each glog I read and try to incorporate parts into my own to make myself better. Your plants frame up beautifully before they start setting fruit,never early or too late. I have some tests going now to try and accomplish something similar. Not exactly the same way you go about it of course. Just strive to get better each season.

I sent you some yellow 7 seeds,not sure if they are the ones you started. If they are getting as big as raquet balls they may be. I have those going and another one that has the brainy top,with a big V protruding out of the bottom. There are so many different kinds right now but they all have the same great flavor.

Awesome season so far!
adamk2212 said:
Awesome as always. Amazed at how big the leaves are on every single plant. Just crazy. 
Also, you'll be happy to know the girls all loved their homemade blue gill flavored drink. Will post a pic next time I see them. Thanks again for the wisdom. 
Rock that fish stank!
RocketMan said:
Brother Guru, those plants are just flat going wild. Nice to see your boy enjoying the shade there under the Pepper tree   :)
gotta love that fish!
He doesn't get it yet, nor can he handle the heat, but soon he will understand what all these plants were grown for by his old man! 
millworkman said:
I hear ya! With my Canon being stolen I won't be able to upload all the stuff I had made up for you guys but I promise I'll get some more up with the phone this season! 
Pr0digal_son said:
Rich,your plants are kicking ass! I take things from each glog I read and try to incorporate parts into my own to make myself better. Your plants frame up beautifully before they start setting fruit,never early or too late. I have some tests going now to try and accomplish something similar. Not exactly the same way you go about it of course. Just strive to get better each season.

I sent you some yellow 7 seeds,not sure if they are the ones you started. If they are getting as big as raquet balls they may be. I have those going and another one that has the brainy top,with a big V protruding out of the bottom. There are so many different kinds right now but they all have the same great flavor.

Awesome season so far!
YES! you sent them! hahaha! yeah these are raquet ball, yellow brains with the cup coming out of the bottom for sure! ain't no 7 pod i ever tasted before! its awesome man. the flavor is quite good. 
Al-from-Chile said:
Bump, and tell us more about the rooster spur - seems to be one of those small, prolific producers (like many thai peppers)...

Cheers, Al
damn...well i just lost that reply when the site went down...ill post a description in the am after my coffee! im tired...good night THP
Al-from-Chile said:
Bump, and tell us more about the rooster spur - seems to be one of those small, prolific producers (like many thai peppers)...

Cheers, Al
Rooster Spur. Much better flavor than most asian annums. Floral, zesty aroma backs up the traditional annum heat. Three foot tall, bushy plants. Thousands of pods in a season. Easy to pick despite the prolific nature of production. Deep red, three inch long, slender pods with a slight curve at the end. Stand straight up in tight, 10-15 pod clusters.  From each cluster shoots the main growth tip to form another cluster later on up the stem. Could make great hanging baskets honestly. Some family has grown them for over a century here in the south to make their "rooster sausage". If the ppork they use is as nearly as good as the peppers, then Im sure the sausage is GREAT. There are many things on the internet sold as Rooster Spur, mainly shorter fatter, non cluster pods....needless to say...that isn't them. If they don't look like these...they aren't the real deal. I obtained these from a guru of mine, Hoyt Saxton, about 15 years ago.
megahot said:
Wow that's a lot of soil in those root pouches! How many gallons?
My goodness what a mammoth pod that is!
They aint flower pots thats for sure!
8 x 15gal
4 x 45gal
4 x 65gal
Some more pods and a small harvest from today!
Not Black Naga

7 Pod Congo

7 Pod Primo

7 Pod Yellow

Rooster Spur

Brain Strain

Birgit Locoto


Holy cannoli batman! I'm in awe of your sea of green. Love checking out your grow. Always clean, beautiful, veluptuos plants lol....veluptuos..

Keep rockin' til' the sandman comes a knockin'
You should be a salesman Guru ... Every time you talk about a variety with passion I feel like I need it... ..great pods and plants (feel like its groundhog day every time on here because I say the same thing )
Pepper-Guru said:
Thanks a lot guys! Just trying to keep things interesting, colorful and fresh! I'm doing something with the garden plot you may not like initially, but it's all for education. More on that later ;)
Not cool to say that without an explanation but I guess I can make it out to be a lot worse in my head and when you do show us it will be ok.
In a short explanation: I decided to move the garden and use this as the last year that I will have it there. We wanted to have a big back yard again for family recreation purposes. Maybe a pool. Anyway, I had a guy come and grade all my gigantic raised rows down flat, back into a yard. Well the soil was so compacted as a result that I knew individually prepping each planting hole was going to be starting all over again.

What I see the most on the forums are new and old growers alike, over thinking things and as a result, getting less than satisfactory outcomes. It got me thinking, so I literally plopped each plant into the compacted GA clay, gave each a 5 gallon bucket of mulch at the base, then simply walked away.

My theory will be to show the average grower what they can expect if they literally just left them alone and forgot about them. And to show the difference between tailoring a great living soil and just plain ole compacted/tilled lifeless soil with a simple mulch. :) wow that wasn't so short of an explanation...lol