It begins with a tray...
Update: Bhut Assam Rivers and Bhut Indian Carbons are popping!
Ah, now we're talking... I've got 8 different kinds of red bhuts started this year myself... love these.
Do they differ in flavor, growth habit, hardiness, etc., or all of the above? I love the flavor of the "original" NMSU ghost chili, but only recently became aware of all these different varieties.
Yep! Pretty much. I had some old drawers around and they happened to hold 18 small foam cups perfectly spaced. There is a liner in each but they don't hold water. The wood is a great insulator though, so that's good for root zone temps at this stage of seedling development. I didn't have time or the will to go out and get some fancy trays/containers this year so, drawers and foam cups are my current setup! LOLLooking great Rich! I have a couple of questions - first, having plants in your drawers looks cool - you must water from the top? Or do you use some sort of liner. I bottom water and use plastic containers, but the ones I have keep getting cracks, which makes them less ideal for holding water.
Second, the compost tea strainer looks fascinating - what's going on there? Is it just pouring water through the medium, which then gets screened, then run through the cooler into the bucket?
I enjoyed your glog last year and the cool information you give - thanks!