• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Guru's 2013

It begins with a tray...

With this heat mat I hooked up, most of the heat is generated in the middle of the mat, so as predicted the seeds in the middle of the tray popped first. The edges of the tray stay about 3 degrees cooler than the middle, where I have the thermostat lead. I usually try and go not hotter than 81-84 when sprouting. No golden rule, just what I like and the seeds tend to like. Most of the seeds I keep within this temp took between 5-10 days to hook. I transplanted the itty bitty babies into small foam cups and gently soaked their new medium with some very light worm tea. They are praying a bit here :) Love it when they do that after a nice tea.


Original Butch T from 06. This is off the 7 year mother.

Hey Guru I've read your other Glogs and there was a lot of good information, hoping this one will be as informative! It's good to see that you're as excited as a first time grower to see those seeds germinate!
I'll be growing hops too, so you better keep us updated on those cause I want to know how to grow them into trees ;)
I'll do my best! Not really much to explain right now though. Its just the germination phase, the simplest and most delicate part of the grow. Its like being a new parent all over again and bringing home that newborn for the first time. You're as gentle as possible, moving slowly, so as not to make a mistake. Its a special time, but not long from now you'll be screaming and abusjng them out in the yard for all the neighborhood to hear. "Don't make me get the hose!"
Ah, now we're talking... I've got 8 different kinds of red bhuts started this year myself... love these.

Do they differ in flavor, growth habit, hardiness, etc., or all of the above? I love the flavor of the "original" NMSU ghost chili, but only recently became aware of all these different varieties.
Do they differ in flavor, growth habit, hardiness, etc., or all of the above? I love the flavor of the "original" NMSU ghost chili, but only recently became aware of all these different varieties.

The plants do differ, but they're still pretty similar, the main differences are in the fruits... I've managed to collect a number different types. I'll post pics on my glog when they ripen later in the season so you can see the differences.
Post em here if you like man! The "Assam Rivers" are from a plant on the rivers edge in the region. Was lucky enough to aquire a few dozen pods the same year I started growing the other mothers. Interested to see the differences for sure!
Looking great Rich! I have a couple of questions - first, having plants in your drawers looks cool - you must water from the top? Or do you use some sort of liner. I bottom water and use plastic containers, but the ones I have keep getting cracks, which makes them less ideal for holding water.
Second, the compost tea strainer looks fascinating - what's going on there? Is it just pouring water through the medium, which then gets screened, then run through the cooler into the bucket?

I enjoyed your glog last year and the cool information you give - thanks!
Looking great Rich! I have a couple of questions - first, having plants in your drawers looks cool - you must water from the top? Or do you use some sort of liner. I bottom water and use plastic containers, but the ones I have keep getting cracks, which makes them less ideal for holding water.
Second, the compost tea strainer looks fascinating - what's going on there? Is it just pouring water through the medium, which then gets screened, then run through the cooler into the bucket?

I enjoyed your glog last year and the cool information you give - thanks!
Yep! Pretty much. I had some old drawers around and they happened to hold 18 small foam cups perfectly spaced. There is a liner in each but they don't hold water. The wood is a great insulator though, so that's good for root zone temps at this stage of seedling development. I didn't have time or the will to go out and get some fancy trays/containers this year so, drawers and foam cups are my current setup! LOL
The compost tea strainer was the Mrs' Idea. Came home and she had built it. Just compost on top of a screen, allowed to drain into the angled reservoir, then into a bucket. Same basic concept as a vermi-bin. Used the first batch for the grape and hop vines.
Very nice, the Aji Cristal should grow fast for you... the Queen Laurie x Yellow Bhut grows fast like a baccatum, definitely some hybrid vigor in there... the others as standard chinenses will take their time... I hope you get the 7 Pot Brown Bonnet [shaped] going, I didn't grow any this year myself...