• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Guru's 2013

It begins with a tray...

Sounds like a plan! Any and everyone is more than welcome! Portuge, If you come over from Cali, you can pick all the peppers you want! I can always use the help...haha.

I may be a little MIA here soon for a bit. I leave out Friday evening for a couple weeks. When I get back, I'm sure the babies will be begging for pot ups. They're gonna get it too! Big time. I'm ready to get my hands in some soil and them roots blasting off. Gonna try and bring back some bat guano from a cave near the grand canyon. Gonna hike in, fill my 5 gallon bucket, and bring it home for some ridiculous pampering and soil transcendence. I'll keep an eye out for those chiletepins and any other native wilds :high:
Sweet deal Guru... Only if gas was 1.25 again I'd make it a weekend trip.. matter of fact I've got two relatives that live there around Atlanta, Ga... A trip in the future could turn out to be a win win situation depending on the time of the year tho...
Some pretty, happy chile babies are lucky to be in your corner of the Earth, Rich!

That still is sweet! Please tell me about your mash...In the 70s and 80s I was an all-day-all-grain-mash, agar-slants-pure-culture, 40ºF ferment, refrigerator-for-each-stage-of-the-lager-process, OCD nut case...Never made it to the distilling level, but always dreamt of it...

Nice! Yeah, distilling is fairly straightforward once you know your boiling points and cuts. There wasn't any mash on the last batch, just wine. We made brandy but when I start on the batch of whiskey it will be single malt. Much the same way the all grain thing goes except no hops in the boil! Little peat smoked malt to add in, low mash temps and good Edinburgh Scotch ale yeast :) I'll get a little over a gallon of scotch from a 5 gallon batch of single malt wort. High starting gravities.

Well, this is the last update for a couple weeks:

Smoke filled the air as the last transplant was placed in its new home for the next two weeks.


Here are the first 72 seedlings. The light and heat mat are automated, in the kitchen, just to make things easy on my buddy that will be house sitting.


As for me, I'm Arizona bound, crammed in a Corolla with the wife, two kids and my buddy.

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Nice! Yeah, distilling is fairly straightforward once you know your boiling points and cuts. There wasn't any mash on the last batch, just wine. We made brandy but when I start on the batch of whiskey it will be single malt. Much the same way the all grain thing goes except no hops in the boil! Little peat smoked malt to add in, low mash temps and good Edinburgh Scotch ale yeast [/background] :)[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] I'll get a little over a gallon of scotch from a 5 gallon batch of single malt wort. High starting gravities.[/background]

Is this Greek? Or French?