• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Guru's Glog 2012

Is it that time again already? Feels like yesterday I was picking final harvests, disonnecting drip lines out in the garden and digging up pepper plants for the winter. Where does the time go?

Anyhow, I see people are already in full swing here on THP. What a lovely site. I'll be the first to admit, I'm running a little late this year, but I have an excuse I'm prepared to live with....





:P I needed a vacation! Well that, and a good friend of mine asked if I wanted to open up a restaurant in Thailand. Who says no to that? Not I.

We had a great time. Its paradise, and very cheap. Above all, as a chili head, Thai food is a gift from God himself. I ate better and fresher food than you could ever get in the US, for pennies a meal. The trip was awesome. I think Im even suffering from seperation anxiety...lol I couldn't even begin to go into all the things that happened on this trip, without this starting to sound like more of a blog than a GLOG, so I'll spare you guys for now.

Anyway, down to business. Before I left, I started a 72 cell super hot tray and pulled the mothers from last year outside.




The lady bugs went to work on the mothers, and I felt confident that Mrs. Guru could take care of the germination while I was away.


Now, I'd be lying if I said I never worried for a second while I was away. I had already started my seeds a week or two later than usual and now I was going to be gone while they were supposed to be "born"....lol but I knew the better option for my sanity was to let go, remember I was on vacation and not think about the seeds. Im glad I did, because the ole lady did ok! :P

I got back, germ rates were near 100% and it was on to potting up!


Quick make shift shade house for the tender seedlings after a transplant and a break in the clouds.

Man. Have a feeling that rooster spur is going to be one of my new faves. Love sirachi and I believe that is the main pepper. Looks good G. Moment of silence for the scorpion.
Cool. Thanks man. That was something I was wondering about. Didn't know if the growth energy would be compromised by flowering, setting peppers.
No problem. Looks like your garden is doing just fine now by the way! Grow on brotha!

edit: Garden update. Ill be leaving in the am to take the kids to Orlando for the week. While Im gone my buddy will be house and garden sitting. The guy thats opening up the brew pub with me. He will be staying with us for a while as we get the pub built from the ground up. You guys will probably be seeing him in the glog from here on out this year. He is my right hand man with anything regarding plants so I know the garden will be in good hands! I think it will do me good to get away from the garden and come back to see it a week later. The growth is always exciting to come home to. Signing out....
Looking forward to it rich. I've been doing my reading over at the city on all things organic and have to say I'm impressed. I have a five gallon batch or tea brewing up and I am really interested to see the results over the course of the season. Enjoy Orlando and tell your buddy to get some pics up when he can.
Yep. We got the goods over there at GC, but THP is my favorite summer home. Lots of info, and good ppl. You ever decide to try your hand at the ganja let me know. Im about to start my 2012 journal up over there. Sub if you can, Ill show you something reeeeaaaalllll coooooollll :shh: Keep me posted on your tea results! What type of tea you going with first?
I will keep an eye on your grow over there, I'm always down to see some reeeeaaaalllll cool stuff ;) I did five gallons of water with an air pump, a quart fresh compost and a shovel full of 2 week old grass clippings that have started decomposing. That and a tablespoon each of roots organic grow and bloom. Been bubbling for about three days only because it finally started producing a good head. Will probably use it tomorrow or Sunday.
It's been up and down with the froth but it is finally getting good, like a good IIPA :) . Are grass clippings a good additive?
Damn I spent my hard earned money on fish emulsion and all I needed was some rotten fish parts That I could have gotten from the local fish market for free. Damn it to hell!!!!!!!! I am using that fish emulsion, fish shit, and fish parts till all that emulsion is gone and it better work :evil: Anyway, I love love love ur glog. I learned a lot. I dont have an air pump but since I can just put my nasty mix in the soil thats good. I am ghetto feeding my plants ahahhaaa
I gotta tell you Rich, I am subscribed to at lest 2 dozen GLogs, and all of them have great info. But yours is different. I try to take what I like from each one, and apply it to my grow, but you have far surpassed every other one out there. Before yours popped up I was consumed with measurements, fertilizers, application rates, every little nit noid detail. After your first pix from Thailand, it set the tone for a laid back and relaxed grow that has made my life exponentially easier. Sticking to the organics, keeping it simple, and letting the plants do what they do not only makes my plants a WHOLE LOT happier, but frees up so much of my time. Thanks dude, you truly are the Pepper Guru!

The force is with you Matt. You get it :) I'm just happy to see so many people learning the ways of organics here at THP. We need more stickies here, and I promise to find the time to put together something special before the seasons end. I feel a bit weird always needing to point growers to another site for info that should be here. I'm confident we can all work as a team to compile an organic collective tailored for peppers. I knew pepper growers would begin to see the light, just never knew it would catch on so fast :) Thanks for the support.
Yes sir. All we need is a good windy June day and we will be in the company of fatalii once again :) Something tells me Mrs Brain will be a formidable opponent in terms of growth though. She's gonne be enormous. In her first year!