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Habanero Pina Hot Sauce

Hey ya'll, time to spin up another batch of habanero sauce....fo' no particular reason than to fill a just arrived case of 10 ounce woozie bottles.

About 30 habs
julienned carrots
apple cider vinegar
crushed pineapple
fresh lime juice
brown sugar
sea salt
fresh cracked black pepper

Slice and dice. Whack and hack. Whir and stir.


Pretty maids all in a row..


Triple rectifier burn with the beckoning allure of pina. Get it in ya'.

Cheers ya'll, TB.
It tastes AWESOME!

Ok an update. The bottle on the far right and one on far left were given as presents to people who don't really appreciate chilli but hey gotta try and convert who we can.

I have been consuming the two centre bottles steadily. Have to rotate with a bunch of others so its been taking a while, and I've noticed that the heat level of the sauces has dropped significantly. Don't know if this can happen with sauces or I am becoming more used to hot chilli.

Anyone know of this happening? ie chilli sauce cooling down over time?
I've had the same thing happen to me with, but with salsa. I believe it is true that the heat level does cool down a little but over time. I'm sure there are more folks on here that can tell you more about it, but I'm pretty sure it's normal.
I want to thank Texas Blues for creating this thread and recipe!
This was the 2nd recipe that I have ever tried for hot sauce, and it came out great! 
I ended up using 12 habaneros, 3 red fatalii's and 3 carolina reapers..
I realized after the fact that my brain was turned off while making the sauce and measured 16oz of carrots by volume instead of by weight.. I don't know if that meant I put more or less carrots in, but it seemed balanced. I added some fresh cracked pepper at the end as described. 
The first few days, the sauce really didn't taste too impressive to me. It felt a little bit overly sweet for my taste.. But it's had a about a week to age now, and I can taste it getting exponentially better! It's definitely not superhot.. probably about a 4 on the heat scale. It has an outstanding sweet and then hot kind of taste. I made some country style pork ribs tonight, and this sauce made an EXCELLENT base for them.
I will post some pictures in my next post

Here's a picture of my finished sauce:
JohnsMyName said:
Sounds like a success codester, well done! I can't believe its only a 4/10, sounds like it'd be quite hot with those chilies!
It may just be me.. I have been pouring Beyond Z's hot sauce on everything lately.. I think my mouth is adjusted towards the hotter end of the spectrum.
Plan on making this as my first hot sauce this coming week. Xmas gift time....
Thanks for sharing the recipe TB. Will post up pics after it is done.
I like the colour and hope that using Red Habaneros will not change the colour too much.
On a side note, you made up 10 x bottles, what size were they?
TB said 10 oz (10 ounce) or about 296ml and the smaller bottles in the pic are 5 oz/ 148ml. 
8x 10 oz /296ml
2x 5 oz /148ml
This is a great basic sauce that can be customized to what you like and what you have on hand.  Definitely a classic base sauce. 
Thanks salsalady... :dance:
Sorry must have missed that in my initial pass over the thread.....
Picking up some 250ml bottles today, so I should get 10 x bottles out of it roughly. Which is the amount I am thinking for gifts (assuming I do not mess it up)....
Have a few people here that like my Chilli Jam, and this will be a fair amount milder I think.
Was thinking using capsicum instead of carrots would add to teh sweetness and make a nice red sauce with the red habs also.
So in future sauces I will mess about a little (making smaller batches) and try different fruit (although I do really like pineapple).
Have 2 x fresh ones sitting at home so am thinking for this first batch I will use 1/2 a pineapple as one of the other makers did.
Hey guys I am new to hot sauce making and all of the ones I've seen in this thread look DOPE - they require so many peppers though! What do you need if you are just running it down to a 28oz jar of sauce?