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Habanero Pina Hot Sauce

Hey ya'll, time to spin up another batch of habanero sauce....fo' no particular reason than to fill a just arrived case of 10 ounce woozie bottles.

About 30 habs
julienned carrots
apple cider vinegar
crushed pineapple
fresh lime juice
brown sugar
sea salt
fresh cracked black pepper

Slice and dice. Whack and hack. Whir and stir.


Pretty maids all in a row..


Triple rectifier burn with the beckoning allure of pina. Get it in ya'.

Cheers ya'll, TB.
I am going to make my first attempt at a hot sauce based on this recipe tomorrow. I don't have any habs so instead I will use a bunch of regular red supermarket chillies and some red bhuts for heat. First have to change the measurements to metric and then reduce the quantites. Might borrow a camera to document it too.

:dance: :hotsauce: :dance:
One of my Trinidadian neighbors mentioned that he makes a similar sauce once I mentioned to him that I was making this recipe. His recipe uses mango instead of pineapple. I'm not a big fan of mango though :(
I haven't had AJ's fresh t-scorps but have had his t-scorp puree. I foolishly ate a tablespoon of the stuff one night. Hottest thang' I ever ate. Have mercy! That sauce looks really red and smooth. I can only imagine it is nuthin' but HOT blue and righteous. That sauce is the color of pure pain. Enjoy.

I salute you for leaving the pith and seeds in. The only way to make a real sauce.
That looks insanely hot.

I posted that I was going to make this sauce on the 2nd... Well thanks to kids school holidays and rent inspections etc.. its 20 days later I haven't done it. :oops: All the ingredients are assembled and waiting though. So I will be doing its soon. Promise :)
Turned out great...forgot to mention that I left out the carrots keeping the sauce a bit less pulpy.

Really amazed at the flavor. The sweet floral TS flavors and the pineapple with touches of garlic :onfire:

I do this once in awhile.

1 Can Pineapple chunks (with juice)
2 Habs diced up
pinch of salt
2 TBS cider vinegar

I puree it, boil it for 20 minutes, puree it again, and then use it as a spoon on sauce for chicken off the grill, or dipping for chicken strips.
I like the way Habeneros and Pineapple mix together, and the sweet, heat and touch of the vinegar do nice.
Well a little over 5 months after saying I would make this sauce.... I did it :D

My first ever hot sauce. :dance:

I did two small batches so I can give them to relatives for Xmas. First one was the same recipe but with regular supermarket red chillies and a few bhut jolokias. And the second one I added some mango and just mild chillies for the non chilli heads.

It tastes AWESOME!
Made it at a friends house and was a bit blenderly challenged so its a bit thicker and lumpier than I'd like.... but not too shabby for a first go. Definitely worthy of being a xmas gift too.

First hotter batch is the two bottles on left. Watered down the second batch to make it fill up the bottles I had.

edit: I also used fresh leeks from my garden instead of onions.
ok,tb. im bringing the threAD BACK. LETS see more habanero sauce,ill post my mean green tomorrow,as i cant figure out all this pic,and post wizadry. i have to wait for the boss"wife" to get home.