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Habanero Pina Hot Sauce

Hey ya'll, time to spin up another batch of habanero sauce....fo' no particular reason than to fill a just arrived case of 10 ounce woozie bottles.

About 30 habs
julienned carrots
apple cider vinegar
crushed pineapple
fresh lime juice
brown sugar
sea salt
fresh cracked black pepper

Slice and dice. Whack and hack. Whir and stir.


Pretty maids all in a row..


Triple rectifier burn with the beckoning allure of pina. Get it in ya'.

Cheers ya'll, TB.
Well done Scar! On the outset for making that sauce, I wanted a sweet hot session or table sauce that I could eat everyday and on just about everything. It sure filled the bill for me! Enjoy!

Salute', TB.
To be honest, the heat isn't really too overwhelming(for me). My wife smelled it and said it just smelled like sweet-n-sour sauce. She's yet to try it nor do I ever think she will. I think I'll mislabel a bottle and put it in the fridge for her.
...i've got 20 producing jolokia plants right now, and should be able to harvest around 30 peppers this week, and will try your recipe with those.

With just a small amount of BBQ sauce added to some of that, it would make one heck of a glaze for chicken or pork loin. :)
JayT said:
So TB, you have any of that left now? I always end up with one or two bottle left that I save for some reason when they are good.

Nah. Elvis has long since left the building on that sauce. It was damn good. I've been trying to make smaller batches of sauce as I can't seem to stop diddling the recipe's. The latest hab sauce I am addicted to doesn't have any fruit, but I use balsamic vin in it and while it's pretty hot, I like to be liking it to the tune of 2 5oz woozies a week. I've been eating the hell out of that and am on my last bottle of Tres Puta's Pequin, which I need to make a batch of this weekend.
Noshownate said:
Nice sauce TB I made one recently instead of pineapple i used mandarin oranges was really good i thought, What is WHIR?

Emulsion/emersion blender has a blade that is the whir, and moving the blender around is the stir.
The term can be used for any stirring and mixing action for anything.

JohnJBurfurkle said:
TB you need your own damn cooking show! Do you just go into that lab you call a kitchen and start creating or do you always have a gameplan before you start? Great recipe!

Cooking show would be too much like work! 90% of the time I don't have a game plan. I keep a basic ingredient list on hand at all times though and I have an understanding of what ingredients work together and those that do not. While I have a general list of ingredients I may want to make a sauce, I usually do no use any recipe. Here's an example of the mayhem that may unfold this evening...

I'm going to make a pequin sauce along the lines of my Tres Putas Pequin Sauce...so...I need...

Pequins. I have dried and fresh. I also have some store bought dried that have a lovely smoke flavor. I'll probably use all 3. I'll also add some fresno's or another nonname medium hot red pepper that I have several of for color.

I'll build a base around, garlic, shallots, and carrots, then add apple cider vinegar. I also have some balsamic vinegar I like but may or may not use it, depending on my mood. Once I bring that to a boil and simmer until the carrots are about 1/2 done, I'll add the chile's and simmer.

I'll also be adding the juice of 4-5 limes and some brown sugar. Once the lime juice and brown sugar are added, then I begin to taste. As liquid evaporates from the whole thing while it simmers
I break out the boat motor (emersion blender) and whir and stir until smooth. Now at this point, I start tasting. Salt? Pepper? More wang? More tang? Thick enough? Too thick? You get the picture.

I almost always thicken by reduction rather than utilizing a thickener such as say..corn starch or arrowroot. Chile's do not have the pectin content of fruit but have enough pulp to have plenty of body if not too much water is left in as the sauce finalizes. I simply reduce down until I think the sauce is just a tad too runny for use when it is still hot, so that when it is cool, it will be just right.

Now in all of that, notice I didn't mention a cup of this, a teaspoon of that...etc. I've been cooking long enough to just start throwing and have a feel for how much this or that. The key is the tasting and adjustment when you are finishing the sauce. Sometimes I write down what I did and post it on a clippy chingadera on the fridge in case someone asks, but I rarely go back to it for duplication.

The real fun is doing the sauce while halfway in the bag. I do it sober sometimes but I only get half the laughs.
This stuff looks great. Pineapple and habaneros. Two of my favorite edibles. Gonna cut the recipe in half and give it a try.

I tend to screw recipes up the first time out. Doesn't make sense to do the full batch.

Wish there was a Thank You button.
texas blues said:
Got any piccy's? Love to see the salsa/relish!

It's not the best picture, but here you go.


Not sure what I want to eat it with yet. I'm thinking some sort of fish.

Oh, I only used 15 habs instead of 30. It still has a good bit of heat, but still edible.
Thanks for the base plan for a wicked pot of stuff that's simmering right now.
This is my first go at a carrot type recipe.
20 Ghost Chilies, along with some tabascos, habaneros, and cayennes thrown in the mix.
5 large carrots, shredded.
6 garlic cloves
1 med. onion
Cider and white vinegar, equal parts of each
Brown Sugar
Lemon Juice
Orange juice
Olive oil

-Process Onion, Garlic, toss into oil for a few minutes (med. heat)
-Add carrots, saute for a bit, then add peppers (chopped in food processor).
-Run from the house, checking the clock so you know how long you have before the lady gets home.
-Add the vinegars after the mixture has become soft.
-Simmer for a while, then add your sugar, Lemon and O.J., salt and pepper, keep simmmering and stirring.
-At this point I started using a hand blender to grind the mix to a nice consistency. Be careful you don't splash. I wore safety glasses.
- Let simmer 'till you feel it's ready. Add some beer if you feel it's too thick.
-Cool and Jar!
Can't wait to taste the finished product. Thanks again, T.B.!:hell:
Ratman667 said:
It's not the best picture, but here you go.


Not sure what I want to eat it with yet. I'm thinking some sort of fish.

Oh, I only used 15 habs instead of 30. It still has a good bit of heat, but still edible.

That pic is pure MONEY!! You could put that sauce on cardboard and it would still be hot, blue, and righteous. Very well done!!

Caustic Casey said:
Thanks for the base plan for a wicked pot of stuff that's simmering right now.
This is my first go at a carrot type recipe.
20 Ghost Chilies, along with some tabascos, habaneros, and cayennes thrown in the mix.
5 large carrots, shredded.
6 garlic cloves
1 med. onion
Cider and white vinegar, equal parts of each
Brown Sugar
Lemon Juice
Orange juice
Olive oil

-Process Onion, Garlic, toss into oil for a few minutes (med. heat)
-Add carrots, saute for a bit, then add peppers (chopped in food processor).
-Run from the house, checking the clock so you know how long you have before the lady gets home.
-Add the vinegars after the mixture has become soft.
-Simmer for a while, then add your sugar, Lemon and O.J., salt and pepper, keep simmmering and stirring.
-At this point I started using a hand blender to grind the mix to a nice consistency. Be careful you don't splash. I wore safety glasses.
- Let simmer 'till you feel it's ready. Add some beer if you feel it's too thick.
-Cool and Jar!
Can't wait to taste the finished product. Thanks again, T.B.!:hell:

20 Naga's!!! You must have 4 fat ladies and a team of clydesdales to haul around your cajones!!
That's 'hawt!!
TB, this sauce is awesome man. It finally got my wife to start liking Habs! We seriously use it on almost everything, including Ice cream.
I make up a batch of this about once a month, as well as using it as a base for several other sauces and marinades.
From this I have created a Jerk Sauce that I use for dipping and as a chicken marinade with just a few additional spices.
Right now I am making a batch up using about 35-40 smoked orange habs that I cold smoked this morning to see how it is. I figure it can't be bad, so Go for it.

I can only find crushed pineapple in 20oz cans in stores here, but have found that with 2 of them, I don't need to add any water to the mix.

Thanks again for such an awesome sauce recipe.