show-off Harvest

I got two more isolated pods off of my overwintered clone. 7 Pot Cinder F2. My tolerance is so low right now that these smell like a bad day. Lol. I don't know what I'll do with them, but I cut them open to get the seeds.


Ed's Aleppo and several more turning.



It appears i have 2 phenos from the Fresno seeds i saved. Two plants produce more thin and lighter colored peppers. This one (2 on the left) are darker and thicker) A few on those plants are just darker but similar in shape to the thinner ones. Most of them are not nearly as thick as these 2. I will give them the taste test later today. Im going to chop all these up for a little pepper relish. Peppers, red onion, vinegar, salt and lime juice.
2 Fresno, 1 Chichimeca jala and a small Biker Billy
How do people grow Biker Billy jalapenos if you can't use the seeds from one?

Also screw that guy. Imagine if everyone did that to their strains..
Well i believe its Burpee who is the guilty party. They just named it after him. Its not really all that uncommon. Im not sure how true a Mucho Nacho is going to grow from saved seeds either. Pretty much any hybrid has some chance of not growing true to the pods you harvested.
These days i find far more tomato hybrids than heirloom and i bet lots of them will have seeds that wont give you the desired fruit the following year. Its been that way for ages with corn. Corn farmers don't save seeds for next years crop. They virtually all plant hybrids where i came from....I can assure you of that as a seasonal Nebraska farm boy and having a grandfather that worked for Dekalb.
Well if that's just how that turned out and it wasn't avoidable, fine. If he meant to, that's like somehow copyrighting a fruit.

Lol what if when you grew it out, instead of pods it put out DMCA style notices?
No its not like a copyright. If you knew what Burpee used to make the Biker Billy you could surely grow your own legally. You could even sell them legally. You just could not label and sell them as "Biker Billy Jalapeno" without risking a lawsuit. :D
I have some Biker Billy F2 seeds but i didn't try to grow any since i have some Burpee seeds. Most people ive seen post about them did not get the same results with seeds they saved vs using seeds from Burpee. I didnt have the space to find out myself. Ive got 1 Chichimeca hybrid that just might produce in time to find out but when i can buy a sweet huge seedling for $5 i made sure to play it safe also.
Ghaleon said:
How do people grow Biker Billy jalapenos if you can't use the seeds from one?

Also screw that guy. Imagine if everyone did that to their strains..

I used to get mad about the commercial hybrid peppers.  But I've come to peace with them.
I'm still slightly scared about their pollen wafting around my open pollinated peppers.  But I still have a handful of hybrids among my majority of open-pollinated peppers.
I look at hybrids as peppers with training wheels.  The "hybrid vigor" makes them dumb easy to grow, and they really can throw off a generous crop of peppers if treated half-way right.
I'm sure there's lots of people here on THP that got started by growing a few hybrid peppers at first.  Hybrid peppers are our gateway drug for luring people into growing all the other peppers with crazy sounding names.
Picked 3 more Aleppo that ripened. Saved the seeds and put the pods outside to dry in the scorching sun :D I have these huge 2ft+ wood kabob skewers so i kabbobed them suckers as a drying test.
One mystery "Naga" is turning and it sure looks red or a very dark red. One gnarly looking MOA is turning red. One starfish just started and one Aji Arnaucho is into the yellow to orange to red phase now. Its currently a pinkish orange. Almost a peach color.