Hello from Celeste

Because the moderator said I should.

Its Patrick's fault.

He grew pepper's, and made salsa. and sent me some.

and then he sent me pepper powders, and I liked cooking with them.

I started begging for more salsa, more pepper powders. Offered him money, tarantulas, and artwork.

He sent me seeds!

At the time, I was busy 8 days a week, and I never got them started.

Then I went to his house. and saw a lot of pepper plants. And I think, if I lurk around, I might try growing them next year-even though my history of growing plants is not distinguished. My deck would look prettier with something other than oxolis, purslane, and stickery weeds growing in the pots. The oxolis and purslane are good in salads, though! (my grandma taught me to eat weeds). And I'm awefully fond of habeneros.
And peppers are pretty and have interesting names.

So, now I'll go lurk, and learn some new stuff about peppers and growing stuff and hot sauces and barbeque and.....
Welcome from Fort Worth (again ;) )
Welcom from Lake Constance, Germany! That's some nice history of addiction! And is has only started!

imaguitargod said:
Passow the Constipated welcomes thee from Cleveland, Ohio!

That's what we desperately needed to know...:rolleyes: