Hello from Georgia

The damned pics man!!!
I had a buddy, I'll call him Mike, partly because his name is Mike, who used to work with me roofing. This guy did nothing but stand around and look pretty. As pretty as a 45 year old methhead could look anyway, but we humored him. We decided he kept the housewives off us. He stands around looking pretty, they swarm over him, and we get the work done unharassed.
At the end of the day, we just brushed the housewives off him and put him back in the truck. Easy to do, them being all weak-kneed and such. In theory, anyways.
Now one day I had this new guy, and he got spoiled on hearing Mike tell funny stories.
Now I was nailing on shingles on one side of the roof, and they where tearing off the rest of the roof on the other side. I was overhearing them talking, and Mike was griping the new guy out for not working hard enough.
So the new guy finally tells Mike, "Screw you. I'm not working no more unless you tell me another funny story."
So Mike says "All Righty..."
And I stood up to see what was going on after that, and they had both stopped working, sat down, and lit cigarettes while Mike tolfd his funny story.

The only thing funnier in the past couple weeks at least was when the customer sprayed a wasps nest, and the wasps ignored him 5 feet away and flew halfway across the roof and attacked my boss. I rolled off the roof laughing, was rescued by the housewife, (Mike wasn't there.) and was accused by her husband of being drunk. Which was only a half-truth. Anotherwords, the only true part was the drunk part. Like Homer Simpson once said, "Anyone can prove anything thats even remotely true."

But what I'm getting at here, is I refuse to post again until you show me pictures of that Bhut Jolokia.