Hello From the Pacific North West!!!

What up fellow hot tongues?!?!? Just found this site. I have been an avid sauce maker and pepper lover on many years. Good to meet you all!:hell:
Novacastrian said:
Welcome RazorBack, may i ask how you chose your name? We have razorbacks here in Australia.

Razorback is a style of a guitar shape made from a DEAN GUITARS. Different kind of HOT! :)
Got some family up that way in Napa and Eureka, some in Portland too. Heard it has the highest per capita # of skake parks and strip bars in the US. Good combo.
boutros said:
Got some family up that way in Napa and Eureka, some in Portland too. Heard it has the highest per capita # of skake parks and strip bars in the US. Good combo.
Yea man.... Cal (Bay Area) has a ton of parks but nothing compared to here in here in here Portland area. Ive been here just under 3 years and have seen more than 10 new parks built within a 40 min drive from me. So awesome, they range from all good to all bad. Same goes for the strip clubs! But WAAAAAAAAAY more skin bars than skate parks. I'd rather skate!
Nice. Most parks here suck. The city ran out of money and theirs are unsupervised which is great in ways, but now you gotta roust all the froot booters, misc. trolls and bikes out. Think of the children, lol.
Welcome from Fort Worth