Hello from the UK

Hi everyone, I have been lurking here for a while and thought it was about time I signed up. Chillies will be playing a large part in my life for the foreseeable future; last September my wife gave birth to a little boy (Harry) and shortly after that we made the decision that when my wife returned to work, I would stay at home to look after him whilst trying to get a chilli nursery up and running. I've had a part time nursery for the last six years, specialising in hellebores and cyclamen, but after leaving my job (setting up extrusion machines; soul destroying hours) and deciding to run the nursery full time, the hellebores have gone and have been replaced with what I hope will be the more profitable chilli plants.

The plan is to sell the chillies in various forms such as sauces, pickles, etc. at Farmer's Markets. I have most of that organised and am in the process of getting everything in place for actual production which will take place at home.

We have three glasshouses full of chilli plants, which will be planted out in open beds in three polytunnels in the middle of May. Wish me luck, guys; this is my first year growing chillies and my ability to pay the bills depends on it...:-)

I have taken some photos of the plants and will post them later on in the growing forum.

Hello from Lake Constance, Germany!

Good luck with your nursery. You found the right place for informations and "hot line". Some guys here grow large numbers of pepper plants and a lot of varieties, Alabama Jack, Potawie, Wordwiz, just to name a few of the mega growers.
Thanks, Captain; coincidence that the first person to reply shares the same surname as me... :-)

Thanks Armadillo, I've been reading this site for a while now and have read lots of very interesting posts. I'm familiar with all of the names you mentioned.
Welcome to the Forum from Fort Worth, Texas...

Here's wishing you good luck on your venture...

Great site with lots and lots of experience/knowledge....enjoy your stay...
Hello and welcome from Australia.....

I hope your new adventure works out for the best mate...

Any questions you have will be answered here...
Thanks again for the warm welcome. I should have added in my first post that the chillies aren't just a commercial venture; I've been a fan of all things hot for as long as I can remember, although since I got married nearly 11 years ago, my intake of chillies has been greatly reduced as my wife can't stand anything even remotely warm.

I've recently started to get back into eating the hot stuff again and I've found that my tolerance has gone downhill in those 11 years!! I guess I'll just have to build it back up again slowly...:-)