Hello From Toronto

Hello All,

Greetings from Toronto, Ontario, Canada! What an excellent forum this is. I lost a fair bit of sleep last night lurking here, and I figure it's time to introduce myself.

My name's Ward and I work as a real estate agent in Toronto. I've been fairly obsessed with everything hot and spicy and delicious since I was young and spent some time in Jamaica. I started out making my own jerk sauce after being somewhat frustrated by what was available here in Toronto. Moved on to hot sauce and now that I've got my family and friends addicted, I spend at least one day a week cooking and bottling sauce, and just basically having fun sharing spicy deliciousness with others. I like fresh tasting sauces generally, not wild about overly salty, overly vinegary or extract sauces. I guess I look for a good balance of heat and flavour. I definitely have some stupidly hot sauces in my fridge, but they don't often make it to the table.

Anyways... blah blah blah. I look forward to continuing to lurk and learn here, and to maybe even subjecting some of the resident experts to some newb questions. Oh, and here's a pic of my sauce/beer fridge. It's a little dated, but what better way to introduce yourself to a bunch of chiliheads?



Welcome fellow Ontarian. Nice fridge, must be a challenge finding room for both beer and sauce in their:)
Kinda funny, you posted a welcome post back in 2005 and asked if sauces should be refrigerated. Your next post is in 2009 with a picture of your sauces in the refrigerator. Took you four years to buy a fridge and post back ;)


:welcome: back. See you in 2013.
thehotpepper.com said:
Kinda funny, you posted a welcome post back in 2005 and asked if sauces should be refrigerated. Your next post is in 2009 with a picture of your sauces in the refrigerator. Took you four years to buy a fridge and post back ;)


:welcome: back. See you in 2013.

Yep! That was me! As you can see, I take all advice I receive very seriously.

Hopefully it wont take 4 more years for me to post back again. :)

Thanks for the welcome wishes (again)!
You know it ain't often someone joins a forum, posts once then starts his or her relationship with the forum again only to be razzed by admin as soon as he/her steps foot back into said forum.

Well done THP and Zomg, well done :P
Thanks for the welcome wishes! Cool to see so many Ontarians and Torontonians here. Looking forward to swapping tales with you.

Penny said:
Hi there and Welcome from up around Georgian Bay

I spend a fair bit of time around Honey Harbour. My lady's family has a place there. Picked up a new lab puppy from around there last summer too...

Sydtunes said:
Welcome fellow Ontarian... Love the fridge pic!

Syd, your PM inbox is full...

QuadShotz said:

Originally from ONT my self..killer fridge BTW. :)

Like the Cholula..pequins rock!

If ya haven't, try some El Yucateco KutBil-Ik XXXhot, it's the best bang for the buck in sauces.

Plus, it's Passow-Approved. ;)

Thanks for the recommendation! I'll definitely check it out. :)