Hello From Utah

What an amazing website/forum. I am a pepperhead, that is sick an tired of mass produced pepper sauce. I do have a friend that grows and makes his own tabasco sauce. I have never grown peppers before, and have decided that this is the year. I would love to grow different varieties of Habs, and some of the other hot peppers......I am curious if there are others on this site from Utah that have had experiences or tips they would share with me....Thanks in advance for any help.......Love the site.
Welcome to THP man.

Here is a good place to get started for info on growing chiles:

Not to mention that they have just about every variety you can imagine cataloged with pics.

If you're wanting to grow some awesome peppers this season, you should give fataliis a shot. At least as hot as a habanero but with an awesome unique flavor. And we're having a THP 2009 fatalii grow comparison/competition :)

I have tons of seeds for them too if you want any shoot me a pm.
Thank you for the congrats on the National Championship. I know that either Florida or Oklahoma will end up being the champs, but you cant argue with 13-0.
Welcome from Fort Worth