Hi everyone

Just checked in, I know a few people on here. Once I find my way around I hope to get to know you all. I like em hot and firey, but for now just want to say hello !
Aw hell now we have two iggy's.

Hope you're not as crazy as the first one.

:lol: Welcome to the boards!
Welcome from Fort Worth, Texas...

I will have to call you iggy2....
Thanks for the warm welcome folks, as for the name, Ive been called iggy since I was a child ( some say Im still a child !! )
imaguitargod said:
Welcome from the real Iggy.

: gets out sword :

I am IggyMcCloud from the clan McCloud! There can be only one!!!
You do know the "there can be only one" thing is a load of BS, right? cause it was all magical and all in the first movie and then they came up with aliens, weird domes and sorcerers. :shocked:
You can never have just one, cause you need at least another one for the sequel. :lol: