Hi from South Africa

Omri said:
huntsman, is this how your women look like?


If so, we (as a nation) *will* conquer your lands and take your women. sorry dude.

Right, Ormi, enough of this now, it's about the peppers ;) Huntsman's from Joburg, I'm (and the girls) are from Durban, more costal.
Thanks for seeing the um, peppers Huntsman.
well, hi!

I'm just lurking...It's Patrick's fault- but I suspected I might see some familiar folkses here....HI, Paul!:P

So far I'm better at growing spiders than plants- but I saw Pat's setup, so I'm going to lurk for a bit and see if I'm up to trying to grow things next year. I want to taste what he's growing so I'll know what I want to try!
Welcome Celeste...why don't you post a message in the welcome section so others can meet you too...