Hi from South Africa

Thanks guys 'n gals!

Really looking forward to chatting a whole lot more in the main forums...

(Gotta get rid of this sissy Post Count and get some real numbers up!):cheers:
Thanks, folks! :lol:

Lee, you coming over to watch the World Cup next year, or are Holland playing in it?

You have some wonderful players and will have a lot of local support - many of us are the offspring of Dutch settlers as I'm sure you know! ;)
huntsman said:
Thanks, folks! :lol:

Lee, you coming over to watch the World Cup next year, or are Holland playing in it?

You have some wonderful players and will have a lot of local support - many of us are the offspring of Dutch settlers as I'm sure you know! ;)

Yes we will play at the WC 2010 :). And sure would like the see the dutch influences there in South Africa. So maybe me and some friends will take a trip over there next year..
You'll love it, but make sure you buy tickets before you leave. Logistically, SA is still very....weak, to put it politely! :whistle:

Once you're here, you'll find things very inexpensive in general, so bring lots of seeds to bribe the locals...;)
huntsman, is this how your women look like?


If so, we (as a nation) *will* conquer your lands and take your women. sorry dude.