• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Highalt's 2012 Grow Log

I haven't made it to the super hot level yet, so not sure how interesting you guys will find this, but I like having one place to post all of my pictures throughout the season, so here goes.

2012 Preliminary Grow List:

Aji Yellow
Alma Paprika
Ancho Gigantia
Ancho San Luis
Barker (NuMex)
Big Jim (NuMex)
Black Hungarian
Chile de Arbol
Chile Hidalgo (don't actually have seeds for this one yet)
Chilhaucle Rojo
Cosa Arrugada
Costeno Amarillo
Georgia Flame
Giant Szegedi
Habanero Chocolate
Habanero Peach
Hawaiian Sweet Hot
Inca Red Drop
Jalapeno 'Biker Billy' (The only hybrid on the list)
Jimmy Nardello
Lemon Drop
NuMex Espanola Improved
NuMex Pinata (don't have seeds for this one yet either)
Patio Red Marconi
Piment 'd Espelette
Rain Forest
Sante Fe Grande
Serrano Tampiqueno
Tollie's Sweet Italian

*Disclaimer - this list is subject to change ... hourly

I host an annual group pepper seed swap on another site, so I'm sure I'll probably add to this list once that gets going, but this is the bulk of what I plan to grow anyway. The problem with adding to this list isn't where to plant them, it's finding enough cat-free space indoors to start them all!

If you check out my post on early season Serrano substitutes you'll see I'm still looking for information on a few of the peppers I"m thinking of growing. It's so much better hearing from someone that has actually grown a variety, rather than going by a description on a seed vendor's website!

The habaneros may get started in the next couple of weeks, but I'll probably wait until February to start the rest. I'll be back with pictures once the seeds are in the dirt.
Whew, that was close! The Aji Yellow was leaning on his neighbors, but that is one advantage of having a tightly packed small garden. They all help support one another. Hope everything at the comm. garden held up okay!

The garden and pods look great that aci sivri just looks interesting hopefully atleast those three ripen for you before the end of the season. Just amazing work you have done with all your gardens.

Thanks, Fernando! I'll have to do a comparison review on the flavor of the Aci Sivri and the Joe's Long once I have a ripe one of each.

Bonnie you make me so hungry every time I head over here, smores pie?! YUM! Must make that for my girls!! :) Sorry to hear about the bug and BER problems, so many unknowns you run in to with growing! This being my second year growing anything has taught me quite a bit! I just ripped out a couple of tomatoes because I found mites, not risking my pepper babies over a tomato plant! They seem to be out in full force this year, I had absolutely no bug problems last year, but then again I grew maybe 20 plants max. I didn't realize the season for you ends in september! :( I will have large late harvests, not everything is supers so I will send some pepper love your way when you run low! Good luck with the rest of the season, amazing work thus far! Can't wait to see what interesting varieties you grow next year! I have some purple bhut seeds should you decide you really want to grow them. Take care!

Hi Melissa! Yeah, my first year I had a huge tomato harvest with no issues with BER, bugs, or disease. It seems like the longer I have a garden the more pests and problems show up. Guess that's why farmers have always rotated crops. Keep those bugs guessing!

If I'm lucky, the first hard freeze might hold out until the first week or two of October, but we usually get at least one or two light frosts sometime in September.

I am definitely interested in those Purple Bhut seeds! I'll send you a PM.

After the storm passed through, I got a couple more pics.

Patio Red Marconi


... and Pusztagold. Should have put something in the picture for size comparison. They are almost as big as grocery store bells! The leaves are huge too, about the size of my hand.


Oh, and I found some information on those Pimenta Barro do Robiero peppers. They look really cool. I'm glad I finally got some pods on it!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!
You have such an interesting selection of peppers. Very different. I love coming to check up on what's going on over here and it seems like your talking about some different variety that I have to go google. Lololol.
Jeeze Bonnie, more extreme weather... at least it included some rain this time! That's a really nice shot of the Red Marconi! I got a packet of seeds for it that I'm going to plant next year. My plan is to put the Marconi Rosso next to a Corno de Toro and a King of the North Bell Pepper and let them duke it out for pre-eminence...
You have such an interesting selection of peppers. Very different. I love coming to check up on what's going on over here and it seems like your talking about some different variety that I have to go google. Lololol.

Thanks for stopping by, Pia!

Jeeze Bonnie, more extreme weather... at least it included some rain this time! That's a really nice shot of the Red Marconi! I got a packet of seeds for it that I'm going to plant next year. My plan is to put the Marconi Rosso next to a Corno de Toro and a King of the North Bell Pepper and let them duke it out for pre-eminence...

I got the seeds for the Patio Red Marconi from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, and it's one of my favorite sweets. I don't even grow bells anymore.

Looking good Bonnie!!!

Thanks, Jeff!

So today's project = Hot Lemon Jelly. The recipe came from Pulpiteer, so thanks Andy for the inspiration! It's actually Rocketman's fault I made jelly today. Saw his pics earlier today of that awesome looking Bourbon Apple Butter he made, and had to make something hot and sweet. Here's a link to the recipe Andy posted.


I didn't grow any Lemon Drop peppers this year, so I used mostly Aji Chinchi Amarillos, a few Bulgarian Carrots, and Jaloros to increase the overall pepper volume. I was still a couple of ounces shy of what the recipe called for, but I think it worked out fine.



Basically, all you need, other than peppers, is sugar, lemon juice, and liquid pectin. It doesn't get any easier than that!


Finished product.


The jar on the right was what was leftover. I actually like the softer color of the jelly before going in the canner better. I didn't add any food coloring, but the finished product looks a little more orange than I had hoped for.
That jelly looks very inviting Bonnie! I understand the desire for something hot and sweet... I made two cases of peach-serrano jam this summer... twelve quarts in all.
Pepper jelly looks good. How does it taste.? My jalapeno jelly is basically made the same way,
except no lemon juice, and I add a large sweet red pepper to make it pretty. Maybe I'll try that
next year with a yellow citrusy pepper. My pepper season is pretty much done, my plants
are tired.
Bonnie, your jelly is beautiful. Those Bulgarian Carrots gave it a great color. Hows the taste, I've never tasted either of those peppers.
how's the Yellow Aji doing, is it getting back to standing on it's own?

Have a great weekend,
That jelly looks very inviting Bonnie! I understand the desire for something hot and sweet... I made two cases of peach-serrano jam this summer... twelve quarts in all.

You have been very productive in the kitchen this season, and made good use of those serranos! That jam sounds divine!!!

Pepper jelly looks good. How does it taste.? My jalapeno jelly is basically made the same way,
except no lemon juice, and I add a large sweet red pepper to make it pretty. Maybe I'll try that
next year with a yellow citrusy pepper. My pepper season is pretty much done, my plants
are tired.

The taste is bright and citrusy, and the heat doesn't disappear the way the jalapeno seems to do. I would say it's a little hotter than the jalapeno jellies I've made, and the heat lingers around in a nice way. I'm very fond of this jelly. My only issue is that it set up almost too well. I think I will decrease the cook time slightly to get the perfect texture next time.

Bonnie, your jelly is beautiful. Those Bulgarian Carrots gave it a great color. Hows the taste, I've never tasted either of those peppers.
how's the Yellow Aji doing, is it getting back to standing on it's own?

Have a great weekend,

Yesterday was my first taste of the Bulgarian Carrot, and I only used a few. Most of what went in the jelly were the Aji Chinchi Amarillos. The Bulgarian Carrot's skin is much tougher, and the flesh is not crisp like the Aji Chinchi Amarillo. It doesn't have that nice, citrusy flavor either, but it is hotter. I don't think it will make next year's grow list, but the Aji Chinchi Amarillo will definitely be on it.

Today's harvest


Notice the tomato. It's the first decent sized one of the season. Looked back at previous year's photos, and discovered that in '09 I was already harvesting enough tomatoes to can a batch of salsa by this date. :mope:

Oh, and notice the small, orange pepper by itself, almost in the center of the picture? That came from the Hawaiian Sweet Hot that I thought was a NOT. Well, apparently I'm right, since Hawaiian Sweet Hots ripen red from what I've read. Anyone have any guesses on what it might be???

Walla Walla onions.


There's at least 3 dozen more onions, but I'm going to try and stagger the harvest a bit. This will be the best onion harvest I've every had! :dance:

Think I might crank up the dehydrator tomorrow.
Bonnie, do you have a smoker? A lot of those could go low and slow in the smoker for a couple of hours and then into the dehydrator. Humm smoked, dried onions, interesting.
Bonnie, do you have a smoker? A lot of those could go low and slow in the smoker for a couple of hours and then into the dehydrator. Humm smoked, dried onions, interesting.

Well, "I" don't have a smoker, but my spouse does, LOL. Not sure he trusts me to use it without supervision though. ;) I do plan on having him smoke a batch of peppers for me before the seasons over though.

Finally had enough peppers to dry a small batch. Good thing the MIL isn't here for her visit yet, since the dehydrator is in the guest room, so that I don't asphyxiate the family.


After loading up the dehydrator, I used some of the zucchini I've harvested to try out a new recipe, Zucchini Gingerbread.


I guess the icing makes it more of a desert, than a breakfast food. I'll let you know how it tastes. :P
I can't get away from the food awesomeness no matter how hard I try today! First Rick, then Jamie...now you. I am stuck in the barracks eating bean dip and doritos... :mope:

That bread looks amazing! Have fun with the powdering...my wife made me move mine outside after I dried the first batch of superhots. Manzanos and Jalapenos actually make a nice aroma, 7 pots and Brain Strains make the house a bio-warfare toxic zone. :rofl:
Sorry about that, Shane! If it makes you feel any better all I made for dinner tonight was a broccoli bacon quiche, and a fruit salad. The kids like brunch food for dinner, but the hubby is less than enthused about it.

Check out the cool care package I received in the mail from Rick today!!!


Already used some of the powder in tonights dinner, and can't wait to try one of the Gwari pods!

Thanks, Rick!!! You rock!!!
I'm a little under the weather today, thank you back-to-school germs. So I'll be brief today.

After grinding up the peppers I dried yesterday, I didn't even end up with half as much as Rick sent me. I don't know why, but I'm always surprised by how much volume you lose with dehydrating. The good news is that I should end up with enough peppers before the season's out to make several more batches.

Today's harvest


Here is a close up of my NOT Hawaiian Sweet Hot peppers. The real ones ripen red. Anyone have a clue what these might be? Haven't tasted one yet, so I'll report back on the heat level once I do.


I bought this Mr. Coffee Birr Mill Grinder to use for peppers, but it does not work for them. They are too light to drop down into the hopper where the grinding wheel is, so I ended up using my cheapo blade grinder.


Now to see if I kept the receipt ...
Hi Bonnie
Thanks for talking me out of buying a burr mill before the idea ever occurred to me... ;)
Sorry you're feeling logy, but eat a hot pepper... it'll burn out the cold and elevate your mood. One of those Gwari peppers should do nicely! :onfire:
Hi Bonnie
Thanks for talking me out of buying a burr mill before the idea ever occurred to me... ;)
Sorry you're feeling logy, but eat a hot pepper... it'll burn out the cold and elevate your mood. One of those Gwari peppers should do nicely! :onfire:

I think maybe the more expensive burr mills might not have the same design issue ...

I did try a Gwari pepper with dinner tonight. Not tons of flavor, but I liked the level of heat it had. Is the Gwari a hybrid, or can I save the seeds from those pods? I also used some of the Gochu powder in the breading I coated the tilapia filets with for dinner. I think I am feeling a little better now. ;)

They sure don't go far! A ton of work and time for a half a sandwich baggie of powder gets frustrating.

Yeah, but it takes up less space than freezing them!

Feel better. :dance: :onfire:

Thank you, Pia! Every year when the kids start school, someone has a cold by the end of the first week. This year it was my oldest, who then passed it on to me. You'd think they'd have better hygiene by middle school!
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Thank you, Pia! Every year when the kids start school, someone has a cold by the end of the first week. This year it was my oldest, who then passed it on to me. You'd think they'd have better hygiene by middle school![/background]

Yes. I dont envy you with that one. Its either a cold or a stomach flu. Ugh. My 14 yr old is pretty much over the bring home the nasties stage. She hates germs so she kinda anal about touching things and washing her hands.
love the harvest... love the jam even more... my wife adores the bulgarian carrot.. its her favorite.... i got me my pectin and jars....when i get a good harvest i will make me some jam as well