• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Highalt's 2013 Grow - End of Season Wrap Up

I know some of you guys have already started seeds for next year's grow, and I should have started the Manzano's a month ago, but I am still working on finalizing the grow list.

Each year since I started growing peppers, the list has gotten bigger, and they have taken up a larger % of my vegetable growing space. I started working part-time 3 months ago, and I am a mother of three, so I am struggling with being realistic about how much time I can devote to pepper growing this coming season. Right now, I've got between 65 and 70 varieties on the list, and some of them I'd really like to have more than one plant. Last year, I ended up with about 50 varieties and a total of 75 plants. So you can see that I have some work to do before I start putting the seeds in the dirt!

I thought I would go ahead and put up my tentative list, and use the feedback I get from you guys to help me narrow things down a bit. Those of you that know me will notice that I still haven't gotten brave enough to add any supers yet ... maybe next year. :snooty:

So here's what I got so far:

Alice's Favorite
Alma Paprika
Ancho Gigantia, and/or Ancho San Luis
Barker (NuMex)
Biker Billy Jalapeno
Black Hungarian
Cayenne Thick (Can't remember who it was that was raving about this one this past season, but I don't have seeds for this one yet.)
Chilhuacle Amarillo
Chocolate Cherry
Cosa Arrugada and/or Pepperoncini
Costeno Amarillo
Georgia Flame
Goat's Weed
Golden Cayenne
Hungarian Hot Wax
Jamaican Hot Yellow (Anyone have a source for these? It's confusing to me that the Jamaican Hot Choc. is a Chinense, but this one is listed as an Anuum!)
Jimmy Nardello
Leutschauer Paprika
Mulato Isleno
NuMex Pinata
NuMex Vaquero
Patio Red Marconi
Sante Fe Grande
Serrano (Not sure which one. May try the purple one this year.)
Tangerine Pimento and/or Yummy
Tobasco (Need seeds for this one.)
Zapotec Jalapeno

Aji Chinchi Amarillo
Aji Yellow
Birgit's Locoto
Bishop's Crown (Don't actually have seeds for this one yet. If anyone has some, I'd be willing to trade for them.)
El Oro de Equador
Inca Red Drop
Lemon Drop (Maybe. Last time they were bitter. May try a difference source.)
Pimenta Barro do Robiero
Purple de Arbol and/or Negro de Arbol (Which one is better?)

Aji Dulce (type 1 or 2 ?) Is this the same as Rocotillo?
Aji Limo Rojo
Bonda ma Jacques (Don't have seeds for this one yet either. May just grow Gold Bullet or regular yellow habanero as a substitute?)
Cheiro Roxa
Habanero, Peach (and maybe the Pink as well)
Habanero, White (I have the regular white, and White Bullet. Is the Peruvian White better, or are they all about the same?)
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Purple Bhut (Okay, I don't have seeds for this one either. Maybe I'll substitute Condor's Beak if I can't find any.)
Scotch Bonnet Yellow (Have some labeled True Jamaican Scotch Bonnet. Should those be yellow? Or red?)

Pubescens (Yeah, I know I'm really too late on these, and probably won't get any ripe fruit this coming season)
Orange Manzano
Red Manzano
Yellow Manzano

Well, I think that's about it. I'm sure the list will change a few more times before it's a done deal, but at least it's a start!

So tell me what you think about the ones I have questions on, or let me know where to find seeds for the ones I'm missing, or tell me what I should have on the list and don't. Just kidding on that last one!!!
That is one huge, scrumptious-looking BB Jal. I gotta put that on the 2014 grow list.
Nice daylilies.
I like both those colors. I used to have a nice pumpkin-colored solid, but I think the deer have finished it off. 
Same with my Stella d'Or -loved the fragrance.
I keep a big patch of the old standards and use some of the 1/2 size buds in salads.
Hey Bonnie, sorry I haven't been able to drop in for awhile.  That fatalii doesn't look quite right, I'm thinking it must have crossed with something, sorry.  Mine were more triangular shaped (?)  or something and bumps... but they are not totally off, so I don't know. 
Have you had any luck with your ground cherries?  I had my first one just the other day and thought of you growing them too.  They are wonderful!  I'm wondering what you think of them.
No worries, Andy!  I haven't been able to keep up with the glogs lately either.  Now it's looking like I may have to find a full time job instead of the part time one I've been doing.  I know I shouldn't whine, most of you guys have full time jobs, but as a mom, that would be kind of like having two full time jobs, so not sure where I would squeeze gardening in.     :mope:
The early Fatalii pods were more rounded, but the pods it's set recently seem to be more pointed or triangular.  
My ground cherries are just now starting to bloom and set fruit.  It's been pretty hot here, 102 today, and even though I'm trying to keep them watered, they just haven't really kicked into production mode yet.  The flavor is unique and hard to describe.  Kind of cross between a pineapple and a melon, with the texture of a tomato.  The jam I made with them was too seedy, and overly sweet, but I enjoyed the pie I made with them a couple years ago.  It takes a looong time to get enough of them to do anything, especially when the kids are eating them as fast as the fall off the plant!
Thanks for stopping by, and I hope that new baby is growing like a weed!
Being a mom is a lot of work, I can see why you'd be bummed to have to up your hours at another job!
Good to hear on the Fataliis - you'll have a better idea when their color comes in, and when you can taste them, I think. 
I've eaten one and a half ground cherries.  Pineapple/melon cross is a good way to describe it.  It's a hard flavor to place for me.  I really like the flavor though, and am glad to grow them.  Good to know about the jam.  A ground cherry pie sounds wonderful, I hope to get enough to try that out.  I'm afraid to show my kids how they work for fear that they would all be gone as soon as they ripen!
Bonnie your grow is looking great. Sorry about the peach hab but everything else is looking great. That Billy Boy has me thinking about poppers now. Might have to stop by the store on the way home tonight :)
My Ground Cherries never did anything, 0 for like 25 seeds. Where did you get your seeds from? 
Hey, it's Pizza night so I really do have to stop by and pick up some Jalapenos, have a great weekend 
Hi Bonnie,
   I was in touch with SeanW who was the source of the Cheiro, and he confirms your ID as a Cheiro Recife. Looking back on my glog, I see I even said so back in March, but I guess I have a shorter attention span than I though... If you wanna take the straight line and run with it, so be it... ;)  Anyhow, could you please share what you remember about it? I think you said you didn't care for the taste at the time because it was "Too Chinensy"... How are the aroma and the heat?
Hi Rick!  I don't remember them having a whole lot of heat, but then, since I wasn't crazy about the flavor, I didn't eat many of them raw/fresh.  They were aromatic, and fairly juicy if I remember correctly.  Unfortunately, too much time has passed for me to be able to accurately describe the flavor.
Thought of you today, when I noticed this:
First Peruvian Purple pod.

I have a few other "firsts".  These are all plants that are just now setting pods.  
Alice's Favorite.  Still hoping someone will have more information about this one.

Grew this one last year, it's a very productive, yellow jalapeno called Jaloro.  

I believe this one is supposed to be similar to Jaloro.  It's called NuMex Pinata.

NuMex Vaquero finally starting to set.

Shot of the veggie bed after a rain shower this afternoon.  Looks like monsoon season is finally upon us.  We got .10" last night, and maybe another . 02" so far today.  Good thing too, as I discovered last night that the irrigation has been temporarily shut down, probably for demossing.  I know those rain amounts seem trivial to those of you in the east, but for us desert folks that is enough to make a difference!

This shot was taken along the river about 8 miles from my house.  My son wanted to go to a pond there to catch frogs.

No, we didn't have frog legs for dinner.  He wants to keep all 7 of them for pets!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  I'll try and make the rounds to everyone's glogs this evening.
HI Bonnie,
   Numex varieties are looking good, and glad to hear you finally got some rain. You can always tell your boy that if he gets bored with the frogs, they make great Bass bait... ;)
Haha!  Don't think he'd go for that, Rick!  This morning when I went downstairs to make coffee, one of the frogs was making a break for it.  He was halfway down the hall.  Not sure how he got out of the tank, but I managed to catch him and get him back in there.   Speaking of catching things, my son also caught a couple of lizards when he was supposed to be out fishing with his dad a couple of weeks ago.  One didn't survive, but the other was in a large tupperware bin on the back patio.  Well, the container blew over during that afternoon thunderstorm the other day, and he was pretty upset.  He looked for it for a while, but never found him.  Yesterday, when I was watering the melon plants, the lizard was sunning him/herself on a rock just outside the backyard fence.  I was surprised he was still hanging around, thought he would have took off across the field/empty lot once he was free, and head for the irrigation ditch.  Anyway, by the afternoon, my son had caught him AGAIN, and this time begged to put the container inside the house.  So now we currently have 7 leopard frogs, one lizard, one salamander, and two fire-bellied toads.  It's gettin' a bit out of hand if you ask me ...
Now for a little non-pictorial pepper update.  Things at the community garden are coming along nicely for the most part.  Lots of pods coming on.  Noticed pods on the Condor's Beak, Beni Highlands, Goat Weed, and I think I even saw one on the Purple Bhut.  It's been close to 3 weeks since I took any pictures down at the community garden, so I'll have to try and bring my camera down there soon.  
The Peach Habaneros are still struggling, and not sure if they will produce, or even survive at this point.  The Pink Habanero has some new growth, so hopefully I'll still have a few habaneros by the end of the season.  Jamaican Hot Chocolate and the Scotch Bonnet are looking better now too, but neither is even blooming yet.  The bigger concern is one of the Chilhuacle Negros.  It was my tallest plant until a few days ago, when I noticed some drooping leaves, stems, buds.  The underside of the effected leaves were rusty brown, so pretty sure it was a mite attack.  I pinched off everything that looked unhealthy, which was a lot, and will just have to wait and see if it recovers.  So far no signs of that on any of the other plants, but I'll be checking it's neighbors closely.  I think my tallest plant now is either the Mulato Isleno, or the Ancho Gigantia.  
I do have one picture that I forgot to post the other day.  The first ripe pod is (drum roll please ...) Fresno!  Sorry about the blurry pic.

It's still on the plant, but I may pick it tomorrow.
Got together with a couple tonight that play bluegrass gospel music.  He plays the stand up bass and she plays the dobro.  They were looking for an acoustic guitarist and someone to sing harmonies.  We typically do more contemporary music at church, but I was familiar with a few of the songs.  Man, I had a blast!!! Felt great to try something different, and learn new stuff.  Can't wait to see where this leads!
Okay, so I'll end with a couple of pics from a hike I did with friends yesterday evening.


These were from the Colorow Trail, which is about 10 miles from my house.  Gotta love Colorado!!!
 Beautiful land you live in Bonnie. The shot with the sunlight streaming thru the clouds onto the Mountains is breathtaking. 
Your plants look like they are enjoying themselves as well.  :party:
Thanks guys!  Feels good to have rounded the corner on this year's grow.  Now it's time to start focusing on plans for the harvest, 'cause today was the first one!  
Okay, I know it is tiny, but there's more on the way!!!

Cochiti, Costeno Amarillo, and Fresno
Just a quick note on that Costeno Amarillo.  The Costeno I grew last year, which turned out NOT to be an amarillo, was a much taller plant, and the pods were more broad at the shoulders.  This plant and the pods look identical to the Aji Chinchi Amarillo.  Does anyone know if they are the same thing?
Also harvested some zucchini today.  The picture is deceiving.  A couple of them are over 15" long.  I couldn't find any quarters to throw in there for size reference.

I see some zucchini fries, or maybe zucchini bread in my future.  Hope to make a batch of zucchini relish later in the season, but need ripe peppers, carrots, and onions for that, so it will have to wait.
Looking great and congrats on the first harvest!  It will only be bigger from here on out!  Great shots of the hike.  Your son looks mesmerized by the frogs!  Awesome!