• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Devv said:
Ok it's 11 :D
Thanks Jeff!

Here's hoping you and yours have a special holiday season!
I do believe you're central time, the same as I am.  So you're either way earlier or way late with the 11 oclock news lol.
Hope you enjoy!!!
HillBilly Jeff said:
Does that mean you're in a hurry to get rid of it, or does that mean you enjoy it :)
I have a pic over in my glog with what happened to a decent percentage of one of the bags. After that plate was gone, I made another. 
Had to sample the sauce one more time.  This time on Italian beef sandwiches.  The bread was grilled using garlic butter.

Got some more seeds in the dirt tonight.
Planted 2 cells of brown moruga.  Seeds from Pepper Lover and MG
Planted 2 cells of Neyde Bhut X.  (I have one seed left in case this doesn't work)
Planted 2 cells of Orange Manzano
1 cell of Yellow Manzano
1 cell of Orange Peter (last of my seed)
Going to get these to come up behind the wood stove where there is plenty of warmth.  Once they are up, I will move them under a fluorescent light under a cabinet in the kitchen with the other two MoA and one yellow Manzano.
Itching to get this party started, but not wanting an extra month of watering an entire grow room of plants that desperately need in the ground.
Got an awesome box of pepper love from Greg today.  It sure looks sweet!!!  Can't wait to try it, but I don't want a lot of bottle floating around the fridge, so I have to open them one at a time after I finish off Annie's bottle.  Picking up a hog I had butchered tomorrow, so I think Annie's sauce won't make it long.
Many Many Thanks Greg!!!
Greg did you right, brother!  Bon appetite! 
Okay, Jeff, if you can't get a grow going with 1700 pellets, it's
time to find a new hobby!  That is one heck of a box of Jiffy pellets!  
I don't think out garden store has that many in stock!  What size are
those?  Still 33 mm?  Or are they just little shorter?  If you are trans-
planting when cotys show, then I guess it wouldn't really matter.
Pinoy83 said:
foooddd  and sauuucesss....yummmmmmmmmmm....thats a tonnnn of peatttss :fireball: ...
Thank you.  I should be set on peat for a while lol.  And the sauces really make the food yummmmy!!!
PaulG said:
Greg did you right, brother!  Bon appetite! 
Okay, Jeff, if you can't get a grow going with 1700 pellets, it's
time to find a new hobby!  That is one heck of a box of Jiffy pellets!  
I don't think out garden store has that many in stock!  What size are
those?  Still 33 mm?  Or are they just little shorter?  If you are trans-
planting when cotys show, then I guess it wouldn't really matter.
They are 30 mm, but they still get the same height to them as the ones I was using, just not as big around.  I don't pot up with the coty, I get trues before I go to that.
I didn't want that many, but the price is so right.  Almost half price of the best deal I could find out there with a lot smaller quantities.
maximumcapsicum said:
Haha! Looks like another vote for the peat pellets.
I really did like the idea of the sponge plugs but they would dry so bad on me and was really hard to for me to work with.  Absolutely no trans shock with the plugs.  I will have some shock with these pellets as I tend to let them go a little too long in the pellet.  Might try trans them early, but that means turning the heater on in my grow room early too.  We'll see.  The pellets are pretty simple and easy and I either had a bad germ rate last season or the peat makes for great germ rates.  
Jeff H said:
1700 will last you a while. Either that or you're going to have one heck of a large grow this year :D
I couldn't imagine 1700 plants out there.  I have the space for them, but I wouldn't have a use for all them unless I sold to a few restaurants or started a sauce business lol.
Got a brand new toy today.  Yes I know charcoal is best, but being my first smoker, this is the route I went.

Had a hog butchered last week and even with a 21, 15, 9, and 5 cubic feet freezers I am stuffed full.  I have a large bag of Seven pot burgundy that is dying to be smoked and will ease some space in the freezer.  
I wonder what kind of sauce could be made from the burgundy?  Not that I am going to make them into sauce as messing with ph is too much like work to me lol.
Christmas came early!!! That hog sounds delish too...haven't had one of those since last year at my daughters wedding. ;)