• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
This my first year with OW's, from what I read here is what I did. Make the roots the same size as the above the ground part, and go real easy on the water. If the weather was more like the last 10 years they would have been actively growing this year versus just a hangin' in the shop. I did not cut back 3 JA Habs, and I feel I need to. They lost a lot of their leaves and have some browning at branch tips. I've been looking for a round tuit..LOL
So perhaps they may be trying to support too much up top?
Hopefully someone with more experience can give some advise.
Edit: I see an expert is here. What do you think Greg? I read your OW thread...
Your grow has really takien off.
I'm behind on the glogs .......but I can speed read.......ahaha         wishful thinking....but I trying to scan through a few tonight
I like the beer can collection photos. Most  were midwest varieties and alot of those passed through my hands during the 70's.
I don't have a single sprout as of yet but have 8 trays seeded. I hope to have plants as green and healthy looking as yours.
Nice food shots........those are giving me and others ideas...
PIC 1 said:
Your grow has really takien off.
I'm behind on the glogs .......but I can speed read.......ahaha         wishful thinking....but I trying to scan through a few tonight
I like the beer can collection photos. Most  were midwest varieties and alot of those passed through my hands during the 70's.
I don't have a single sprout as of yet but have 8 trays seeded. I hope to have plants as green and healthy looking as yours.
Nice food shots........those are giving me and others ideas...
I am really thinking about going later next season to help with the time in the grow room.  Will have to see how this spring pans out and how bad I get the itch this fall/winter.
Been rolling the idea of doing some fall crops this year.  Not with everything, just a few things.  I think I can plant some early kohlrabi and it should be done in time to get an Early June planting of beans in the same row.  60 days should have the beans getting picked.  I can start fall kohlrabi in seed trays in August for a September 1st plant out.  Gives the plants a month+ before frosts in the fall and they are a frost tolerant plant.  Might have to tweak the dates a bit after I see how the early seeding of kohlrabi goes.  Only did direct sow with it last year.
Hopefully Mother Nature cooperates this year so everyone can have bountiful crops!
Another MoA popped up today making them 11/12 during round 1.  
The Peter I planted on 12/15 is now putting out buds.  Holy Crap this thing is fast.
2014 Grow List
HBJ  (3rd Gen)  (18 cells planted 01/11)(01/16 3 up)(01/17 1 up)(01/18 7 up)(01/19 1 up)(01/21 1 up)(01/22 1 HH DOA)(01/23 1 up)(01/30 DO DOA)
Goliath Jalapeno
Purple Jalapeno
Bonda Ma Jacques (2 cells planted, 4 seeds 12/28) (2 cells replanted 01/13)(Several Seeds put in toweling to germ 01/21)(01/23 2 up)(01/24 1 up)
Harold St Barts  (2 cells planted, 4 seeds 12/28) Hoping for 4 plants actually (01/09 1 up) (01/12 1 up)(01/18 3 potted up)
Chocolate Habanero (Over Winter Only)
Mustard Habanero (1 cell planted, 2 seeds 12/28) (01/09 2 up)(01/18 two potted up)
Datil  (Over Winter Only)
Paper Lantern  (1 cell planted, 2 seeds 12/28) (01/09 2 up)(01/18 two potted up)
JA Habanero (1 cell planted, 2 seeds 12/28) (01/09 2 up)(01/18 two potted up)
West Indie Red Habanero (1 cell planted, 2 seeds 12/28)  (01/09 1 up)(01/18 one potted up)
Cherry/Big Bomb
Santa Fe Grande 
Inca Red Drop (1 cell planted 01/11)(01/24 1 up)
Biggie Chile
Hurrikan (1 cell planted 01/11)(01/23 1 up)
Pimeta De Neyde X (3 planted 12/15)(3 potted up)
Peter Pepper (5 planted 12/15)(5 up)
Tepin x lemon drop (1 cell planted 01/11)(01/19 1 up)
Antilles fire (1 cell planted 01/11)(01/29 1 up)
Peach TS (3 cells planted 01/11)(01/16 1 up)(01/17 1 up)(01/19 1 up)
Chocolate TS (3 cells planted 01/11)(01/19 2 up)(01/20 1 up)
Yellow Scorpion (1 Over Winter) 4 cells planted 12/26 (01/09 3 up)(01/14 2 up)(01/18 5 potted up)
CARDI (1 cell planted 01/11)
Yellow Billy Boy Douglah (1 cell planted 01/11)(01/18 1 up)
Yellow Brain Strain (2 cells planted 01/11)(01/19 1 up)(01/20 1 up)
Red Brain Strain (Over Winter Only)
Yellow Bhut (Over Winter Only)
Peach Bhut  (One Over Winter) (3 cells planted 01/11)(01/23 3 up)
Chocolate Bhut  (3 cells planted 01/11)(01/19 1 up)(01/23 1 up)
White Bhut  (3 cells planted 01/11)(01/19 1 up)(01/20 1 up)
Peach X  (3 cells planted 01/11)(01/19 1 up)(01/23 1 up)
Yellow Fatalii  (2 cells planted 01/11)(01/18 1 up)(01/24 1 up)
Red Fatalii (Over Winter Only)
Chocolate Fatalii  (2 cells planted 01/11)(01/21 1 up)
Fatalii Cream (1 cell  planted 01/11)(01/17 1 up)
Jigsaw  (1 cell planted 01/11)(01/19 1 up)
MoA Scotch Bonnet 2 plants going strong  (12 cells planted 01/11)(01/15 1 up)(01/16 1 up)(01/17 1 up)(01/18 3 up)(01/19 1 up)(01/29 2 up)(02/02 1 up)(02/04 1 up)
7 Pod Burgundy (3 Over Winter) 4 cells planted 12/26 (seed from stinger pod) (01/09 1 up) (01/14 1 up) (3 additional cells planted 01/11)(01/18 3 potted up)(01/19 1 up)
Yellow Devil's Tongue  (1 cell planted 01/11)(02/01 1 up)
Chocolate Devil's Tongue (1 cell planted 01/11)(01/20 1 up)
Yellow Moruga  (3 cells planted 01/11)(01/19 3 up)
Brown Moruga (6 planted 12/15) 7 potted up
Primo (Over Winter Only)
Reaper  (1 cell planted 01/11)(01/24 1 up)
Yellow Congo  (1 cell planted 01/11)(01/23 1 up)
Yellow Manzano 1 plant going strong.  2 plants potted up.
Orange Manzano DOA - Seeds would not germinate through many attempts
Jimmy Nardello
Douce d'Espagne
Sweet Goliath
Patio Red
Dulce Rojo Paprika 
Tomatillo Gigante Vede (4 cells planted 01/18)(01/21 3 up)(01/23 1 up)
Great update HJeff! Excellent stats on those MoA's! What are you going to do with 11 plants haha! Good luck! 
No help on the OW questions... all of mine are just kind of dormant and sitting there, which I suppose is fine. I think you need serious light if you want pods. I know the cold will kill 'em off though.
maximumcapsicum said:
Great update HJeff! Excellent stats on those MoA's! What are you going to do with 11 plants haha! Good luck! 
No help on the OW questions... all of mine are just kind of dormant and sitting there, which I suppose is fine. I think you need serious light if you want pods. I know the cold will kill 'em off though.
I have a spot for a small garden out of the way by my hobby shop.  Has room for a dozen or so plants.  MoA will be going there.  Hoping they are as good as the TFM I grew last year.
Interesting idea.  Don't think it would work out, but here is the planted spice rack.
Sweet & Sour Heat Pork & Rice.
Browned the pork with some thai pepper, garlic, and ginger.  Sauteed up some wild mushrooms in garlic.  Candied some pineapple in brown sugar.  So many flavors bombarding the taste buds at once.

Some brown moruga plants.  I love them at this stage, so gorgeous looking!!!


Some Neyde X


A mystery pepper that popped up after I transplanted the Antilles Fire.  I'm guessing a yellow TS or Burgundy.

And just what I need, another Jaques popping up lol

Anyone have experience transplanting spinach?  I have heard it can be tough to do and it can cause it to bolt.  I have always just done direct sow, but want to get a head start this season.
I've always transplanted it after a pair of trues... never actually had a problem. I know there is alot out there about how hard it is to transplant, but it never struck me as harder than anything else. Just water it in, etc. 
Heat makes it bolt though. And fast.
I have heard spinach is not adept as a transplant, but didn't know bolting was the issue. Our fall and spring seasons seem too short to give it a good shot at size.
I've mostly use Longstanding Bloomsdale, but switched to Giganta d'Inverno last fall. I've not had really satisfying results with either, but I'm leaning toward the Inverno. Bloomsdale (mixed with chard) makes a mean Spanikopita.
I like the spice rack, and it's really loaded down!
Plants are looking stellar!
Looks like a nice healthy plate filled with flavor there too!
Had another Jaques sprout up in a pot up.  I guess some of those first seeds are finally taking off lol.  I pulled/broke the one sprout as it was too close to the main plant to continue.  The other one was the same situation, but I might have gotten enough root to keep it going.  Potted it up and going to see if it makes it or not.  Doesn't really matter as I could lose 80 percent of them and still have more than I needed lol.
Potted up the two new MoA, and one had an issue with the peat pellet coming apart.  I think it should be okay.  If I am short of goal for the planter I can plant more on the 1st.
Also planted up the DT Yellow this morning.  
My Habanero plantings are starting to crowd each other in the 18 cell  trays, so they may have to get pulled straight to the shelf.  They also have roots coming out the bottom of their pots already.
Might be time to order up some gallon pots.
Spinach should love your milder summers. I'd go for it. 
My spinach survived the snow. Seems to have doubled in size too... just don't like the taste all that much. Maybe I am more acclimated to the blander grocery store varieties.
Need pics HJeff... show off the transplants. I have found basically saturating the peat pellets before taking off the netting keeps them together okay.