Not only do I have pods before plant out, I have ripe pods before plant out. Peter Pepper Omelet tomorrow.
Tonight's dinner, walleye balls.
And yes, spring is here.
I checked the 7 day forecast and there is only one day with a low below 40, and it is 37. I know this is just a tease as May can still frost bad. But I will take it.
JJJessee said:

Man, You've got it under control!
That compost looks fantastic, but that cow manure and any other ferts you wanna put in there will get you some microbial pin action going.
Fish look good. I'll be right over
Come on by. Got more shoveling to do tomorrow, but I am almost ready for plant out which is 4 weeks out.
TrentL said:
HAHAHAH!!!! That's an epic creepy picture dude.
I'll christen the caption for this one ... "FERTILIZER"
I have had this hand for decades man. I used to put it in the ice machine when I worked at a restaurant and freak out the waitresses when they got ice. I have had so many laughs with that hand. Well worth the money I spent back then.
JJJessee said:
Gardening is a hands-on experience.
It was cheaper than paying him to shovel all that dirt for me
Jeff H said:
That's a lot of work Jeff. I put in 3 hours myself today, but it looks like you spent all day on that. Looks really nice.
Dirt arrived about 9 something and by 4 something I had all three beds done to where they are now. Still got to add a little dirt to bed three and doctor it up, do bed 4 and my tire. Might use any remaining dirt to spruce up the front garden. Need to get it tilled tomorrow as the early direct sow can go. If there is any left I will level off the ground around the beds.
I am sure there will be some settling going on, but I can fix that next spring before I plant out again. Liven them beds up with some more goodies.
Right now its time for a hot chocolate and a hot epsom salt bath and hope I can walk in the morning.
I know I am neglecting other glogs, but I need to get these things done as I am off until Tuesday.