Well, it's probably why a lot of us ended up on the board "TheHotPepper".
We like to feel alive, good food, good friends, good times... first time you bite in to an ultra-hot you KNOW you are alive with crystal clarity... because... DAMN... the BURN!
Not everyone is like us.
Some people like to be safe and content and eat tame foods and not take risks.
But life isn't a padded room.
Life is full of bumps, bruises, downturns, good times, bad times... sometimes shit happens, it's what you do with yourself the next morning that matters. If you wake up and say "oh man life sucks" and start the day out with your feet dragging and your tail between your legs.. well, life WILL suck.
But if you get up, shrug off the last miserable day, get your ass motivated, kick ass and take names and enjoy every moment... well, that's living. And maybe the day will turn out pretty damn good.
Some people think I'm an asshole because I'm blunt, and honest, and speak what's on my mind.
But I'd rather tell them what I think today - because I might not see them again, and if something needs said, well, better damn well say it. (Or
do it!)
I live with no regrets.
So life took a left turn for Hillbilly Jeff. At least he'll have his plants to nurture and mellow him back out after all those long hours.

EDIT: And thanks for the condolences. My friend's passing was a loss but it was also a wake up call. He was 3 years older than me. Now, every day I look at my children and think ... "what can I do TODAY for my family".