• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
So I am below the dam fishing when I miss this bite. I reel in and the minnow is missing from my jig. Since I am standing in waist deep water, I leave enough line out so I can lift the jig out of the water and swing it to me to bait up. The pole is tucked under my arm and pinned against my body. As I am digging in the minnow bucket for a minnow, my pole bends into the water and is almost jerked away from me. 20 inch wiper was screaming some drag. 

Other than that, it was a slow evening. A few small silvers, a short walleye, a nice sauger. Still better than a sharp stick in the eye.


Going to get dusted with some hot pepper powder and fried.
Gonna have to have you come by and help me build some raised beds when I get my house in a year or two. I am thinking the whole yard should just be raised beds. Probably 50% peppers, but I'd need to through some kale in there too ya know. Got to have something to hold me through winter.
Keep the updates coming bud! Fish looks great! Can't wait to see it fried up!
Had a guy walk off the job, so for the foreseeable future, I will be working 6 days a week.  It is day shift, so it won't hurt gardening too much, my online time and fishing time will take a hit.  Turkey season starts tomorrow as well.
Got 6 rows of onions in today after work, got 7 more varieties to plant, six of those are the ones I started inside.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Stopped off at HD to get some sour cherry trees, more light fixtures, and a case of grow bulbs.  Noticed a sale on tomato plants lol
So, does this picture illustrate your sig quote , or what!???Because , it definitely looks like tomorrow is now guaranteed!
As to nursery start vs seeds- SOMETIMES , when a nursery has their "$hit in one sack" so to speak, they are growing varieties chosen for hardiness in that locale-while seeds are anyone's guess as to their original target environment.
How's the taste on the "mini striper"(that's only mini in comparison with full size Striper- as 20" oughta be perfect eatin size)?
Have a good one-
HillBilly Jeff said:
Had a guy walk off the job, so for the foreseeable future, I will be working 6 days a week.  It is day shift, so it won't hurt gardening too much, my online time and fishing time will take a hit.  Turkey season starts tomorrow as well.
Got 6 rows of onions in today after work, got 7 more varieties to plant, six of those are the ones I started inside.
Recently went through something similar myself; except I had an employee / friend pass away unexpectedly. We're a small shop of 4 people so when we lost him it really put a lot of extra work on everyone else's shoulders. Still trying to get adjusted to it. No replacement in sight, work is way too damn technical and not enough time to train someone up, until after planting season when things ease up some. So we're making due best we can; only thing you can do.
Guy was 40 years old and died of a sudden heart attack; real sad, left behind twin 7 year old boys.
Can't like that Trent, sorry about your friend and coworker.
Jeff, sorry to hear about the extra work load, a 6 day week is a long week. Been there done that and job hunted after that. Their hours were 7AM to 6PM and 1 hour each way, glad I was 20 years younger at the time ;)
Didn't mean to turn your glog sad, man. But looking at your signature line "enjoy today for tomorrow is not guaranteed" it seems at some point you've already figured out the only truth we have in this life... you get right now... tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Look on the bright side. You got your "heavy lifting" work done already with those raised gardens. Planting out is easy compared to all that work you just did. And once they're out.. it's up to mother nature to nurture them. So work, make money, and enjoy the harvest when it happens. :)