• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
randyp said:
     Time to start eyeballing your closets to add shelving. :dance:
I think I will just stick them downstairs in the pantry.  Anxious to give it a go and see if I can not screw this up lol.
Still got to get me some woozies as the vendor I paid to send me some bottles has been a no show for a month with no phone call returns or email returns and mailbox is now full.  As soon as I get my money back into paypal from that misadventure, I will be on the hunt for some more bottles.
I can't wait to see the ferment. I was just about to ask, wheres them bottles? That's disappointing Jeff. Maybe ask around and see if there's any members that can suggest a resource for bottles. I need to think about making some sauce myself.

Lots of my BMJ are red :(

West Indie

Peach Scorpions getting a bronze look to them.



Cristal getting orange...time for another taste test.

Rojo getting there.

Got a Teirra turning too.

Big Thai Hybrid
Decided to give the West Indie a shot tonight.


This seed is actually floating.


Tried to type out my thoughts as I sampled this one.
Tasted the oil and it was instant back of the throat. Took a bite of the pepper and back of the throat immediately. Crept to the the front of the mouth and teeth. Heart beat in my mouth, and ears. Hair, eyes, body sweating. 5 minutes in and its coming down. Nose running. Burn in pit of stomach. This is going to be a good pepper. Typical red pepper smell and taste.
Not sure how hot these peppers are, but this one hits a little harder than most habs I have tasted.  Didn't leave the after taste that one might expect from a red, like a lantern or savina.  Wasn't any slow build to this guy, just all at once.  Didn't last long, but I really wasn't expecting it.
Trying the Cristal pepper at the "orange" state of ripeness. Very crisp, very juicy. Not a lot of heat, low end Jalapeno. Aroma reminds me of a green pepper (as in not ripe).
I think it would be good in a salad or salsa. Still trying to figure out where else it can be used.  I am thinking about pickling some for use on sandwiches.  Could use Budapest or Biggie Chile in the same way, but I think these are a bit hotter. 
I will leave a pod on to get red ripe and see where that flavor takes me.  Orange was better than the yellow state.  Not as much citrus, but a better flavor.
The one plant is LOADED with pods, but I think all Aji pepper plants get loaded.  At least that has been my experience.


PIC 1 said:
Lot's of pods to pick....Hopefully the weather holds up through October for ya.
Crepes look delish as well as the muffins.
With the high humidity lately those muffins should hold up pretty good on the counter.......if they last that long !.
I need to get them in the freezer before I eat them all.  Been doing really well with my 4 month run of lowering my carbs before next check up (Right before the holidays of course :) )  so I would hate to blow that by going on a muffin spree.
Hope the weather holds too, but I heard early frost.  Gotta get my hoops up so I can cover a lot of the plants in case something does pop up.
Got the day off from work so I am hitting the woods this morning for a little limb chicken hunting, then it will be pepper picking day.  Hope to have enough time to get the hoops up on a raised bed.
Today's Harvest....its starting to kick in.  My Jalapeno, Budapest, Biggie, Thai, Bombs, and Cristal peppers will all be picked a little later.  Going to let the rest of the Jalapeno pods turn red since I already have a gallon bag of them in the freezer ready to be stuffed.
Sweets were already processed.

These were all from a BMJ pod.  Not sure what is going on with this group of peppers.  The big red ones have a BMJ aroma, but the serrano looking ones don't.

My first yellow brain.

TSY - 7 Pot Burg

Not sure why the red Fatalii are so different looking than the yellow and the jigsaw.

White bhut, chocolate bhut, peach bhut, datil, and MoA.  

Mustard hab and Harold St. Bart.  There are some bigger pods on, but not at the peak yet.


JA Red


Bump please.