• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Devv said:
I wired mine in, and made it tight. This really added rigidity to the frame and taking it down was easier than using screws.
And yeah, the larger sized PVC worked great. We get some serious winds from the north in pre-spring, and they held perfectly. Cool thing is I had the material..packrat you know :shh:
I started thinking with the pressure put on the pvc right at the bend, putting a screw in might not be the best idea in the world.
In the spring, do you take the cover completely off your young plants on warmer days?  And if you do, hows the sun burn on them after seeing the sun like that?  Or do you have a hardening off process that you work when you get a jump on spring like that?
They are fully hardened before they enter the hoophouse. You can do this using sunshade at first. It's a pain as you're bringing them in and out during that interim time. Another option is sunshade ontop of the plastic, I'm sure you'll still get some UV damage, but they shrug it off and go on. It just makes them ugly for a few days...And yes when the temps get warmer I took the plastic off, also it offers almost zero UV protection. Things are a bit different here, sometimes I can put the plants out in January for 3 weeks straight, and then boom they're inside for 2 weeks.
This up and coming season I'm going to add the black plastic as Rick (Stickman) recommends to the hoops. I'm really still learning that process ;)
Devv said:
 Things are a bit different here, sometimes I can put the plants out in January for 3 weeks straight, and then boom they're inside for 2 weeks.
Jeebus. Here, we can drive 3/4 ton pickup trucks across our lake in January.
And you're growing peppers. LOL!
TrentL said:
Jeebus. Here, we can drive 3/4 ton pickup trucks across our lake in January.
And you're growing peppers. LOL!
 Hah ;)
But I'm pulling mine up this weekend....they're pretty much spent, unless I want to water them for 45 more days until they decide to flower again. Me and the soil need a rest ;)
maximumcapsicum said:
Lots of great poddage here. Keep it up bud! You get those ferments going?
I am hoping I can hold off one more day before I have to pick again.  Really want to put some pods straight from the garden into ferment.  
Also going to try to make another sauce without a ferment just because I have the woozies now and two days off after tomorrow.
Devv said:
 Hah ;)
But I'm pulling mine up this weekend....they're pretty much spent, unless I want to water them for 45 more days until they decide to flower again. Me and the soil need a rest ;)
I hear you. By the time the "death frost" rolls around here each year, it's a welcome event. :)
TrentL said:
I hear you. By the time the "death frost" rolls around here each year, it's a welcome event. :)
But it is so sad to see plants over 4 feet tall looking so healthy and vibrant die a quick death.  I wish I had the space to OW all my good looking plants lol.
Plant one of three of my peach scorpions threw another peach colored pod that is looking more like the other two plants that just have bronze colored pods.
HillBilly Jeff said:
But it is so sad to see plants over 4 feet tall looking so healthy and vibrant die a quick death.  I wish I had the space to OW all my good looking plants lol.
Oh definitely, it is mixed feelings. Relief, sadness, a little wonder (at how the life cycle works). Then a little excitement. (What am I going to sprout for next year???)
By the time January rolls around I've forgot ALL about the back breaking work, and start the process all over again. :)
TrentL said:
Oh definitely, it is mixed feelings. Relief, sadness, a little wonder (at how the life cycle works). Then a little excitement. (What am I going to sprout for next year???)
By the time January rolls around I've forgot ALL about the back breaking work, and start the process all over again. :)
 I agree, my grow started in November, so I'm ready for the break! Last year I didn't take one..
Devv said:
I used 1.5" PVC about 11"s long and hammered them in flush, then stuck the 3/4" inside. I would think rebar would have to go in deeper, because of it's diameter. Perhaps a 2' piece hammered in 18"s.
Also on the hoops you already setup, a horizontal piece wired in will really stiffen things up.
How wide are these spread?
Nice pods. Good luck on the ferment and sauce. Congrats on the bottles. Where did you find them? Thinking of getting some. Hoop house looks great. Another reason I like raised beds. Dang, I need to get building my house. So many things to do around the house before Winter.

Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend Jeff.
OCD Chilehead said:
Nice pods. Good luck on the ferment and sauce. Congrats on the bottles. Where did you find them? Thinking of getting some. Hoop house looks great. Another reason I like raised beds. Dang, I need to get building my house. So many things to do around the house before Winter.
Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend Jeff.
Got the bottles from Fillmore. Seemed to be pretty fast shipping. Should have used my head and ordered extra caps while I was at it. Won't help fore bottles I give away but the ones I use myself it would save another shipping charge.
Here is the not.



Doesn't quite look ripe to me, but they have been this color for a while and aren't changing.  First bite of the end was sweet tasting, a really nice flavor.  Took about half the pepper in the next bite and it was a nice tongue and lip burn.  Fast to get to peak, but it isn't over the top hot.  Overall good tasting pepper.  Not a lot of aroma.