• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
I got my puree ready to go for tomorrow.  It seems to me that it has more heat now than when I ate the pods fresh.  Nice sharp little nip to them.  Thinking of adding orange zest to mine to give it some zip.


Not sure how much I will end up with when it is all said and done.  Hoping for 13 bottles, one for the fridge and a case to age.
I mailed off a large flat rate box of peppers jammed full and it weighed between 7-8 pounds.  2 years ago I mailed one off and it weighed 12 pounds.  I asked at the PO if the box size shrank and they said no...I think it has.
HillBilly Jeff said:

You posted before I got my image up lol.  It has a sweet/salty start to it, then turns on the heat.  I got a little over the ten bottles, so I have a date with some crackers and cream cheese later tonight.
 Well it sure looks pretty! A month down the road you'll know how well you did.
PIC 1 said:
You're turning into a sauce pro...
Far from being that.  This stuff is even hotter than my jigsaw sauce.  I need to get much better at finding different things to balance out the flavors and add depth to the different peppers that I use.
I have had your sauces before, you're the pro!!!
HillBilly Jeff said:
Far from being that.  This stuff is even hotter than my jigsaw sauce.  I need to get much better at finding different things to balance out the flavors and add depth to the different peppers that I use.
I have had your sauces before, you're the pro!!!
Sorry for the late posting, but if you ever decide to try a MoA sauce again, there is a member on this list (Ramon  aka Walk Good that posted his recipe for a MoA sauce that he called "Tres Alarmas Caribbean MoA sauce".  I made a batch using this recipe and it makes a real nice Caribbean tasting sauce (I think the allspice berries have a lot to do with that).  Anyway, give it a try if you are looking for a recipe for this pepper.  I give it a thumbs up as it sure came out good for me.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Took a bottle of jigsaw juice to work today and I think I have a winner with it. Woman tried it and said this is really good...then the heat kicked in and she was cussing me.

That was what I was shooting for. Looks like I will be making a bigger batch next time.
Dang......never thought about that type of gauge for scaling the hot sauce.
(Woman cussing).....winner.........lol
I've got a sauce that would fall into the....(Woman Bloody Well Pissed) category.....would you like some of that for work?.... :lol: 
PIC 1 said:
Dang......never thought about that type of gauge for scaling the hot sauce.
(Woman cussing).....winner.........lol
I've got a sauce that would fall into the....(Woman Bloody Well Pissed) category.....would you like some of that for work?.... :lol: 
If it that good I'll just eat it myself.

Actually want my jigsaw juice hotter. I want the heat to build as you eat it and you have to stop, but its so good you gotta go back for more.
HillBilly Jeff said:
If it that good I'll just eat it myself.

Actually want my jigsaw juice hotter. I want the heat to build as you eat it and you have to stop, but its so good you gotta go back for more.
Roughly how many Jigsaws are in each bottle Jeff? Trying to get a feel for how hot your sauce is. I have a bunch of Jigsaws that I have to deal with. Probably freeze them for now.
Jeff H said:
Roughly how many Jigsaws are in each bottle Jeff? Trying to get a feel for how hot your sauce is. I have a bunch of Jigsaws that I have to deal with. Probably freeze them for now.
That batch I ended up with 13 five ounce woozys and half a coffee cup of sauce and I used 15 pods. After trying the sauce on meat instead of eggs, I feel the sauce doesn't need to be much hotter. For the same batch I wouldn't go over 18 pods, but that's just for my tastes.

Also, after trying I some more and others trying it, I think I will stick with the hickory smoke, maybe just no smoked as long this time.

Will do a double batch next time and might just put it into pints since I go through it so fast. If its just for me, I will probably do it in mason jars and save some of the bottling time. I did like me the whiskey bottles Greg sent out though.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Is there a good rooting compound that can be locally?  Say from a national chain.  What about ordering online from somewhere?  Never messed with the stuff and wouldn't mind trying that instead of OW
You can find a lot of choices on Amazon.  I think I'm going to try a combination of comfrey leaves and willow cuttings.  Comfrey is supposed to stimulate root growth and willow is a natural source of Indolebutyric acid (IBA), the active component in many (most?) of the commercial rooting compounds.
Sawyer said:
You can find a lot of choices on Amazon.  I think I'm going to try a combination of comfrey leaves and willow cuttings.  Comfrey is supposed to stimulate root growth and willow is a natural source of Indolebutyric acid (IBA), the active component in many (most?) of the commercial rooting compounds.
Do you take a bare stem, or do you leave the leaves on the end?  Not sure if I should clone or OW a couple plants this year.  I think why I am not having the best production out of my OW is perhaps I didn't cut them back enough?
To root?  I always leave a set or two of leaves on the end.  But I've only successfully rooted peppers a few times.  I'm thinking like you, though, trying to OW via cuttings instead of whole plants.  Don't know about the cutting back.