• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
This last season I made the rootball and the plant top the same size. IF, I decide to OW one I'm going 2x on the rootball. Mine did very little...
My experience with cuttings is limited, my best luck was when I bought Poblano's and there were two or three per cell. I cut the extras and I had 100% success. Cuttings from a mature plant have not been successful for me so far, but I just stuck them in water.
Around here root hormones are easy to find. The local hardware store and feed store both have them.
Edit: Seaweed Extract on the label states for rooting purposes...
Thanks all.  I am thinking I will try to bring in my chenzo and either let it grow like a house plant, or bonsai. My not TS Peach plants I have two of those that are different.  One is throwing peach colored pods, but not like I have seen in pics, and the other is throwing bronze colored pods to this point.  Almost like there is a TS Green in the cross somewhere.  Will more than likely OW those two for sure.  My three 7 pot burgs I OW aren't doing nearly as well as the ones I grew out from seed this year.  Red Brain hasn't produced a single pod.  Bhuts are few and far between on the yellow and peach OW.  Datil is loaded, but pod size appears to be smaller.
As much as I hate to see these gorgeous plants croak with the frost, I am not sure its worth the effort.  I do have a purplish leafed burgundy that has some odd shaped pods that are not ripe and probably won't ripen in time.  I might try to OW/Clone that one.  Would like to see what it turns out to be.
Top row, Antilles Fire and a mystery pod
Bottom Row, two different not TS Peach.  
Antilles has a great aroma.  The bronze like colored one on the bottom row is quite juicy and hotter than the peach colored one.





Hey, Jeff!  Wow, you have a blog going, bro!  Sorry I didn't have time to look at all
the new stuff I have missed, but did manage to check out the last several pages.  
Your grow looks great; that bronze pepper is nasty looking inside   :mouthonfire:
You should have let him taste yours. Showed him what a proper hot sauce tastes like.

On the overwintering topis, my plan this year is to only over winter 4-5, but I'm not letting them go dormant. I'll trim and repot them in 3 gallon root pouches that I already have and then put them near a window. They won't produce anything over the winter, but there will be less chance of killing the plant due to over watering it since it will still be growing.
PaulG said:
Hey, Jeff!  Wow, you have a blog going, bro!  Sorry I didn't have time to look at all
the new stuff I have missed, but did manage to check out the last several pages.  
Your grow looks great; that bronze pepper is nasty looking inside   :mouthonfire:
Thanks Paul.  This time of year with my work and gardening, I don't have the time to do much at all.  Heading out looking for some fall mushrooms soon this evening after I get some more work done on my hoops.
Jeff H said:
You should have let him taste yours. Showed him what a proper hot sauce tastes like.

On the overwintering topis, my plan this year is to only over winter 4-5, but I'm not letting them go dormant. I'll trim and repot them in 3 gallon root pouches that I already have and then put them near a window. They won't produce anything over the winter, but there will be less chance of killing the plant due to over watering it since it will still be growing.
He did taste mine and said it was good.  His wife was saying they are hoping to get 50 pounds of pods this year?  I can't remember the last year that I didn't get 50 pounds.
I didn't let mine go truly dormant last season either.  Watering was really slow as was the amount of light I gave them.  Cutting back on peppers next season, but I still need to keep my space in the grow room.  I don't want another issue like I had this year digging for room.  Ended up leaving some peppers in trays and they got tall and lean and I believe it hurt their growth.  
Got started on my clamps.  Did the sawing by hand as I found that to be easier than using the jigsaw and the table saw only had blades with big teeth.  Finished them out with a grinder for a smooth finish.  
Figuring on 36 per bed and more for use on the early start tomatoes in the garden.  Sure beats 54 cents a piece.  Don't have a break down of my costs as this was a used one I got on the farm.  I believe I have another in the top of the other garage, and I bought one.  A little labor intensive, but well worth the money saved.
Inch of rain in 20 minutes.  Not sure how much we have gotten since, but it is knocking out some satellite stations.  Glad there wasn't so much wind with it, there was a tornado warning a little north of me.