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Hippy V Hotpeppa! Lust!

Did you say 30 odd pods per bottle? Holy effing crap! Was there room for anything else? Maybe a picture of a tomato? A damn small picture.

I probably missed this already but what kind of pods? B. jolo's, naga's, 7 pot's. Oh man. Can I bet on the sauce kicking everybody's ass?

Poor bastages.;)
patrick said:
Did you say 30 odd pods per bottle? Holy effing crap! Was there room for anything else? Maybe a picture of a tomato? A damn small picture.

I probably missed this already but what kind of pods? B. jolo's, naga's, 7 pot's. Oh man. Can I bet on the sauce kicking everybody's ass?

Poor bastages.;)

Hi Mate,

Yeah most of the super hots! Its gonna be hot but I rekon over time it will get hotter. Hotter than the 'Wrath of GOd' at the moment. We'll see what Neil and Hottpeppa rekon.....! Yeah i managed to cram 30 pods of super hots in there...mad !
QuadShotz said:
Woah...lesse..30 pods X 50 bottles = 1500 pods!!!!!

Holy Crap! :shocked:

Yeah tell me about it....and it shi*s me that customs sseized my pods from India 3.7 kilos of them! Waiting from other sources! Thats why the price is up there also....! Nice sauce though...the strawberries work well i rekon!
3.7 kilo dried pods from India seized. Did they destroy them or just holding them for a bit.
Bugger dude.
the sauce sounds crazy hot.
stillmanz said:
3.7 kilo dried pods from India seized. Did they destroy them or just holding them for a bit.
Bugger dude.
the sauce sounds crazy hot.

They destoryed them...Hurt like mad! Agri tech never marked nor packed them well enough! Crap is what it is!
To: hippyseeds@comcen.com.au
Subject: Bhut jolokia
Dear sir, Thank you for your interest in our Bhut Jolokia Products.
At pesent we can provide you the following products : 1) Bhut Jolokia Dry Pods (with stem)
2) Bhut Jolokia Dry Pods (stemless)
3) Bhut Jolokia Powder. We are sending you our price list which includes air shipping,
delivered at your destination. Kindly choose from it. 1. BHUT JOLOKIA PODS (with stem) :
Packed in Food grade Poly Pouches Order size 10 kgs = US$ 62.00 / Kg
Order size 11 kgs to 20 kgs = US$ 58.00 / Kg
Order size 21 kgs to 30 kgs = US$ 55.00 / Kg
Order size 31 kgs to 50 kgs = US$ 52.50 / Kg
Order size 50 kgs to 100 kgs = US$ 50.50 / Kg
Order size above 100 kgs = US$ 48.00 / Kg **** For Stem less Pods, kindly add 10% on
above mentioned rates **** 2. BHUT JOLOKIA POWDER : Packed in Food grade Poly Pouches
Order size 10 kgs = US$ 59.00 / Kg
Order size 11 kgs to 20 kgs = US$ 57.00 / Kg
Order size 21 kgs to 30 kgs = US$ 55.50 / Kg
Order size 31 kgs to 50 kgs = US$ 52.50 / Kg
Order size 50 kgs to 100 kgs = US$ 49.50 / Kg
Order size above 100 kgs = US$ 45.50 / Kg Hopefuly we will hear from your end soon.
Regards, M. Krishna Saikia
Greencover Overseas,
No. 3, 1st Floor,
Technology House, Chilarai Path,
Basistha Chairiali, Guwahati - 781029,
Assam, India.
Telefax : +91-361-2740464
Mobile : +91-9435543387

not bad considering 1kg fresh = approx 160gm dried
They are good prices Neil, those size orders though will be pulled apart by customs regardless.
And dry is never as hot ;)
I will try and order see how it goes. I will use proper avenues and licenses. So i shouldn't have a problem.
Scorpion said:
Hi Mate,

Yeah most of the super hots! Its gonna be hot but I rekon over time it will get hotter. Hotter than the 'Wrath of GOd' at the moment. We'll see what Neil and Hottpeppa rekon.....! Yeah i managed to cram 30 pods of super hots in there...mad !

Thanks mate. That stuff's going to be stoopid hot. Can't wait to see this happen.
dunno about the dry is never as hot comment.. I think most scorville testing is done dry due to gettin that water out to bring a more finite result, perhaps it dosn't seem as hot to the pallet but heat ie scoville should not be lost in the drying process, rather concentrated??
I know what you mean though.
yea, I've hydrated soem of neils's pods to devastatin' efect...

consider how many pods it takes to get an equal amount of dry....

1lb of habs, dried and powered = like 2-3oz of poweder

Imagine re-hydratin a few POUNDS of dry Bhuts....be un-freakin-real.

10lbs of dry, woulsd be like 100's of pounds of pods when suaced.

And you wonder why i wana get the bhut mash IN BARRELS from F.A....

If done at decent temps under 140F, dry doesn't lose any capasicin at all...in fact one study said it concentrts it.

Order size above 100 kgs = US$ 45.50 / Kg Hopefuly we will hear from your end soon.

Ya, yer end WOULD hear from it sooon... :lol:
hey chili...if you have both, grind the fresh one up to a paste...then taste....then rehydrate one of the dried ones and mash it up to a paste too...taste that and tell us the difference.....
AlabamaJack said:
hey chili...if you have both, grind the fresh one up to a paste...then taste....then rehydrate one of the dried ones and mash it up to a paste too...taste that and tell us the difference.....

dont forget to film it!
Film it ....Chilli! Film it! I use mainly dry! And Neil mate, i just lost 3.7kg from those guys to customs! But our customs over here are crazy !
AlabamaJack said:
hey chili...if you have both, grind the fresh one up to a paste...then taste....then rehydrate one of the dried ones and mash it up to a paste too...taste that and tell us the difference.....

I suppose I have never tried that !~ So i shall give it a go !
I have new fresh pod being delivered this week so I will get it up on film next week doing a comparison...
WTF have i just got myself into !

When can I get a bottle Dave ?
chilliman said:
I suppose I have never tried that !~ So i shall give it a go !
I have new fresh pod being delivered this week so I will get it up on film next week doing a comparison...
WTF have i just got myself into !

When can I get a bottle Dave ?

He he he...you tube the lust buddy! He he...youll get a few bottles when your bhut arrive! Im having a bhut crisis! LOL!!!
No worries hopefully here tomorrow. Will express!
I will see how i go with the bhut dry fresh comparison first. I will start doing reviews online for my site soon enough ;) But I dont want to take away from Neils thunder. lol
chilliman said:
No worries hopefully here tomorrow. Will express!
I will see how i go with the bhut dry fresh comparison first. I will start doing reviews online for my site soon enough ;) But I dont want to take away from Neils thunder. lol

Cool man!

Need bhuts....orders every where and no bhuts argh! All good when chillimans bhuts arrive...oh bhuts! i larve bhuts!:onfire: