• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

Hippy V Hotpeppa! Lust!

Dudes........Hotpeppea has the sauce and is filming, Neils goes out today and will be following up witha cool vid im sure. Good fun he he he! Cooking yours tonight razor!
Scorpion said:
Dudes........Hotpeppea has the sauce and is filming, Neils goes out today and will be following up witha cool vid im sure. Good fun he he he! Cooking yours tonight razor!

Very excited...
My Bottle arrived on Friday, thanks Scorpion, it's half empty already. As soon as It arrived I had a dessert spoon full, hmmm you can taste the honey first, then the strawberry fuity taste then slowly the burn comes on....hot but bearable, makes ya drool a little bit and sweat too, maybe just slightly hotter than Nova's sauce, the burn is on the top of my mouth and back of throat and lasts for about 15 mins a great tasting sauce overall, sweet and goes down really well..no cramping stomach afterwards. I'm going to have to order another Bottle of you soon, thats if there's any left.
Not sure whats going on with hotpeppa and his film Neil said he's going to do his soon....chilli is hard to fit in with the busy lives we lead....im sure they will be sh*t hot when they are made!

Thanks Jungle...glad you enjoyed it....im making up another batch tonight!

Always fun!

Well hot peppa is getting there had a few family things happen and Hippy is running around like a mad man but is getting there also....lol! It will happen lol!
patrick said:
Not enough hours in the day eh bro?

Yeah I tell ya....come home from work....cook chilli avert a disaster with a client....cook more chilli! Sleep....chilli hands burning like hell(so bad for the sex life)get up label...grrr lol! Great fun though! Larve the hot stuff!