Hiya from Oz

Back from holidays - caught enough fish for breakfast every day, weather was great & more importantly - All the chilli plants had a good time.

My Bih Jolokias grew another 1/4 inch (almost a whole inch tall now). The black pearl and inferno sprouted some new leaves & look like they may survive the winter. I planted out a Hab, Serrano, Birds Eye & Siam at the beach house _ and gave my sister in nearby Maryborough a Hab, Siam & 2 Serrano's for her garden (her 14 yr old son is a chilli head, didn't blink at eating a Hab...I have high hopes for that lad ;) ).

Only disaster was getting a full tray of Inferno's sprout & on the last day a scrub turkey went & scratched through the tray. Saved most & not so worried now that the parent plant looks like it will survive.

Anyway, good to be back on broadband - I'll go through & read all the new posts tonight. Here's a pic of how far the tide goes out (about 3 km)

lol, too true, i just got back from qld, where abouts are you located?

And no i havent forgotten about sending the sauce to you, i just need to find some good bottles first :D
Im about 10 mins out of Brisbane.

How are your Jolokias doing? (figure mine will be ready for christmas ....damb they take a long time to grow)
yea, a bit confusing i suppose...

i just kicked the thread up again because the last post was about about an annual football game here between 2 states.

We was robbed :lol:

actually I hate football but watch these & the finals ....even better when you can mute the tv & listen to some local comedians (Roy & H.G) do the commentary on radio.
Hiya your not new lol..doesnt matter G`day buddy all the best on the forum..oops your doing fantastic already :lol: