• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

Hornet BOMB

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Hey everyone, this thread has actually brought up some interesting points and good discussion - even if a bit heated/dramatized. Unfortunately, it is very tangentially related to the REVIEW of Pex's product, so I'm staying out of it.

If somebody wants to open a thread about the pro's and con's of state and federal watchdogs in the hot foods industry, I may even join in the discussion. I think the proper forum would be the "Food Business" forum or maybe "Hot Talk" or "Food and Beverage".

Surely you're not so naive as to believe that product reviews and product business are unrelated?

Reviews drive sales. Sales by a business. In this case, an illegal business.

Reviews are a form of marketing & promotion. If you want to give Pex feedback on his sauces in a PM, no one would take issue with it.

But here your review topic on a hot pepper oriented website can potentially drive sales to his site - where he is illegally selling sauce & reportedly charging sales tax inapropriately. In that regard you are doing everyone a disservice - and it's perfectly appropriate for people to point out the questionable legality of that product. Because you're promoting it on a public forum.

If Pex sold firecrackers on his site would you think it ok? Would you question those who would challenge it?

So thanks, but I find your referral to another board to discuss legality disingenuous - you're promoting something that's not legal to sell and then acting like people calling it out are the ones with the problem. That's simply not logical.

I agree the tone of this discussion could at times have been more civil (and said as much) but it's an absolutely appropriate discussion to have right here because this is the illegal product specifically in question. This isn't a general esotericic or philosophical question here - its a here and now question of letigitamacy.

Again - I'm all for Pex trying to start up a gig. There's no malice whatsoever on my part. He's got a cool logo & I'm sure a tasty sauce. But he's about 500 steps away from having a legitimate food business and taking those shortcuts isn't some constitutionalist stand, or rebellion against the man, or any of the other wildly out there ways this has been painted. And those pointing it out aren't pro- big gob'ment or anti-little guy or any of that crap either.

Some pretty outrageous claims have been bandied about in attempt to counter the simple fact that this is a promotional topic for a product not legal to sell. That's the long & the short of it.
@ LDHS - I agree with what you said in the above except that 1) I am naive :P, and 2) that even that post belongs in this topic.

The fact of the legality issue with the sauce should be noted here for sure - so that people who read the review are not under the wrong impression. I should have done that in the OP, but I didn't know it was made in a home kitchen at the time. I think that point has been made more than sufficiently clear by now though. Damage control on consumer confusion achieved.

But the DISCUSSION about legality of this or any sauce belongs in a different topic, it is not a review and is beyond the type of info a person looking to find out more about the product is looking for. Linking to such a related discussion seems appropriate to me.

@world - My apologies, from this point forward I will not contribute to the derailment of this thread.
lol. I don't care how illegal it is. I want a bottle. Hey Pex, can you PM me the password for your store? It says it is private.

I have eaten peppers off of a plant that was growing outside!!! I didn't have a chance to get it inspected. :) *I kid...* :)
The fact of the legality issue with the sauce should be noted here for sure - so that people who read the review are not under the wrong impression. I should have done that in the OP, but I didn't know it was made in a home kitchen at the time..

That friend is the entire point. The website didn't indicate it either. Reread what you just said & think about it. That's exactly why the discussion specific to this product in this review belongs here.
Filibuster activity.

Someone needs stir the pot.


What we have done is "generated ratings".

If this were Prime Time... I WIN.

I don't have an opinion. Just wanted to see who'd go after who and who would break it all down even further down the micromanagement trail.

I dunno... Sheriff Joe Arpaio did it.... to make a mockery of course.

Perhaps I too thrive on tipping the indecency scale.

Afterall, as a newbee to this forum someone else inspired me, Red.
It is a sad for this country when you get called out, when you are simply pointing something that could be a health issue.

That I take care of my own business line is the attitude that is breaking the little morality we still have in this country.

Good job Redtail, keep doing the RIGHT thing, even if it not popular with some folks.
Filibuster activity.

Someone needs stir the pot.


What we have done is "generated ratings".

If this were Prime Time... I WIN.

I don't have an opinion. Just wanted to see who'd go after who and who would break it all down even further down the micromanagement trail.

I dunno... Sheriff Joe Arpaio did it.... to make a mockery of course.

Perhaps I too thrive on tipping the indecency scale.

Afterall, as a newbee to this forum someone else inspired me, Red.

Stirring the pot? Saying things you don't believe to get a reaction?

There's a less wordy term for that.

It's called being a troll.


It is a sad for this country when you get called out, when you are simply pointing something that could be a health issue.

That I take care of my own business line is the attitude that is breaking the little morality we still have in this country.

Good job Redtail, keep doing the RIGHT thing, even if it not popular with some folks.
We each need a first.

In this case I've had one. I decided for once to state my mind.

My mind said, "there is a KILLJOY here".

I wrote about it.

Am I right? No. May be not. That's okay.

If for all of the decency within my posting I did not at least once start sh*t I would be no less than Readers Digest.

Sorry Red. You just happened to be the one person who displayed relentless opposition to someones maiden venture.

Am I a Gent? No.

Call it a fault of my childhood. You were relentless about legality and I was just as relentless.

Thankyou for re-informing all of us that there is protocol in the food world.

Perhaps that is why I will very likely be producing Pex recipe. I am a certified Chef and I do have a certified facility.

See you at the Fiery Foods and BBQ Fest in Albuquerque next year Red.
FuseBox, this is all sounding very much like a threat to me, so I suggest you watch yourself. Once again, you acting in this manner is doing nothing but embarrass yourself in front of your peers and potential customers.

As far as being a "killjoy," maybe I am just that. As I mentioned before in previous posts, I feel (and so do many others in the industry) that these food safety laws are in place for good reason. I feel that I stood up for what is right and good. I do openly admit that I should have approached the topic in a different manner and have since apologized to Pex for just that. I still find it very interesting that I have to defend myself when it comes to this topic.

I'm very happy to hear that Pex recipe will be going legit and I sincerely hope that it receives the fame and fortunate it deserves. I'm sincerely happy to hear that his products will finally be legitimate. Pex, good luck with your future in the industry and I hope you choose your business associates wisely...
I'm kind of surprised at your comments. As a chef with a licensed facility, wouldn't it torque your cookies just a little if you were working a licensed catering business and some unlicensed yokel (or yokelette) was doing the same thing without all the hassles and protections required of catering companies for the party guests?

If they didn't transport the food in a hot box and just threw it in the back of the truck... If the food wasn't kept at a safe temp on the serving line, if there weren't hand washing stations...the list goes on....[sub] (don't get me started about the tamale lady at the farmer's market in 2005!!!!)[/sub]

Is that right? Is it Legal? Would you be happy to attend that party and eating that food knowing they weren't legal? As a food professional, would you worry about all the food violations you saw?

I'm looking forward to tasting Pex's sauce, which I've ordered knowing it is a hobby sauce. And if you are choosing to take Pex's sauce to market...WOOHOO! for both of you! You get a great product and Pex's sauce will make it to customers who will enjoy his recipe. That seems like a win-win for all!
Closing this. You guys need to chill on the personal attacks. RedTail and Pex got it worked out and thats where it should have stopped.
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