• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


hehe I know but I dont really care !! I will send what I can and made some chilihead happy ....A lot of pepper seed that I got come from trade so if I can make this pepper less rare it gonna be cool ? no ;) maybe than when new pepper will appear people will share too ! I tought this is one of many reason why thp exist !!
my first scorpion seed come from you Potawie lol remeber, now it's my time to share LOL ...anyway don't start to pm me now, i'll let you know when i'll start to make the list so just keep to whatch my thread all :lol:
The plants look sooo good. It is just miracle gro? Was the soil mixture used?
I will be very happy if my Naga leaves look half that nice!
yes I use just miracle grow but I for me I prefer pro-mix...this time I use miracle grow cause i run out of pro mix and I got some miracle grow and I was too hurry to re-pot them ! but it seem to work too
this morning I woke up with this beatifull surpise on the 7pod plant :hell:

First 7Pod Flower:

the flower is similar to Scorpion one but the plant is smaller and the leafs are different .
Not quite as far along as you QuebecFire, but some of my super hot C. Chinense plants are coming along well for being 5 weeks old only. :) Here's a few pictures. Click on pics to enlarge.


nice plants cmpman1974 !!! what kind of light are you using ??(edit) sorry I havent seen the first pix ...it clearly fluoresent ..hihi !!!
cmpman1974: I'm shure the plant at the right on the second pics (bleu pot)is the douglah !!! it seem have the same ''strange leaf pheno'' that I have !I'm I wright ?
You are correct QuebecFire. :)


QuebecFire said:
cmpman1974: I'm shure the plant at the right on the second pics (bleu pot)is the douglah !!! it seem have the same ''strange leaf pheno'' that I have !I'm I wright ?
HAHA I was shure ...it was the first thing I observe on the Trinidad douglah ,the 4-5 first pair of leafs was really strange ,I was thinking that maybe water fall on the leaf and do it but as I can see on your picture it seem to be characteristic for this pepper ...but now my douglah is a lot bigger and under the leaf there is like a million of ?!trichrome ( I dont know how explicat it )for people who know thc they will understand ...but it's like a million of lil crystal under the leaf and those are not egg of spyder myte or aphid ..I look a piece of leaf under the microscope ...so it's really weird the plant is looking really healty so I think this is probably normal .....maybe it's an over load of caps in the plant LOL ...but for now I dont know
QuebecFire said:
HAHA I was shure ...it was the first thing I observe on the Trinidad douglah ,the 4-5 first pair of leafs was really strange ,I was thinking that maybe water fall on the leaf and do it but as I can see on your picture it seem to be characteristic for this pepper ...but now my douglah is a lot bigger and under the leaf there is like a million of ?!trichrome ( I dont know how explicat it )for people who know thc they will understand ...but it's like a million of lil crystal under the leaf and those are not egg of spyder myte or aphid ..I look a piece of leaf under the microscope ...so it's really weird the plant is looking really healty so I think this is probably normal .....maybe it's an over load of caps in the plant LOL ...but for now I dont know

Lick it maybe you're on to something :mouthonfire:
Capsaicin crystals are oozing out of the leaves of the plant. :hell: I can't put my finger on it either, but it looks different in some ways to typical C. Chinense leaves.

Perhaps Omri can chime in if he has the same experience. I believe he said he's growing it too.


QuebecFire said:
HAHA I was shure ...it was the first thing I observe on the Trinidad douglah ,the 4-5 first pair of leafs was really strange ,I was thinking that maybe water fall on the leaf and do it but as I can see on your picture it seem to be characteristic for this pepper ...but now my douglah is a lot bigger and under the leaf there is like a million of ?!trichrome ( I dont know how explicat it )for people who know thc they will understand ...but it's like a million of lil crystal under the leaf and those are not egg of spyder myte or aphid ..I look a piece of leaf under the microscope ...so it's really weird the plant is looking really healty so I think this is probably normal .....maybe it's an over load of caps in the plant LOL ...but for now I dont know