food HOT dogs

I would spoon that chili into my gullet with a snow shovel.

Oh wait... you don't know what that is... ok a grain shovel. :rofl:
Scoville DeVille said:
I would spoon that chili into my gullet with a snow shovel.

Oh wait... you don't know what that is... ok a grain shovel. :rofl:
hahahahaha! You might could settle for a funnel and a plunger!
Thank you, kind sir! I needed to get away from all of that culinary genius you were throwing down in the throwdown! It was making me lose hope for my simple sauces! lol! You, sir, have one hell of a creative mind!
oh schucks. lol. I just have a liking for Mexican food.

Your sauces are just fine, and not so simple!
These TDs are always nail biters once the voting starts, you never, ever know what is going to happen! Its just fun!
Scoville DeVille said:
oh schucks. lol. I just have a liking for Mexican food.

Your sauces are just fine, and not so simple!
These TDs are always nail biters once the voting starts, you never, ever know what is going to happen! Its just fun!
Yes.... yes it is fun! I had a blast throwing it all together..... even if just a bit flustered with getting all of the PoL rules down! Can't wait to see how it all shakes out!
Yo quiero un chili dawg'!
That is a beautiful riff on classic chili dawg' style chili and on that dawgy' dawg' it looks killer along with all the other hotness.
Pieholing happinessessess right there y'all!
Really wanted some chili dogs tonight. So got some Hot Bratwurst out for the evening, close enough. Dropped into the store to get some cheese, mince and buns.
No buns, damn, off too another store....... No Damn Buns Either, screw it, i say, grab some artisan sourdough, that'll do
Back home, unpack, IDIOT, didnt grab any mince. So i kick that idea to the kerb, dice up an onion, grab the cheese, diced bacon, pan glowing, dogs in, bacon and onion on. Bake the bun, slice down the guts, layer with cheese, under the grill. Lay the dogs down, top with condiments, penos and Cheech Mango Habanero sauce.
Dinner Done




Boom that is a hot blue and righteous 'thang of tube steak boogienessess and beauty sir.
So much so that even a vegan would go full on meat cannibal after seeing that pic.
And The Cheech Mango Hab is one of my favorite sauces too.
Not much heat but man it tastes so damn guud!
Do they award hot dog crowns around here?
Man. There are hot dogs and then there is Boomas version.

That is some awesomeness on a plate Booma!

You taking notes Jay?
Last two dogs look awesome! I love a classic chili (no bean) dog like that, on the softest cheap white bun possible, yeah. I would have added diced raw onions. Usually not a fan of the raw onion but they do something magical to a chili dog.
The sausage "sub" looks like a real gut bomb... let's call it the Torpedo. :lol:


Yep, I went to Wiener World.  Yep.  It was good.  Texas Red Hot with chii, onions, jalapenos, mustard, and Big Fat's 6 of 8.