food HOT dogs

Had nothing really quick to make in the house tonight, so I opened the pack of hot dogs that has been sitting in the back of the fridge for who knows how long.  One of the dogs I guess I started making 2 hours ago.... it started with these 

Cherry tomatoes from my mini garden, roasted those bad boys with garlic and seasonings and made a puree of it it. As I was making the hot dogs I decided to get crazy and use some of it as a condiment.
Of course I had to make one standard Gene n' Judes dog, the dog, fresh made fries in the bun, mustard, onion, relish, and sport peppers.
Its not a burrito! I couldn't find any parchment paper so I used foil cuz you gotta wrap the dog, fixins, and bun up to let the flavors meld together!

Both dogs together, the other dog is a toasted bun, with goat cheese, sauteed asparagus and onions, and the roasted tomato and garlic puree, topped with a couple left over cherry tomatoes and some cherry smoked hab powder from Musky.

I grew up on Chicago dogs, and go out of my way for Gene n' Judes so I naturally preferred that one over the other, but the other wasn't bad, it just... wasn't a hot dog to me. 
Gimme' that asparagus goat scheeze thang, but throw the dog on the ground first.
I can't eat hot dogs any more, they give me heartburn.
texas blues said:
Gimme' that asparagus goat scheeze thang, but throw the dog on the ground first.
I can't eat hot dogs any more, they give me heartburn.
I don't like hot dogs that taste like bologna and give you the bad tasting burps lol. What makes them taste like bologna is garlic powder. And most are too salty as well. This combo makes for a bad dog imo.

TB try some of the all beef dogs that are not too garlicky (check ingredients) with a natural casing. That's the way to go. Good snap, good taste. No burps, lol. Probably fixes the hb.
The Hot Pepper said:
I don't like hot dogs that taste like bologna and give you the bad tasting burps lol. What makes them taste like bologna is garlic powder. And most are too salty as well. This combo makes for a bad dog imo.

TB try some of the all beef dogs that are not too garlicky (check ingredients) with a natural casing. That's the way to go. Good snap, good taste. No burps, lol. Probably fixes the hb.
I'm with you there THP.
Since I've cleaned up my diet and eat very little meat, I have found that most processed meats have a bad effect on me. Hebrew Nat's are about the only dogs I can eat (only dog mrs. blues will eat). Used to be I could eat any damn 'thang but as I get older I find that many foods I used to enjoy I can no longer tolerate. I grew up eating loads of Hungarian keilbasa but sadly can no longer eat that either.
i tried Nathan's once... I thought they were subpar... my top 3  Vienna, Chicago red hots, hebrew national. I don't think Vienna and Chicago red hots are very nationally available though. 
Nothing beats an Ambassador hot dog. I like a dog with some "snap", and Ambassador delivers.
The only time I buy those mushy bologna dogs that you don't really even have to chew is when I'm feeding children. I don't know why, but they like em for some reason. Then again, they also like to eat their own boogers and chew gum that they found stuck to the bottom of a table... :lol:
Why do people split hot dogs?
You lose the snap of the full casing, and the juices.
I like the "pop" of the first bite, and the snap to the rest, with the juices. Split to me is the equivalent of the spatula press to the burger. A big no no but for some reason people do it. Maybe because it looks cool to fill it with stuff, and it matches the shape of the bun? So more of a visually appealing thing.
People like different things. It's cool. I guess if it's not a natural casing dog, you don't lose the snap.
Rawkstah those are some awesome flavors you've got going on there!
TB, of course you would.
J. Enough queso? ;)
The Hot Pepper said:
I like the "pop" of the first bite, and the snap to the rest, with the juices. Split to me is the equivalent of the spatula press to the burger. A big no no but for some reason people do it. Maybe because it looks cool to fill it with stuff, and it matches the shape of the bun? So more of a visually appealing thing.
People like different things. It's cool. I guess if it's not a natural casing dog, you don't lose the snap.
Rawkstah those are some awesome flavors you've got going on there!
TB, of course you would.
J. Enough queso? ;)
I don't know how my post ended up in a pseudo quote by you....bizarre.
The Hot Pepper said:
Oh snap!
You dare to mock the burger spatula "smash technique"?
Have mercy!
George Motz, arguably America's foremost authority on all 'thangs burger would whole heartedly disagree.
